28 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Januory 24, 2006 OfieIl ae Hel Sales EIeI 1 Sls Help Hoe esarn Hsial, _ H spital, Vlner &Agenets m &Aet M Agents toeRMedicat. Dental Medxcal Dental Vtner "Ob1'J rraS rr tji r'j aposition anariabre full time ,,r-niate must L.- spal le 01 ail djutIe- 'rn, ', arairc il Acr-iunrs ReceivaLie cind Aus vante qe surliK, rt. ý ue t.r N S,. 4ri' ACCOUINTS RECEIVABLE Fast paced Mfton office requîres an experienced A/R CLERK Aeaponsitbhlties snclde Tetephone Reception and Cther general office dulies. Appticant muet lise datait onerOiedl andI posses excellent omfmunicationatutis, 1Pinas. aubmtt resume to: Box 21 A clo The Canadtan Champion 875 Main St. E. unit 2 Milon, Ont. L9T 3Z3 PUILL TIME ACCOUNTINO CLERK I REAL ESTATE LAW CLERK Required ton busy Mitton Iaw trrm. 5-r years expurrence a bexeft. Fax resumnes wîth salary expectations to: 905-876-3254. PART-TIME alCnr LEGALCalCnr SECRETARY Debt Collection A caorrrnie legal Agents Needed se&rretary oins real PFT pernr estate er-nerrence aira iamriranry -rtir Pegaired c werk erecrenîc registra- Dsy Evening oints rien is requrrea cii a Must have excellent Mirton laruyer Repty in conmmunicaton osîillo confidence to: Will train Lorne Greenwood Cemperotve Wage. 152 Main St. E. cenuovo & Benehits Mitton, Ontario L9T 1N6 Caîl[ 905-49t1-7373 905-693-0338MR- Ready for a change? lntegrated medîcal r- clînre reqoirno :e ïn FuII-time/Part-tirne THERAPIST to start immedistey. Fax Resume fa 905-637-7850 GENERAL ADMIN sie POSITION 25k salary Kamywh.rWlgmeru? Must be computer ltte Iefig Emai resume vc udan"fe stepiren 0 ai întemalronal nom 1iw iuo CELLICOM WIRELESS Canada 's Largest Rogers Wireless Dealer lis Now Hium for Our BUIltngton Mail Locaton Thne sucxssil Candidate mast havesa proven tradt record in Sales and possess a strong Team Player' attitude. Please emnaîl resome's toi stene@cellcomwireless.comr Fax 416445&1023 vUM I10i UUFÏ JUÔ FAR AND BEGIN A NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES EXIST For FUILL-TIME and PART-TIME SALES ASSISTANTS At Our Georgetown Location JOO.06FAIR ,'r r -'r ihrrunday jaruary 2ti- 20J06-9:00 amn te 'ï rocm JOB PAIR Location ai 7-Eleven 333 'rlnurrrir-ew Road Soutl GJeorgetown r-ttivei' Sr-pcorting Emplcymrent cgr-rtv a, clivenrer'î Place Tc Worir' 1 Feiee curs, Metroland West Printing Group Metrotand West Prîntrxg Grnap, a division ai Mutroaod Prîntîng. Publîshîng, Oîstrîb- atîng Ltd. axe ai Oxtaraos premier pnînt- 1119 and distribution campaxies hos an îm- mediate apuxîng for o, Metrlaxa West Prrxtîng Groap is o tait service premiars qaality prnxter wîth o tise coiour press, twa cabanr press and tuit Thre quolrtîed candidate oi bu cusoamer tocased axd wiii baud strnng neiatronslipo wîtir new and eorotîng cliente rn the Hamîl- ton/Niagara Regiox. Yav wint have a mrnrmum oi tise yeans eaperîence in com- mercial prntîng. A reliabie nuhîcie is te_ quined. If yna od like ta mark fon a leader in the media rnduOtry this nppnnrasity may be tire rght axe ion yaa. Please forward yaur nesame, îndîcatîng Mutrniand West in thre sabtect uine, no later thon 1h01 Febrany 3rd, 2006, toi careers@haitonsearch.com Fan (9051 845-2013 Wu appreciatu thre intereet ni att appi- caxto hioweser oxty those suiected tor on interview wîtt be coxtacted. No phone colis or ogencîeo pieose. Dae te a oaotarnud