Family is desperate for return of woman The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - A9 We helievee. in Anyone. Anywhere. The tariiy ut' a Mitron ss usnIai sshu sventi flvmi smire ihan rhree svceks ago has told police ms's uniut ofbcaracier Sor lier sur Iu cuntact thern. lialtusi Reimuisal Pulice said ar press sanse yesterday abter- isuon rîsai Curs Lee Cary Way Wav. 2fr. stl ttasn'i bceîi lmscared. Pulice begas askmîsg tur ibe public's assstsance iii findisg Ms Way last Nveek. Tbe wuissan vsas last secms Decemiber 31 by ber family ai ibeir humte. ws ere she lises. Family inembers beliese she's mn tbe Turuonru aiea. Atbuugts ai ibis pinti is nus expected sîses iv danger. bier Lîmrily is desperate t'or ber return. Dci. Sgt. Peter Hudgsun said. Alhnî is nus unusual Suor ber tu lease boune t*o ushort periods ut tiste. iti otismal i-a lier mmmi iii contacmt tmleis. tic samd. Stre sssay be drins amm s d -'(X5 Fomrd Imîcus wsaguon \\ mil licence plaie AWVS4 3. Ms Way is descrshcd as 1-ve luur itwu and 127 puids ss 5h bruss n bair aîsd bruwts eyes and a star rarumi ommmiver neck as 55 cil as a scurpiomn tatiuu omi lsem back. Aisymme wsîb itturiation s asked Ioi cati pulice ai 1905> 878-5511, cxi. 24 10, oir Crisme Simippers ai i vont 222- lIPS 08477). Bar 's liquor licence suspended for 15 days A lmocal spoirts bar vs ili base its liqiuor licence temcipurarîN sospcndcd fur 15 d.sys uster i admiied su sers inus ilcibul im drutîkeis patronss. Fmor 15 day s. frmusm sîuîs Suisdm imi 1-ebroary 13. Nascar Pst Spourts Bar moi Main Street East. ssmimsi be pes iîmied mo selI alcubmitic drsîsks. Itis ss as decsded MuisdaN mlter am tseriisg belml carîsi sîsîs înmîîsr by the Alcmîbml mimd CGarning Cmmssission mfît iiarm. Nascar ii miss ver \'sîm ..\guuesism chomse nsmt mu bse repres.emiited hy leial coîrsscl ai b thesri Ais a-reemt statsieeisofmît acis stated drumiken'pairuits ss ere ai Nascar Pst Aprsl I and 2S ansd ssere sers ed lmclsmr dsste thiscr sflumi\icaitmt. cmîsirmr\ mi the Lsi-smir Licensce Act. h. JLAAD TD Candia Eqit F 1 Oer 262 3 year 2 . 5 yer 87 10 Or124 Annualized * rtso eunfrheI tor SeisFuda ut Dem er3,20 TD Canadian Equity Fund: The potential for growth you don't want to miss. Les sire ID Catiadian Eqssity Fond bce yciur ticket su belp ymmu rcacb youir inveesiteot gmoals tis RSP saosmn. 'Tbis Fiumd ainis lor SLspermîr. ,utgs ringrwth hy sos cs,,iisgz prisaaily mn bigIispoalits Cmnadsas clumpanies. These include man\ mof« Canadasý largesi and inusi esîablisbcd husinesses representino a brmîad ranoe oif« indostry secimîrs. This Fnsd îsay bc a gumrd ebîmîce lfii the Canadian eqniiy portiun ut'a diversitied portmoio. As ils, îrack recurd shoss the TD Canadias Equits Fonids bistoîry mît'cmosmsiiseo pertmîrmascc is sunietiig îlsm stands us. To in îd mini mure abuti mini wide range ut mîresimîeni uptiouns, ssnplv cuntact a sepresensasise as TD Canada Trust TD Waiermnsc mor ymuor ritrancial ads isur bemsrc Marci 1. 20016 aird discoser bow we can belp you rcacb Nvur RSP susesimeni îml Cal Ius today at 1-800-831-1171 or visit E'~Mutual Funds unds l lmCanada Trust Avaîilabm ihrmh TD Canauda Trmmst b,î,mhei, 50 Walerhous anid indpencenmt dealers lmWaterhmilse ID Moinai Fsnds are managed hy ID Asset Management Inc., a whoiiy-nwned ssbsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Availabie thraogh ID Investment Services Inc. (principal distrîhator), ID Waterhouse Canada nc. (Member CIPF) and otharized dealers. Commissions, tradiing commissions, management fees and eopenses ail may be associated with muto fond investments. Pioe read the prospectus, which canitains detaiied investment information and is availabie from yont denier, bel are investing. The ndicated rates af return are the historical annual compoonded total retnrns foi the period ending December 31, 2005 incioding changes in unit valse and reinvesnment of ail distributians and do not take intuoaccoont sales, iedemptin, distiiboans ar aptianai charges ar incarne tases payable by any security halier that wouid hase redoced retoins. Moto fonds are not guornteed vr insored, their valses change fseqoenfly and past performance may ot he repeated. 1. Motoal Fonds Representotives with ID Investirent Semvices distaibote mntiuai fonds at ID Canada Trast branches. 2. ID Wateshoose Canada Ina. is a sobsidiasy of lire Toront-Dominion Bonk. ID Waterhoose Canada Inc. - Member CIPE ID Waterhovse and TD Motol Fonds are tiadie-marks of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. ID Asset Management Inc. is a iicensed oser. . -0 JJUMUAM 30-FE*RUJM à Endre l"tore St=M VO«î IMATMINIS oHLY 5*49 en. White fflntit« fast. lm valid **,"y Offist gommilh. JMUAM 23-29 Entire In-St«e StoM MCCALUS IRAMRIM or4LY 2*49 «. Veile quantillies last Not vallid wfth my etw diuounts.