Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Jan 2006, p. 17

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The Cenadian Champion, Tuesday January 31, 2006 - 17 * - A* * ~Index: Real Estate 10-135e Business 14-169 --~ a oi:jM ý le i : Rentaisl170-196e*Leisure 200-239 *Community240-299- - Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 ci HeIp Wanted 500.5- Mon. to Fn. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ai classified ads also appear on www.hakonsearch.com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cail: 905-878-5947 Ad submission by mail atmi persan: The Canadian Champion, 875 Main St. E., Milton, ON [91 3Z3 Osadlines: Mon., 11t a.m., for Tues. publication, Thurs, Il a.m. tar Fni publication. Spacia Featare & Holiday deudliaeo may nary. Papinent: We accept cash, chaque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Enpress, Ail ails placsd are non-r.eundablo and ne credit clii ho issuod. Bosiness accoonts Cao ha apnd with an appraved credit application anailabie tram yaur Sains Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS ta ensure the intormation in correct. Contact yoor Sales Consultant cithîn 24-Hoars il an errar appears. An arror in a Fni. publication mont ha reparted no later than Mon., il a.m. Have something to announce? Everyone reads the Classified's Milestone section. Cali todav 905-78-2341 SELLERS SSMONEYSS 100% Fînd Out Whut The Itt 2nd and 3rd Mort- Home Doca The gages. Bat aredit OK. Street SoId For. Cuti Ontario Wîte 1- 81811 cww,. 888-307-77990 haionhamnesinfo.com MILTON. Tocohouse. 3-bedtoom 2 1/2 cash- rooms. 1700 psf Nec. 5 uppitancen. Cati Ion viewrng 416-936_7197. Innasient Bus. %prcies f RETAîL Space For Leane. 2,463 square leet. Ahem Real Essaie Corporation. 416-609- 3313. r *IM orunilles A Job ai Homne. $493.97 weektp. Mail coiS or computer cork. Go ta: www. MyHa- meFa-Job.coin Code 16 or write ton Free delaits ai 3-11 BELLEROSE DR, Suite *122-16 ST. ALBERT, AB TON 509 PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS ta ovar 4 million aduit readet in South Central Ontaro. Book pou advertisa- ment in oner 75 Matra- tant aommunity necu- papiems with ona phone cati. CaI ion informa- hon an weely cork ad packages (intemet tint- ings inaistet) 416-493- 1300 ext 276, 288, 237 wwwmerUand.com A 5-pr 0 4.85%ý Aiso aquîry mortgage pro- gramns regarittens ot on- coma or credit. CatI Chris O 1-800-328- 7887 or vieil us ut ruiwa s inclircoc k nom.co aAjiarimonts&- Fnis For Rani GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Bronte Street: South, Milton We are noc accepting applications lot: -1 b>rrr For more information and/or to make an appoinimant, lane Ccii: 905-878-5375 Building Managera Leonard à Penny DOWNTOWN MILTON Mliliside Tocers 82 Mliiide Drine. Attractive quiet bul- ing. Spaciaus bright ctean 182 bedtoom niis cdlh iaundry hacitity and social tonna on site. Regutar tasident avents Open 7 dcys & eveninge Ccii 80576-1249 wwwre.ictarca Fiatst For Ren ACTON Apartmantn. 1 & 2-bedrooms avait- able January & Febou- ary int. Fnidge & sova, iaundry tacitities. Noý dogo 519-853-4374. Open 7 days/week, Sume day upproual. crererealstarca COUNTRY close ta towo. Large 3-bedroom apurtmeot wîth huge nat-in kîtchen. $1250.00 par month tn- ciudînig heat and apphi aocan, Cabte andi laun- dry avaîtabte. Fnb. it occupaocy. R erances reqaîreit. 905-854-224 1-8EDROOM upper hîsor oh house. Large dack/gas irepiace. $900/month utîtities on cludeit. Avoulable Feb- ruary 1ist. 519-853- 0921. 2-BDRM witk main Itoor iaundry, poivate entranca, parking, quiet tOOO, 00sq.f8. $50 per mtk + hydmo. Cati Lurry ut 905-943- 9372. 