Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 31, 2006 Turnout impressive * The election sigos have almost disap- peared, the promotional pamphlets have * been discarded and Canada has a new * prime minister. For a winter election that was supposed 10 test the patience of an already apathetic * electorate, this 39th trip t0 the poils proved to1 be anything but boring. Milton residents demanded information fromi the local candidates and paid close attention 80 the national scene. So tuned in were residents that the Halton Riding showed an upswing in voter tumnout with 70.8 per cent of those eligible to cast a ballot taking the time 80 visit their neigh- bourhood polting stations. I n Halton. a total of 69,212 votes were cast arnong 97,765 etigible voters acmoss the riding that encompasses Milton and northern parts of Oakville and Burtington. Advance polIs may have contributed to the higher voter tumnout. Consider the fact a total of 9.430 Halton voters visited the bal- lot box prioir 80 election day - nearly triple that of the 3,319 advance votes cant during Uhe sumrmer election of 2004. The candidates themselves should collec- tively give themselves a pat on the back. They made this election interesting - no eany tank during December. The political hopefuls should be proud that they managed 80 engage a frtastrated electorate. Att-candidates meetings, meet and greets with the party leaders, non-stop door-knocking and telephone campaigns kept voters in the know. Garth Turner, a former cabinet minister in the short-lived Kim Campbell Tory gov- ernment, had one of the highest profiles among thc challengers in thc election. A syndicated columinist and business TV commentator, Mr. Turner was a famniliar name and face 8(0 many voters. One of bis key campaign promises was 80 hold regular 'Town Hall' meetings toi stosy in touch with his constituents. As a former cabinet minister - albeit for a short time -Turner could even be in li ne for a post in Stephen Harper's cabinet. As Mr. Turner heads 10 Ottawa in bis new role, we say thanks toi outgoing MP Gary Carr for choosing politics an a career and working hard on behalf of bis constituents. SAV$ \W ARFJ'Tr H4VING WN INTER TIIS YEAR #o *Our Readers Write Bing hal fee wee wa tooh1g Liberals deserved to be kîcked out of office were Uic late bingos on l'hursday nights. Durig tt, two-year pcriod of lime, we made a grand total profit of $12,155, afler paying ail nccssary expesise such as $7,983.75 in license fees 80 Uic Town Of Milton. la MY opinion. it rcally was dim te close do" die bingohall whtensinmg feu for a non-profi group such as our wcSe that closie toi the profits we made. *The Canadian Champion Box 248, 875 Main St. E., Ian Oliver Publisher Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 Neil Oliver Assnnciate Pithhnher (905)878-2>'341 Wendy McNab Adverising Dre<to Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Karen Smith Managing Editor Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Timl Coles Production Manager Classified: 905-875-3300 Charlene Hall Circulation Manager Circulation: 905-878-5947 Te,, Cauas Office Manager nui Canuda. Clample pablisieit enety Tuesitayanit Fridayat 875 Main Stý E, Milton, Ont., LgT 3Z3 (Box 248), is one nithe Metrotant Pninting, Pubtniing & Dîslnibuting [tit conimunity newspapers, Balaenlsiog is accepttnt on lte condition tha, on the event of a lypographica ennor, ltai portion oi the aitvertiinq space occupi ei by the ernoneos item, loielther wittt a teasonabe attonance ton signature, nil flot be citaîllei for, but the balancentf the aditeitnmnt wtt) be paît tot al the applicablie rate. Th puittistier nesenves the tight toi categonnze adaeitisernents on dectine. CM Audîtad RECOONIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BV On-~'n tario Comnaniiy ~ lA Canadiae Commueity Suitanian Nanspapens A o S Neunopapens Association CCN Nenspapens Association ___v of Amertca THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: Ballon eafhcare " ~~~~~T ATHENA Thka l Mc Y C Awardf ee MUtn Caoadce CBaeepi a Becyclabie i'ut iie (The followving Intter was addressed to former Halron MP Gcary Ctrr, and sa topy was filed with The Champieon.) Dear Editor: To Gary Carr. 1 would tîke 80 say that hased on the campaîgn of the federal Liberals and the one you ran locaty. you both deserved 80 be whole-heartedly kîcked out of office. TMe disgusting fear-mongering campaign the Liberals polluted our airwaves and newspapers with was a perversion of democracy. Voters should be encouraged 80 vote for you, not scared int voting against someone cIsc. ls also my olpinion. Mr. Carr thai the Liberals shouldn't have preached Canadian values by mun niog an Arnerican-siyle aitack cam- paign. If you and your party were wor- thy of re-election. you ssould have campaigned on svhat good you've bmought the country, an opposed to spreading outright lies about the Conservatives' platform and mak- ing Stephen Harper out 80 be somte extremist which he isn't. And going off of Mr. Turner's record as MP through much of the '80s and early '90s, and Mr. Carr's record recently this spoke loudly 80 me about who had more desire 80 represent Halton constituents. Local ly, Mr. Turner, NDP Anwar Naqvi and Dr. Kyle Onice of the Green Party aIl ran fantastic, dlean and ethical campaigns. 1 look forward 80 being properly represented in Ottawa by an MP who cares. an MP who will stand up for Halton and an MP who will stand up for Canada. David Ellis WlIow Avenue Overwhelming support very much appreciated Dear Editor: 1 would like 80 thank Stephanie Thiessen, Graham Paine, Karen Smith and the rest ofThe Champion staff for their coverage of my son Gregoty's stolen hockey equipment just befote Christman. This prompted a great outpouring of support. and I wan very encouraged and inspired 80 realize again that Milton wan a caring comnnunity like it always has been - wiîh so many generous citizens reaching out in our lime of need. We wîsh 80 thank aIl the acknowledged and anony- mous Miltortians for their generous donations, and for lifting our spirits at Christmas lime. Your caring and support bas meant a lot 80 us. Joyce Sanderson Milton Pud by Steve Nease Dear Eitea- 1 read the reaent stoey regaixing the closing of Milton Bingo Country - and the goeat bos of profi that would oesubt from it - with grecat ititeres. , As Uhc manager of sehool administra- tive operations at Milton District High Seliool, I'm responisible for keepmng tracl of aD ineiome andi revenue for bill school. In 2004 we rai 34 bingos and during 2005 we rai 30. Most of thes bingos

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