r. The Canadian Champioin, Fniday, January 27,' 2006 - All Many local homes stili don't have working '!?!i1r smoke alarms: fire chief teils committee By MELANIE HENNESSEY person disconnects it. New smoke alarm rules soon "We applaud that initiative, noted Chief VOU R The Champion Chief Brassard saud it's ail a matter ofBrsad digt'soehntedpr- ARAWYSNED Almost 10 per cent ot Milton homes where the smoke detector is placed. He The commioee also heard that as of Basdadngtssmehnteder ARE ALAYS NEDD local hirefighters visited last year didn't added if a person is having the problem March, Mîltomians will have to have a ment has heen askrng for for years. CU6O»MUMV have working smoke alarrus. according to that Mr. Day referred to, the local fiee smoke alarin installed on every floor of Melanie HennesseY con be reached or (5- l9 the town's tire chief. departruent cas go out and speak to theru to their home due t0 upcoming changes to the mhennessev@miltoncanadianchampion.c This was one of the staîisîics Chief Larry address the issue. Ontario Fire Code. m Brassard presented to the Town's commu- niîy services committee last week in a pres- eniation on the departimenî's 2005 smoke alarru prograrn. à 11 Chief Brassard said firefighters visiîed more ihan 1,300 homes 1551 year ihrough Milton's 'Home Safe Home* residential smoke alarm prograru. which is designed10 99CERN! HE UTIESLT to educate residenîs and check compliance save 1500SAEOM wihprovincial legisiation. FREE SPIRIT@ FOtDNG TREADMILL w9 5" Be noîrd 2005 marked the first time his -2-hp cantinuous-dsuty motarFRESITFREPRT staff wenî out into the rural ares for inspec- #30520, Sears reg. 1799.99. FOI.DING TREADMILL FOLOING TREADII tionîs. 12999-2-hp cantinuaus- -2-hp cantinous- "By aIl accounits. that svas ver success- duty matar duty motar fui," he said. BONUS FREE SPIRIT OFFER WITN PJURCI1 #30516. Sears reg. 1399.99. spe .eds up to 10 mph But he said of the homes visîted, abhout With any Free Spirit purchate ot $300 or more, #30526. Was 1199.97. 10 per cent, or 130 homes. didn't have betore taxs, receive a manofacturer's working smoke alas-ms. mail-in caim form for a Free Spirit "That's a statisîic we're not saîisfied treaitmill rmt. Detailo on store Exercise equipmnent svith." he remarked. In addition, a staff report from Chief areuire some assembly Brassard to the committer noied. -Aedtlinformation froru some indi- save'300 save $500 save 1150 save '100 vidual crews indicates that incertain areas 5()NY GRAND WEGAN 42" TV KENMOREO CR»IAFTNW 9.5-HP, 27" KENMRE POWER-MATEO of Milton roughly 30 per cent of the homes -16.9 aspect ratioa HDTV compaibhie WATER SOIFTENER STEERABLE SNWBLOWR 12-AMP CANISTER VAC vîsited had no svorking alarms." #14721. Sears reg. high demand -Briqgs & Strattan Pawerbuilt(, OHV - upper/lawer Ward 3 Councillor Jas Mowhray asked 2299.99. iitiated nielctcsarquk-laeporhd whether the Town should siart hasding oui 1999.99 regeneratian e#5in39. lecrr s atcreespaeha fines to ihose