Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jan 2006, p. 7

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Regional government flot needed it-i Haitt- a nd sfhouId be scrapped Dear Editor: communily sends three representa- up to them. l'm confident that, the Thanks t0 former Halton chair lives 10 the regional counicil ot'21. taxpayers of the lxvo north Halton Ric Morrow for raising the ques- Programs fromn the Region arc coinimunitiesif allowed In vole on lion of Halion's governing siuc- spread evenly over ail communi- il. xvould preter flot to be govemed turc. lies, and paid f'or tbrottgh taxes, by the rnajority iii the south Il svas timieiy and importatt and svhether local taxpayers want ihcmi etlter as a region or a city. in my opinion lias been ignoretl or nol. In îny opinionl, taxpayers My proposai xvouid be to remnove lîke flhe elepliani ni the conter l'oc have losi control to the Reg1is lt eiia ee n aetjro far ido lotte. 1 ssould ceroaiily buieaucracy and a iiesx City of iliree itidepeudeit comniities. aCree îhii nvc doit necd isso leveis Halon ssoîiid oui> iake thai xxe me shouid co-ordinate tcf- ti sui -(ernuilelt ini Halion. ss orse. Hoîsex t. beiexe I s iteregona lu atibe rsuti ii.t lte itti teritig ot service couliracis lui relaiui 1 eclllloulllics iiiscale and relurt con- les ci thai' reduidait. rnaîed c il es uit Toironito and iril lIo lthe laxpayers. My scilse is thai people are Haîiiîoi are ctîsasieî s Maiiy This year sx'uiud bc ait excellent detitanditu elecîed represeîllalix'es mnunicipalties aie îilitng lui exil sshu itlv represen li ihetleresis of froîtu arnialgaittatiotîs and regiols. lteiirvcstatu tutr their contituents. antd basve more Il nia> he trie ltai Hlton Regîîtu anîd itear opinioîns truiit canididates sa> iii the dexelttpînttes ini titeir iî,s becti butitding iuissaid City sta- toi reoititai chair. Why tilt asselîl distint colitiuites. A Cii> oif lus toir y eaîs. btî thai tiuesîit iteait hIe a citieis' sx'urkii grpi ui w xith Haitont1 I tel. sxouId Cisc iheiti xse tiaxe i -o lIo lthe cuti ofC the replescîllalives frîîîî cacît nîuîîîcî exe cliess uit boih thaî tihey haxve c> cIe betuire culrrectilg flie erruii îtaliy not1 poliiiciaiis. bureau îluis as pari of the ReCitu. and ituix ri,, iack iii loceal ciniril. ci ais or iheir spokesiiei - lto Ai pirescri., cuîictis iii Miltuon ltheie uta> lic cusîd et Iliitis rex îcsx îoptionîs l'or IL-iîIiii' s îruc- andt Hiltoît His are i espoiisibie andi eîîîugit siiiiriiies, ini ciitîmu- turc. TFiet Ici flie pieople tiecide. l'or oiitly abomut 25 pKr cciiiti offic itities lui Coinebîî ().uks li anti Gary E/lis lti.lî axç yer' reio bil.Eaci l3uilinto i( ine ity IxFis Milton Phase one of Town Hall expansion beîng rushed through unnecessarîly Dear Editor: This letter us jusi t luit your readers knoxx that. iii iii> opintitn. the Ttowxn tif' Milton is rusltiig ahead xx it phase ont otf a txxo-part expansion ofi Towvn Hall. Ai the January 18 public meeting, about 601 people saxx in the distance the sketches otf the rex îsed plans itîr the expansion. Some etîlcerrus haxe bten resuîtved. but xxiîhouî details such as the xîewý% froin King Street and the phase luxo addîîîuînai draxxiiigs. cutuncîl iitav be apprttving a plan withît the public betng able iii comnment on the full plan ilseli. Thuise înîeresîed eau check tut tht Towxn Web site ,ul xx xx xx,ý.ntiton.ca. 1 dtsagree xx'th the cttmnenis made b> the mayîîr and some councîlîtîrs ibat ail Towxn staff shttuld be iii otne building for one-stop shtopping and leam building. The oniy people xxh biwxaulnt stop shopping are developers who don't even lîve here. If team building is such a bigý deal. shutuldhit the tire del: public xxiîrks yard aisît be ntuîed into thte The Towssn has thîîusands uit square tedt toftice space ai the nexx Annex oit Indus iîd il strtînge that tht Toiwn us rushtng additioîn cîtnpleîed by Augusi 2(X17 xm; siate no stait are lto be hîred ibis yeai. There are many cîlucerrus sx'th ihis desi1 tht cosi tif$23.8 illioîn, oiihch $4.2 11 budget gîtes tut pairkinig Itlt. Ctînsidcrîing tber Towxxn tacilîties anid sersices. tis is sxieîî tther alternatixes are available ai 1 I xxîîuId encourage inîeresîed resîdeit M<tnday's ioxxn counicil nteeting xxhcî th plan is iii be approved. Town Hall expansion should be postp Dear Editor: On January 18 my wife and I atîended the communîîy open bouse to hear and vîew the plans for tht Town Hall expansion. There were a lot of questions from the audience, but I gol the feeling that this expansion ix more or lesa a doue deal as far as council ix concemed. Tht cost ix going to be quite sig- nificant. and the design is onethiat some Mîltîntans dint seem happy xxith. Stime aspects toi tht înterittr design have yet t be decided upon. Personally. I'd like to set a post- ponement of ibis expansiotn, and have tl