increase in sales activrty we onu lneking for an oddîtronal Sales Represenitative To jon est profeosional and fiîendty sales team. Wîth a tsotastîc lixe-ap of award wînnîxg xew models axd rocreasixg Pre-Owned ixsextory we are oeekixg s motrsated team member who eo- emptîties otroxg people skîtto, The ideal pemson woutd a100 be on eoperiexced salespersox whn is oton 0MVtC certitied wîth a backgnound in eellîxg hoth new and pre-owned sehîcles. We effet an excellent compexsation plan wrth bonruses axd s cor atacaxnce. Please forward your resumne to: Mike Salvian General Sales Manager info@oakvillemazda.com Fax 905-827-040 SALES PROFESSIONALS Plerse tend voi-" tesutir r- 2 GENERAL TECHNICIANS Please surid neur rvsume to tenSespgeergetoemeirncnm Or fax your resumne toc 905-877-6946 I ITALIAN RESTAURANT IN MILTON AREA NEEDS -Wait Staff Gond wages. Smart Serve Ruquiresi Shawn 647-286-0541 Tenhig workîxg wrth a Jicenoed agency: rugular pay, pard etat days and cilrd' sicr days. hackap, train- ing, equîpment. engsîng support. 905.823.2625 www.weewatch.com (wewatch INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVES 'hr-EQ Systemr- is r- nrkrng an individaa te prospucr assîgned markuts for avais. vide and cemmunicatien produor sales. Cruatu and uval- uate custoer communic-ation sems Ruqure minimum 2 yuars et insîdu sales uxrinînce Musr have tire ahnlily eo or induperrduniy ana wrtiri a rnam enurroment. Eocenirînai relu- phone masser requîruOi Part-rime Sales Asaistant (24 -30 Haurs) TELEO SYstems is cvrrunty sueiring a paOr-ime empinvue te assrst salues rupresunratrous wilS re-enrien. ceurrer aaminrsration, aaaasu un- rry ana ether office aunies. Musr have, cempur- ur uxpuniencu, streng custsmur service buiruis. streng commnunicarin sius Availabin 24-30 heurs a munir Fax ta 905-456-3754 or emait contact@iteteqsystems.com A Di-nfi-Sae- -ae Orr--i-'-i-r--r,.,.., - r rr--r ' -St'iry r orrz n IS SeeKIsrg sae rlssinnals for a long terrr and rewareing -areer in pre-need sares. We provide para training, genereus commirssion structure, ceniefto pension plan and a tealrsric aoOvc average sicome potes- tia Our prn0uc s rr-cesren-pnooi and yeur pros- cects are irninrrited If ynru ate a self-starter, nwr a car ana waci te ce rewarded for ynur efforts. Please cati: 906-257-t 1100 or emait: cduchesnayi@glenoaks.ca New Home! Timeshare Sales Sales Individuals required for a New Waterfront Community on Lake Erie for both Full and Fractional Ownership. Send Resume to. Fax: (905) 764-3567 Emnail: salesfacts@&rogers.com HALLMARK Cards Millcroft Plaza Nov' Hîring Mature Experienced Retail Sales Associates required for hasy Halimarr Card Shop. Mast be able ta work flexible days, nîghts, weekends, and ail holiday hoars. Must be s fast learner and sble to work on theîr own if needed. Must be sble t0 WOrk Well Wth customers. Must have the sbility tai worh in a fsst-paced envioirment as we aresa highlyi sesonsi retail store. If you are qalihied candidate with excellent organrizationa silîs Please forward your oesuime to: Hailmarli Millcroft 2020 Appleby Line, Butlington Ontario L7L 6M6S Heositals Hrosspeitalr' O"rr c.j 905-873-3103, iNr-~~tg i, r-t '- , n " "éi c r '. r- - rvt r' r-i r a- rrr I r- 905-077-0579 r-' TN I DEVEOMNALSH 05-873-195 r- 05-07-195 i 85-07-o2 a VON Halton Exciting Job OpportunIt! Fuil-Time PrograM Coordinator Pravîles