The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, January 24, 2006 - A3 The new proposed Town Hall expansion design, vlewed here from Mary Street, Meatures more atone and arches and less glass. Town Hall expansion Citizens seem happier with revised designs By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Botb relief and caution were expressed after new proposed plans for the Town Hall expansion were unveiled at a packed pub- lic meeting Wednesday. 'Me general consensus trom, attendees expressed during the night's question and answer session was tbat they were pleas- antly surprised by the building's softened appearance. More stone. more arches and less glass was what architect The Ventin Group came up svitb afier being sent back to the drawv in-, board in November by a generally unsaîisfied public wbo said the proposai svas too miodern-looking., *We've created more of a blend ol old and modem.- said Paul Sapounzi of The Ventin Group. 'Me nesv proposed plans for the $19.6 million. 50.000-square-foot expansion reveal a smaller-scale tsxo-storey addition connected to the existing town bail witb a glass link. Creating a vîsual separatioii betsveetî the link and the new addition is a stone wal ibat oises five feet bigber than the rest of the building. -l have to commend you,- Milton Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Sandy Martin told Mr. Sapounzi. -l tbînk you've lisîened to our comments. This is a really beautiful rendîtion of svbat ihis building could look lîke.- Lifetime Miltonian Mirella Marshall, pasi presîdent of the Milton Historical Society, ecboed her senîtiments. -i bave t0 say l'i vcr> pleasanîly pleased sxitb wxhat you've come up svitb. 1 like the fact vou*xe softenied it a bit. and tbe win- dms s look more appealing,- she said. lu bis preseniation. Mr. Sapoun/i oui- lîned soîne uof' the iniput giveit ai the last meeting. sa> îng people îsanied more land- see NEW on page Al16 L__ ACTON BURLINGTON GEORGETOWN MILTON Extended hours wIth evening and Saturday appolntments!