B4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 27, 2006 Vb 1 &_Uî I NILUUED UN ALL PAYMENTS! 2002 FORD TAURUS BEL 40R. 2004 HYUNDAI TIBURON CT 6 cyi autonmatic A/.I Ps. pdl, speed conio & N o 6, seec shP ip inc auto tansmisson, tilt 0 moonînni deck id spoiletn auminr Pa m en s , ear spoer be t nf une ties & faciers warianly lki #2497A unltil May 0611 s raffsy black exe rSIk #M6008A AMIMD pd d fea a 25 FaMn nWaa unnS Sny s S k m.0 Prou to serv theomtcA Salnerut M/F/Dpirsf ifldgas ordp ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~5,2 ekm, balaes ic nce tee Ford ne arrantp eddLmme rn te Fun iene thr Suietalo Sk As0 Why? tcr used emplî, ilunes in a rieusftic mti l .y in rcsponse to soethîîîp 1 s.tîd tee her. Il's flic ene itou susar svord you don't walît kids le Iani because il cao drive you crazy. Allter a svhile I bad 10 do il. Yeîu don't thitîk you svould doi il. but everybeîdy bas tbeir breaking point. I finuîlly said o bier: "Because I said so. Tbey don't gise up aI lhIs upc. Il you tell thein no l'or smîmething îhey svanî. the autoinatic respoîrse froue theîîî is. "Please."* Please please please. utîtil eventually you just give in 10 save your sauity. Il doestî't work that well the other svay. thougb. She svas doing sonîelling recently she sliouldn't and I told ber 10 stop. lier response was direct and to the point. 'No." 'Mat tbrew me. No'? That was a nesv one because previously she did wbaî she was told, or at least said 'please' or 'why'. 1 raised my voice un response tri ber 'no' aîîd said. 'Yes!* Hier voice remained calm. she looked aI me and said: "No. Pop Pop."- "Please?ý" Iwas ail over aI precisely that moment. and we both knew il. It wenî trom me being in control 10 beca use I said so lier beim, iti contrul and there svas nothinp 1 cenuld do about it. Parents cau discipline atnd threaten them. but that',s not the grandparent's job, so we're stuck. Once kids learn bow 10 gel what they want, they decide that they want it rigbî away, and they want to make sure they're going to get It. That leads 10. "Are we there yet'?" Every parent with a car bas heard this a million times, and of course we try to explain bow long il will be. 0f course that doesn't work when they ask the same question a couple minutes later. I used 10 say, no matter how long it was, that it svas, "Five more minutes." When they asked again in three minutes, l'd say. "Five more minutes." This actually works because eventually they know the answer t0 their question and don't need 10 ask il as often. sîuill .îk. When parents hasve to resort tii bribcry Io (,et thmgs dlonc. the kids aren't likely to take thein l'or their word. They say. -You promise? You p)romiisei" Eventually, you have to promise, which is when kjds learn that promises don't always corne true. The next problemn is going shop- ping svhere kids want everything in thc store. -Cao 1 have that, can 1 have this?." When you sec screamning kjds in the store. the parent has made the mistake of saying 'no'. What 1 used to do. and stilI do witb my grand- daughter is say 'yes'. I put it in the basket and then sneak it back onto a shelf later wben they've forgotten about il. No screaming kids. Next up is, "Can 1 have somne money'" No way out of that. And then when tbey get older they change it t0, "Can 1 borrow somne money? -which reatty means, -Cani 1 have some more money for free"" And at somne point, witb every ktd, they're going to be mad and say to their parents, "1 hate you!" Thaî's when you hit them with this useless zinger: "Just waiî until M STRE EAST MITOhe Ontario Fire Code ~~wpNh~s-~~-iLcoel S.*lfr o ke nuarms '~ equires that every home 3»& Trust aine* 1967 W is The Law. bilatU tflluairi on ymou* _____________________________________or cottou toorimyll WYe Wntr ~4IW Vour vehicle's Most important job is to get Vou toi Vourq appointments on time, every time. 0f course the best way to insure against unexpected trouble and downt is a well maintained vehicle. That's where we corne lan.- We offer a full complement of brand name product services that meet or exceed OEM requirements, In v Brake Service V Emissions Testlng &I v Computer Analysis Engine Tune-up v Air Conditioning v Tire Service &I v Shocks & Springs <Ç7.4 Tire Replacement v RutProfing ONLAIOS v Batteni & V WheeI Alooigmn DNRIVES Electrical Service SuspeensAinmn D IE V Emissions Diagnostic &ISseso CLEAN & Repairs OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! MONDAY TO FRîDAY 7:3OAM-9:OOPM SATURDAY 7:3OAM-7:OOPM a SUNDAY 9:OOAM-6:OOPM IN TOWN SHUTTLE SERVICE AVAILABLE! BOOK VOUR APPOINTMENT AT 905-878-8393 q i 0/ 5 tm89