The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 27, 2006 -Bi A1 Ikvc~Ç~Etierîainner Photo by BARRIE ERSKINE Milton Players mernbers reheara. for 'The Curious Savage'. From Ieft are Leanne Dalgliesh, Joan Patch, Brian Crantord, Dan Patch, Veronica Hernandez and Sharon Beddoes. Milton Players promise a whole lot of laughs By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion What do you get when you take a n elderly woman who's lefi a hefty inheri- tance and add to the mix some greedy stepchildren just waiting to get their hands on it? Well, svhen the Miton Players Theatre Group telis the story, a whole lot of iaughs. The Players ovili take 10 the stage Febrttary 3, 4, 9, 10 and il ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., performning the drama 'The Curious Savage' hy John Patrick. "Mrs. Savage inherits the money from her hus- band's estate," explatned director and longttme Players member Sue Cranford. "Her step kids have already gone through theirs, so they nry to have her comnted."* The step kido, she said, hope that by having her committed to a sanatorium, she'lI abandon her generous altruism and dole out the money how they see fit. The performance, set in the 1950s, certainly has lis share of poignant moments. Ms Cranford said, as the audience cheers on Mrs. Savage and her newfound allies. the residents of 'The Cloisters'. -The stepchildren end up lookîtîg more foolish than the members of the asylum hecause ol their greed," Ms Cranford said. This performance parts ssays ssith the tast sev- eral shows put on hy The Players, which svere British farces. This show. Ms Cranford satd. is stmply "a lovely comedy wtth a nice, sweet end- She added she only directs showss she's tmuly passionate ahout. explatning this one has been a "lahour of love." -l love knowing my finger has touched every piece of il." With no sexual content or strong language. this is a performance sure to be enjoyed hy everyone, she added. The role of Ethel Savage is heing played hy Sharon Beddoes, who said she welcomed the challenge of playing an elderly woman. Show off your precious pet in the Canadian Champions mon1f'ly section of Champion Pet Showcase. If your pet is chosen as "Pet of the Month" you WIN a gift certificate from one of the participating vendors on the page. Send nr photos to: c b & 875 Main St. E. R.O. Box 248, Milton, ON L9T 4N9. or e-mail to: "'his role has hy far heen my most challeng- ing 10 date." Ms Beddoes said. "Whtle make-up and costume go a long way. adopting the man- nerismos of someone aged 65 has taken some ssork oit my part." As someone svho naturally speaks svith her hands and body as 'oeIl as her mouth, Mis Beddoes said she's had 10 rein that in a bit. 'l am very attached 10 the character of Mrs. Savage and il is very importanît to mie that I do her justice," she saîd. Production bigger than usual 'he Curious Savage has a cast of Il actors, which is notahly larger than those of prevtous performances hy The Players. It's heen a weî- come challenge, though, Ms Cranford said. "They're aIl amazing," she said of the cast members. "Somne are very experienced actors, some have only heen on stage once or twice." One of the largest obstacles 10 overcome in punting ihis together was getting enough people 10 do behind-the-scenes work, since somne of the regulars for those johs are starring in the produc- lion. Ms Cranford satd. It look lots of roping in, calling on former Players members as well as the farmùlies of the actors, she said. At Ibis point in her hie, Ms Cranford said she enjoys dîrecting more than she does acting. "Part of il is ihat oshen you're acting, you're responsihle for one character. But svhen you're directing, you're responsibte for the sohole shows." The February 4 and Il performances are dîn- ner theatre shows featurtng a homemade turkey dinner with ail the trimmings and pie for dessert. The har opens aI 6:30 p.m., dinner's served at 7 p.m. and curtain caîl is at 8:15 p.m. Dtnner the- aIre tickets cost $35 each and are available hy calling (905) 875-0629. The show only performances ail start at 8 p.m., with doors opening aI 7:30 p.m. Tickets cost $15 each and are available at Tielemnans Interiors, 340 Main St. E and Boutique 188, 188 Main St. E.. or by calling 1905) 875-0629. Stephanie Thiessen con be reached at sthiesseît( r~ a.~hg Servam Fer a 1IeaItLh M Wn & Body, If you find Lt hiard to keep on yeu needl a top o! everyithLng, or wod \~?Y H ;Floue. ust like someone to do gour we can help! a P'fessionai reliable cleanîng *Competitive prîcîng " Discounts for regular clientele " Moire in and moire out cleaning Pieuse cail or email us today for your free quote. M 90-603-0455 mm 905-815-242 Iau'Mii