SCommittee passes hotel development By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion A proposed retaiL comimerciai devel- opinent N% ith a hotel ai the northeast cor- ner of Main Street and Jamnes Snoý% Park\%a-, received the prelirninar% thurnbs up from the Toý% n Monda,% night. despite one resident*s ur2in2 not to do so. The potenual deseloprneni .nhich nould include a sas bar. car nash. retaul 'tores,. re'ýtau- r-anis tincludinz a dni'e-tbrou2h,. a cnsenience store and a botel,ý ieh a maximium hetuht of -een sitxo n %as suppoirted bx the adnmstratioýn andI plannini:conmmutee ansI nuil non% hasýe to be aippr»edI b% councIL Before endor-ine fiia Plan indI zinrne- bx as aendmrents ne:essars tor the proposaiJ troni '.1 Durante Enterpnses. Ltd. to proceed. the cornniiiee heard troni Mîilton reident Bob Be,.ete. sîho a-ked it' memiber- to 'top the amnendment> fron Loine2 ahead. -1 heliese the Toun needI' t0 better insolse the public \% ih tht' initiati\ e.- he -aid -1 non% urLe thi> :orrniitee io not ailon thi> pro- po'ed ariendmreni w the zoiînn bk lau io proceed unul rnuch more cftectise publîi un' hap- pens, andI thoreugh public cornultation take, place in accordan e ný ith the Ton% n sN Guiffing Princîpie> for Public Coinsultatio-n,' While lue aknosî ledzed thai a sien tactin2 Jame- Snon, Park% a, has been erected on the prpens regarding the propsa. he deemned ii 10 be iî -mail and bar-d o r-ead.* He ai-o -aiid he appreciaies- thai the Toun 'fat: held inn preînous public meetings on the issue, but pinted oui no residents, attended the e-eion,. M\ip-ht 1 sugeet that it ý%n'n due to a lack of intere-î tht ithe public didnît attend these mneet- inL, but rather a lack oi luarene,, that thes.e meeting, %sere m-en takins place.- he saisI.u ene ke T'hi,-uamesI the ire oi \Vsard 4 Councillîîr John Challinor. %%sho chailen2ed rBeene o-n hio ,maternient. "Hon) Jýý ýou Kion, [hat nuo une knen - lue asked Mr. Be,.ete told hum lue read in 'taffls report on the- maier that ne, members. Cil the public aniended the mieetines, Mr Challinor aiud that mnot memnber' cji :ouncil baiýe been contaàted b% re-ýidenr- on the proposed -sSe RESIDENT oni page Al13 Commnent ....A6-A7 Dateline ......B7-89 Real Estate .....-812 Classiflod ...A24-A28 -M-lfi- myl7e.ý W Sunh. o.sapf Miu noa.o NEWLY 3kn iMlHSta RENOVATEDHwksAnmlopta "TUECAT OOR" Dr. Debbie Hawkins Featuring9458.A 8 " Separate Cat Waiting Room " Cat Exam Room