Oie leadersh'ip ion tire day-to-dlay opera- hion of tire Seniors Day Pnogramt. Areos ai reopon- sibiity inctude humarn resource coordination, clîxi- cal consuttion, quaity/risk managemext axa as- sumîng oupersisory responoihities ix the Manag- ers absence. Must hase thre ahitity toi wor rode- pexdexity ix moire iniormeni recisoox regardîng Oie ctients' abiity 10 paricipote in opecifi c aclivîtres, and lx conifidenly ana effeclîseiy manage prol- uems antd emergenceo. POSITION REQUIREMENTS: *Minimum dîploma level preparaton in a relevant healir er social service discipline. *Demonsîratua knswiedge & expertise in workrig crIS oursons wîlh cognitive impaîrments & their famitles. *Demonolraîud leadershrip and prehiem-selivng ablity. *Knowiedge ef cemmnt- rusourcus ana Haltn heoltr caru oystem an asset. *Exceltent 'nterpersonal, verbal and onritun com- munication skils Exircellent pirvoicol asososment silrls. *Stnong erganîzarexal and change management sillts. wdire ahitity te effectisey mors en multiple los<o and priorrîres. *Wel deseioped irneeledge and skills in quaity ana nîsir management. *Standard Pirot Aid CP R-Basrc Rescuer Level Ceriicatien. *Vaid Ontario PF driver's licence. Please appiy ta: Human Resources, VON Halton. Fax: (905) 827-5476 E-mail: samaxresoarces@nnnhatox ca Osiy those appîricante eected for an intervrew wir0 bu centacted, VON 1-blaon tes egoal opportunîy employrer VON Halton Exciting Job Opportunity!! Provrdeo tire ieadensrrp for tire day-to-day e p e r a - tien of tire Seniors Day Pregram. Areas et reopon- sibilrly inciade hrumain reseunce coordination. clîni- cal consultation, quaIrty nîsir management and as- sumîxg oupervreery respessurirîres in tire Manag- ue' absence Muet have tire ahnrrty te cote Indu- pendenty te maire informue Oecrsreno regardîng tire clients abriit te paricipate r epenriru actîvîtres ana te cenienty and effectrveiy manage preir- lems and emergencres. POSITION REQUIREMENTS: -Mrnimum dîpiema recel preparaten in a relevant neafth or social service diecipine. *Demonoîratea knecluage & expertise in orking mîtr persons wrlh cegnîtîve impairments & inuit famllre& *Demonsîratua leadershirp and prer-oîvng ability. *Keowiedge of centtunity reseurces ana Haiten reaih cote oystem an assut *Excellent iriterpersena, surra and writxen com- munication skilîs *Exceltent Pirysica asseosment veille *Sirong erganîzatrenai and change management eskilis. w Ihe acrirry te effecîîvey wour on maliple tasss and prntreo *Weil developed knoiesige and errils in qaiy ana rioui management. *Standard Pirsi Are CPR-Oasic Reecuer Luvel Certification *Vaîrd Ontario PF drivers licence. Please apply toi: Humain Resources, VON Haillon. Fax: (905) 827-5476 E-mait: huaorexoarceo@vashaltanca Only Oiooe appîrcaîr le lclud for an interview rili bu coxtacled. i VOLUNTEER TUTORS URGENTLY NEEDED Lîturocy North Halton oueds tutors fnr ils ReaSpui*Writu Program bosu0 in MILTON Ns uspurruncu nuoussry, training gîsun. Registration Jan 19th Fnb 2nd Cati 9059873 2200 tor more information ACCOLINTAINIT l I company Advanced skilis in Simply Accoutitifig including AR AP Inventory Payroil & Project Modules Proficicncy in Excel Strong oral & written corn- munication skilis Located in SW Mississauga close to Milton border Salarv , Benefits hnolocie MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST 'r ý05-873-9256