3-BEDROOM apart- monte. Avaîlabia îm- mediatety in Erin. CaI Mary 905-785-2688. ACTON 2-bedronm apartment in quiet building. Brunit nec unit, large sto rage locher, iaaodry, park- ing. Heatiog înciuded. $1 ,t50/mooth. Cati Mîka 416-888-9164. ACTON 2-bedroom aparient, main fiant Of 4-plan, large backpard. $925/montk, park- ingyheat inctadeit. Avaitabte March tlt. Cai 416-567-2106. ACTON 2-hedroom apartments uaîalable. $860/month utîlities an- cluded. Quiet Building. No-pets. 192 Churchîi Road, South. Cali 519- 853-1281 ACTON 2-bedraom apadtmenis available, $860/month utilîties en- ctuded. Quiet Building. Na-pets. t92 Churchi Aoad, South. Oeil 519- 853-1281. ACTON 3-bedroom tnwnhouse, tînished basement, 5-appli- ances, gas tîreplace. saclades cabie $1 ,200/month plus utiliSies. First/tast, rater- escas. Avaitable Fekou ary lst. Cali 905-875- 4595. ACTON, 2-bedroom apartmant in quiet 4-pies. Anaîlahia Fab- ruary tnt. No smok- sqg/pets. Fartiing/heat inctuded $790/mnîh. 905-702 3301. BRAMPTON 3-bed- rnom main floor upunt ment, Disie/Steelas reîetiiaea. No smoking/pets, parking. Anailabie immedîateiy, Raeer e n cans $1 .250/month plus par. liai utilities. 905-877- 3316. GEORGETOWN 1- bedroom apartmanis, $700/month plus hydro and cabta Fuarking in- ciuded. Anaîlable Feh- ruury/March. Cuti Lînda 905-873-4072. GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2, & 3 badroams. Check nui weh site www.haitonhinran- tais.com <http://www.hatonkîlls- rentais.com> GEORGETOWN 1 - hadroam apartmant, Main Street, South. Nawtp paintad, sac 8maors, uprinkierait. First/last, $850/month ait utilitias andt parking inatudait. Cai 905-873- 4452 GEORGETOWN 1- badronm apartmant. $775/month. Availabie Fahruary lst. 2-bait- room anaîlabiae Aprit 1st, S875/month. In- a i u d a s haat/hpdrn/cabla. Purk- isg entra. Cali 905-873- 6284 GEORGETOWN 2 plus badrssms. nawip rnn- natait, washan/dryar hat inctudait utîtitias extra. Non-smokar. $1,tOO/ manth. Avaitakia Fabmuanj tst. Cai 647-393-9930. GEORGETOWN clean quiet 1 -badraom in coantry. $800/montk sn- clusive. Traflgar Road. Avaitabta Octobar tst. Calt 905-877-5384. kcrtmonits TowiihoiE aFor Rani l For Remnith ROCKWOOD large MILTON Launt- 2bdom apartmeot, et/Thsmpson 3-btrm upper levai, compietey tocohome, italuden 5 reaovuted. Near ail appt, A/C, $1350/mth+ umanîtîns, Avaîtahia utîlîtîns. 416-452-5763. Fabruary Ont. MILTN Nexeù $800.vhydro. 519-856- TN eneo 9854.tîva, 3-bedrooms, 2.5 9854bathrooms, garage. Avaiabie Fabnuary 1. SPACîOUS 2-badroom $t395/mooth +utîiitîes. .- aptmeal, avaîtabta 905-855-0779 00W in Georgetown an __________ Guelph. $950/montS MILTON. Wtt- plus utîlîtîns. Non- son/Woodward, 3-bad- smoking building. No room tocohousa. Rn, pets. Cati 905-495- semae parking. 4 appi- 1350. ancan. tînisked base- ment. $1200/moath UPPER level oh o vutilities. 905 803- bouse Tkree kart. 9267. W *Apartments & Fiats Fer Reni GEORGETOWN 2- badroom basemeni No smoking/pets. $900/month. Fios/tant. Avaîlahia îmmedîataiy. Cail 905-873-4824. GEORGETOWN 3- bedroom main tinor bungalow, quiet urea. Near uchools and mail. No smoking, rater- encan. $1 ,200/month inclusive. Avaîlabie March tst. 519-853- 9694. GEORGETOWN nal rannvated, 2-badroom basement apartmant. Close ta, ail amenîties, searata antrance. A/C/cabia. $925/mooth ail inclusive. No smok- ing, Availabia March Ont. Cuti 905-702-1125 GEORGETOWN, 1t t Sidarsad. Large hache- lor upartment. $700/month plus utîlîtien. No pats/nmnk- i0g. 905-873-4413. GEORGETOWN, newiy renovalad 3-badrooms, main Iloor bungalow. Clean, convennt, closed to ochool and mail. 51,100/monith plus 60% t utîlîtias, Aoaîiabie îmmedîataiy. 