put iii a vte during itur municipal election in the fali. I received some appiause xxhen I suggested Ibis. Will tht potiticians this? lu a democracy sbuîuld lisien ici tht t. flot tht other way art otpinion, there's tîsi n w,îsted by tîtwn counc And if the expansioîn what use wiil be m Tîtwî's Industrnal Driv Agoat timeit anîd expansioin as The Canadian Champion, Friday, january 27, 2006-A7 Mil t(1tiz ýhoe(ke, ' 'rr dp vprç 14-1 beating to Acton visitors limpe Capsules'-ae gems of inform- tion extracted from past issues of The Cliamnpion and other publications in order to provide a window int Milton's past. Explanator 'v comment is some- timtes provided to place the situation in contexi. February 1907 Actou's hockey team came to Milton last night and played an exhibition match with the locals. Il was the fint game ouf ibis scason for the ex-interme- diates. Tlhe attendance was large and there was plenty of excilement. 'he locals won by a score of 14 to 1 but Use play was far from being as one-sided as thai would indicate. The architeci employed hy the Fanners' Bank to prepare plans for the coming improvements in the building occupied hy il bere, was in towîî on Tuesday, aud arrangements are being made for the compîcUion of the work within a short lime. There will be fine grey stone sud plate glass front and Use office fixtures will he in quartier cul oak. Tht contractor bas completed Use build- ing of a large vault. W.O. Morse, of Campbellville, lessee of, availabie of the water power from, tht Milton Fish triai Drixe. I & Game Club's pond, was ni town on It have tht Tutsday. Ht ays Usat Use breakiug of ten oifficiais the dam was caused by die work of muskrats and Usai there is stiil a small gn, includîng body of water in tit pond, about ture tittîto uit tht fet deep, appartntly full of trout. wbich the jîetis tii are easily sten la it. Ht thinks that few .a high cîlsi trout went out whtu tht dam broke.' ess clîsi. Noue were found on the grouud ou the lx iii attend flats below whtre the flood recedtd. ix expanisioin Under Use termis of bis lease Mr. Morse is ruquired to ketp Use dam in repair sud Colin Best be will bave to replace it ai bis own Mil/ton expeuse. Ht wil do so as soon as possible sud ned in order to preveAit any more trouble fromn muskrats be will put a concrte agree lii do wall in it. The repaira will cost him, bc ,politicians Usiuks, about $300. axpayer and69 )und. In nîy tuch money John Saunders of Agerton bas been il. -prtsented with a fine easy chair.by bis goes ahead. brethren of Homnby L.OL. Mr. tade of the Saunders is an old man, but be neyer e locatioin. faits to turu out on tht 121h ofiJuly. Ht !no Galioto bas dont so for 60 ytars. Milton Capsules The town counicil finds Use stone crusher, bought for $300 by last years council. to be practically useless, not because it wiIl flot crush stone, but because it will flot pay to, use ih. The county's stone crusher will do the work more cheaply and it will be still cheaper to buy the stone, ready cmushed at Schaw and delivered here. The council will sel the crusher if a buyer cai be found for it, which is doubtful. unless it is sold as old iron. The Oddfellows' at home last Thursday night was a great success. The hall was ftlled to overflowing with Oddfellows, members of Use Rebekah Lodge and lady friends. 'Me attendance was over 100, including. about 25 Oddfellows sud ladies from Acton. There were gamnes snd vocal and instrumentai muaic from 8:30 to 10:30, when Use main bail was cleared for dancing. At midnight a dainty supper was served after which dancing and games were renewed and kept up until betweeu 3 and 4 a.m. wheu the patty broke up, everyone delighted witb the nigbt's enjoyment. March 1907 Under a bylaw of Use town counicil passed ou Mouday evemng Use salaiy of Use clerk bas been reduced from $400 to $300 a year and that of Use treasurer fmom $150 to $ 100. The treasurer is to have the fret use of an office in the town hall, wbicb bas been rented at -$30 a year, so that Use net reduction mn bis salaiy is $20. Economy in municipal affaira is com- mendable but corporation officiais sbould not be underpaid as long as Useir work is satisfactory. It is aid Use salary reductions here will be only temporaiy and arc due to Use present higb rate of taxation. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Hi.stonical Society by Jim Dilis, who can be reached by e-mail a: jdillseidirec.com. From Downoqi Milton,...To Achill.es- M.adl.I' OnIy VAEHILLES 3 57 QuIIeenI S t. A CTO0N 519-853-0200 info@achillesmazda.ca 18.3 Kilometers 19.7 Minutes 90.9 Furlongs 11.4 Miles 20013.1 Yards 909.7 Chains 60039A Fet oee Hwy4Ol Z e No malter how you measure it, let Ac -hilles s"' *- Mazda show you why it's "Worth the Drive". New Vduclès iPre-Owed i Patti Syie -i Tm Cw*w*gfiw

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