svho don't hase working Matchnq #75190. reg. 1599.99. HPtehutfle smoke atarrus. stand available Sears reg. 1499.9 _14.9. farc haro l White Chief Brassard saîd enforcemeni #3672&8499 is an issue the departruent ls considering, 39a9 s15-p 30"9 al o le: #22851. Sears he said ssriting tickets isn't an activity ihat #52540. Sears reg. 499.99.399.99 currently takes place anywhere in Halton. neq. 1799 99 'ihEfcec 'Here. we prefer to take the approach of 1649.99 PriuaeArfle education." he satd. Ward I Councillor Rîck Day speculated CLEARANCE! WHIIE OUANTITIES LASI thai some people rnay have smoke alarrus A il req.-priced inqlis@ save $300othetam~9 that 'ork "too, well,- whîch go off sshen Ii ® ~ --0 KENMORE'HE2' FRONT-LOAD -lo 34 9 someone is having a shower and then that MayLaq@, LG® & Lanuy' LAUNDRYTEAM KENMORE TALL TUB DISHWASER major appliances Washer. super capacity wash basket #la15152. 16 bath tawels in ane Iaad lbased an 449.99. o sa eapprax. 240x48" bath tawels) wONLY 14.59 #46472. Sears reg. 119999. 999.99> MONTHLY* Dryer. #86572, Sears reg. 899.99. Oso available 1save> 5 799.99 in black MAYTAG GEMINIO SELF-dLEANI ONLY $75 MONTHLY* FOR TEAM 2-4 pm, 1193 Cobban Rads, $399,900 CONVCnw D IBLE-OVE RANGEM_ Jan Vanderbregien, Royal LePage Meîdowlowne Rely .005-878-0101 amn zo e-2 xp dbl 2-4 pi, SU TrueuDi, $319.mn9zoe pada0 Jack Vandenflregin, Royal LePage Meadowtowne Reall, 905-878-8101 elements -1.2 cu. fi tap aven and ae12 SUUMYM m m oAIATZt ven espar îy 2-4 pin, 208 Hapsiatre Way, $269.00T OPFEZ Dorothy Trunman. Royal ciRage Meadowtîene Reafhy 905-878-8101 #76.s ot 2-4 pi, 172 Hampshire Way, $274,9 vialcotudor Diane Miynird, Royal LePiti Meadoowne Rea4905-078-8101 anablacke #66842- 2-4 pou, 4O9 ennel BWe.,9345,9011 Stainlens Sasrg Manheax Clapperton, Royal LePige Meainiowni Reat. 905-878-8101 nteel extra74.96 .9 2-4 pro, 535 Trudeau Drive, 0319,900 OL 62 Michelle Penman, Royal LePage Meata nene Realty 905-878-8101 M N H Y 2-4 lion, 1070 CIark Bled, $339,900 Sam Levin Royal LîPage Meadowlonene Realty, 905-878-8101 As via l 2-4 pin, 1221 MîlisselI $222,900Xinbak Sandi Kinnaleý Royal LeRoge Meadowioene Rn ly, 905-878-8101 ..... tils te xr 2-4 pian. 1193 Cibtian Mia. $399.00 Paul Jackson. Royal LePage Meadohanne ReaIy 905-878-8101 2-4 pis, 674 Dliby Cemicini $419,00 Hunter Ooee Royal LePiOx Meadowlowne Really. 905-878-8101 2-4 ple, 013 El1h00 Cro., $327,90 Royal LePige Meadn n we Ralty, 905-878-8101 Locally MILTON STORE NOUS 100 Nipisiino Rd. 11iam -1 pi, 1490 MarîiiSII Cris.. $40900587 40 Ondew Casale, MinCom Solutions Really Inn. 905-812-1100 =~" oaeiby 2-4 pro, 153 tEans Tenace, $275.90 Joa 00togS Ci M Cîsylon Hackenbrck, ReMax ReaI Enste Centre 905-878-7711ad1 ontive d, TR OR 2-4 pi, 128 Maeiey Lue, 0900 John Sampisiontive Rd.,STRHOS -AdoînnîMlls,RomysLePage MiadoetoneiR - 05-878-8101 Joa'n Wilfong John Sîmpson 905-877-517 Th.,iie... 2-4 Iss,2317 Wilsoe Drin, $319,900 DeaerMage Joan RollOngs, PrudiOrial Towen Contre Mialty, 905-878-9100