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Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Jan 2006, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - A7 Naqvi gains somne grouiid over 2004 By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Disappointing. but flot too surpris- ing. That pretty mucb-encapsuiated Anwar Naqvi's reaction to Haiton riding's election resuits late last nigbt. With a littie nmore than two-thirds of the pols in shortiy after i1 i.. the NDP flagbearer looked to have gained ai least some ground com- pared to 2004, but svas stili a distant third to the area's two big con- tenders. -We did gain some votes and I'm hoping to get around 10 per cent of the vote, but tbat's not realiy satisfy- ing,' said the 69-year old retired iawyer. wbo hovered around the nine per cent mark for much of the night. 1I tried rny best, but i guess we didn't do an effective job of getting our message out. t'm flot happy, but I'm, but crying." Mr. Naqvi uaid baving to, can- paign in the winter didn't buit bis carnpaign as mucb as an inabiiity to, compete witb the other parties in ternis of signage. "At one point 1 said 'My God, Garth Turner must bave a factory full of signs'." quipped the two-tirne By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Dr. Kyle Grice was quite pieased as Halton riding resuits poured in lait ast night. wiUi bis Green Party having continued to enjoy an increase in support iocaliy. However, Uic 35-year-old chiro- practor's greatest cause for opti- misrn tidn't seern to, corne front Uic votes hie got, but rather from Uic ones that lie believes are imiininent. 1i can't tel] you ail the ies 1 bearti 'l would vote for your party, but...'," expiained the tirst Urne MIP candidate, who beiti steady wiUi just untier six per cent of Uic riding's votes throughout Uic night. "That gives me a huge sense that one day there'l] be the courage to vote Green."~ That encouragement was fueied by a recent mock election at an Oakville high uchool Uiat saw bis Green Party corne out on top. On a not-so-positive note, Dr. Haiton MP bopeful. 'We couidn't pos- sibiy meas- said that canipaigning diverse rid- Anwar aqvi ng as Haiton AnwarNaqv which he described as three very distinct com- munities -can be particuiariy diffi- cuit. A chief sturnbiing block to bis party's nationai efforts, be added, was former Prime Minister Paul Martin's dlaim that a vote for the NDP was nothing more than a vote for the Conservatives. Said Mr. Naqvi, -Yes, that aiways hurts us. Mr. Martin tried to put a scare in voters.' The aiways-jovial candidate did- n't entireiy mile out the possibiiity of running again, but suggested that it wasn't likeiy. 'It's too eariy to, say for sure, but i think no. It's probabiy tirne to ict sorneone eisc take their turn." Stese LeBlanc can be reached ai sleblanc-@haltonse(irch.corm. Kyle Grice Grice said he was rather dis- appointed that thc environnient was more or icss ignored on Uic national stage -but figures that bas a lot to do witb bis party flot being part of Uic televised debates. "i'rn still watching to sec if we get one MIP in,"~ be said around 10:30 p.m. "We just needti Uat one seat in parliarnent and it'il be irnpossible to, keep us out of Uic national debates next tsrne." Unlike bis NDP counterpart. Dr. Grice ieft Uic door wide open to Uic prospect of carrying Uic Green Party banner again. "Yeah 1 tbink so. i gaincti so, mucb experience during Uiis carnpaign." Steve LeBlanc con be reached ai sleblanc@haltonsearch.com. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Garil lbw - Hdm'm nm WP - culsbrmt wfth hie wlf Dorothy (fl) mand hie cuiipmgn nimnmgs E~tI Shmy.et th. RwnMmms lmu "ifghL Turner1 thanks Halton residents for support in his victory spneech - froni CARR on pqp Ai adtiing resitients are saying they've "bati enough" of the Liberal govemn- ment Mr Turner thanketi everyone who was invoiveti in bis trek ho Uic MP seat witb special appreciation going te campaign manager Esther Sbaye anti bis wife, Donithy, wbo lic sali watcbeti him go off anti campaign for eight months anti also moveti bmck ho Campbellville, with hum lu Uic midst Of it 'You woulti mn beileve how many brownie points 1 have ho eamu back," he jake. To sum up bis Uioeghts, the beans- mug CServatve hMi up a aigu for the cameras that simpiy saiti, "'Ibank You Halton." Former federal ninister Mr. Turner is a former fetieral Min- ister of national revenue, customs anti excise who also ran for the leadiership of tic former Progressive Conservative Party of Canada. Since tieparting firom, Uic political worlid in 1993, Mr. Turner authoreti a string of best-selling books on husi- ness anti finance anti becamne s natiomâly-knowu television personai- ity. He fountiet several companies, inclutiing Mileunlun Mediia Tekvkieon - Canatiaa laet inde- pendient producer of network televi- sion shows - anthei Caletion-baaed Credit River Company, which restores anti operates heritage com- miercial properties. He's also a national spokesperson for Uic Alzheimer Society of Canada ant isl active on the environmienta scene as a director of Uic Sierra Legal Defence Punti. a national organiza- tion tiedicateti to upholtiing anti tiefcntiing iaws protecting Uic envi- ronment. Melanie Hennessey eau be reached ai mhennessey*miltoncanadian- champion.comn. Noter turnout better than last time Given Uic circurnatances. Uic nuni- bers were particuiariy encouraging. Despite a winter election Uiat was expected to hinder voter turnout. s wbopping 70.8 per cent of Uic eligibie voters in Haiton exercised tbeir rigbt and bit thc poils. A total of 69,212 voters - of 97,965 across Uic riding, wbicb includes nortb- ern panis of Oakviiic and Burlington, as ALIfiLLEN weil as Milton - cast a ballot. able. Tbat percentage - wiUi ail of Uic Haiton's bigb turnout, up froni the 64 2601 poils accounteti for at press tume per cent national average at press tirne, early Uiis morning - is up froni Uic was due at least in part to a buge risc in 2004 election, wben 65.4 per cent of advance voting. eligibie voters madie tbeir voices beard. A total of 9,430 Halton voters took That foiiows an ongoing trend, as advantage of Uic advance pols -near- 63.2 per cent of eligibie voters turned ly triple Uiat of tbe 3,319 advance votes out for tbe 2000 election. cast during tbe sunier election of Numbers from 1997 were unavail- 2004. Address 357 Qkueen St., ACTON Local 519-853-0200 Toit Free 1-866-620-3248 Parts Hotline 519-853-5613 E-mail info@achillesmazda. ca I.rvlng Halton Hil wlth pridie mine 1973 Grice believes Green has good future ahead

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