905-877-6313 GEORGETOWN. 2- bedroom basement, short waik to, Mai. laun- dry, utîtîties înciuded, $895/mooth. Cait Su- zan Fokluda, Johnono Ansociates 905-877- 5165. MILTON O bdrm apt., $700/mth, parking, utîlîties inci. lst/iast, uvaîlabie Feb. 1nt. 416-953-1426. MILTON cosy I-bdnm (full basement) apt. No pets. Parking and utilîties îociuded $975/montk. 905-878- 9888. MILTON. t-badnoom apartmant. Fakruary lSth. $870/montk. Cai Jas 416-723-4801. RENTALS 2 aod 3-bedroom suites in Acton, prinate yard, starting at $850/month. Deauchait bouse tor rent ta Georgeono, ra- vine lot, great oaîgk- bourhnad. $1,800/ mooth. Cati Elizabeth Doali, Johnson Auna- calaes Rahor 905-877- 5165 RENTAIS 2 units on a duplex avaîtahia $1 ,100/montk and $1 ,200/month plus utilities tn Actsa, histor- ia home, avaîlabta wm- mediataty. Detachait bosa in Georgetown, $1 ,800/month plus ahil- ias, anaitabte Marck 1Ont. Cati Elizabeth DoatI, Johnson Asso- ciatas Reafor 905-877- 5165. Accmdatin ROOMMATE requîred for beautlul 2- bdrm spuctous home. Down- town Milton. 900/mth inctudes phone, cabia. ail utîlîtias. 905 693 8427. t wîi baby sit pour chîid, tuil/par-tîma spaces olice check, fiot aid:cuti Fauta 905-864- 6373. LICENCED daycare uvailabte for osa inIant. Fun iouîng environ- ment. Outrîttoun meuis & snacks. Creatîva & cîrcia lime, daîiy out- dont play, Cai Aliîson 905-876-2289. Fiano Tuning spectai $70.00, used pianos lrom $5900 Cai Hayon @t 905-873-1737. l7LCOME% AýGON - New in town? " Getting married in 3 months or more? "*Ha ving a baby? " Establishing a new business? Please cail us Co.munlty Wlco.e Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-1248 Baby Welcam Michel 905-332-8634 kildal Walcom Latine 905-878-0126 Bu&/Preuf Wscm Laurie 905-878-0126 CERELLI: Gluio à Nancy (oea Meehan> aI Million, Otario are pteased to announce the brth ot thaîr daughter Keira Shirley Cereli waighîog 7ibs., 4ozs. ut Mihlon District Hospital on Friday Janan l3th, 2006. Wetcomed by brothaîs Alan, Mark & Anthony. Grandpurenos Vînce & Heather; Vincenzo & Bianco and maoy iovîog aunts & unctes Thank yau Gmt for biessîog us once agaîn. Specil thunks ten Dr. Wikinson andt ail the ourses aO Milton District Hospital. roan Kait Shryleisond (na Hner re Greasto Gardouthe line o Fdiie. Jessîca s alsofe walted b her Auntsin 9 ncis, Soz aisMlon aDsriHsita cosns Jamie Jutin Mithel an6 Pd yster Juraia arrisn Dospa snseiithanks t, Dr. M. îngan te Conett RNS s5ahti tan attrh and tencorement.u B tf rooms, 1 haOhroom, dynse to schoo isshop pîng and 401 Fîrt and tant montk in advance. 90350/mn includes utllttes. Avaîlabia March t, 2006. 905- 878-0892 EXECUTIVE home Main St. Village appros 2700sq.ft wîth FF & 5 app. No smoker/pets Retarences, $2000/mth +aii utîlttîs. ltA/ant by certîtied chaque. lmme diate possession. Joyce Hagenîk Royal LaPaga Meadowtowne 905-878-8101. MILTON, datached homne, 3-baýdroom , 1.5 bath, beautifsl deck,, 5 appt, double driveway, garuge. No smoking, o pets, 51450/month plus utîlîttas. Cai46 728-0210 MILTON. 3-bedooom bungalow. Newiy paîated/varnîshad, New kitchan & bath. 6 naw piaoces. Fteoty parking, spacînas yard. $1300/mth + utîlîtias. Ontario/George St. 416-399-4072 SEN - DE TAC HE O tarmhousa. 1-bedroom sut ove. Scenic, traits, gardeni. West of Acton. No doga. Match Ont. $875/month inclusive. 519-853-2190 TRAFALGAR & 10 Sideroad. tlanovated 4- bedroom bungalow on park-iika, 3+ acre lot. $1900/monlh. 905-337- 9769 Twnhoses FrRani #1 MILTON. New tuas- ry townhausa. 3-bed- mrnem, 2 1/2 bath- rsoms, 1700 sq.t. lm- modiste. SI 350/month +utitities. 905-785- 1575.

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