The Canadian Champion, Tueaday January 24, 2006 - 25 CM ngEents 2 .oig E ets IP*jl er rimn Me oriam Caer rters 1111. Carer rer ae STAG & DOE FOR MARK & ANGlE. FR1. JAN. 27TH, 2006 8:30 pm - 1:00 arn at the Milton Legion. Tickets $10 in advance & $15 at the cloor. IDeah DIat ALLEN, Della Marte The lamily of Oels Allen nadly announces het passîng aI het home in Hornby Halton Hitîs an Thutsday January 19th, 2006. aI ace 72 Della Matie Allen înee) Deane deat mite t Hugh Allen Lautng mather of Jaie. Jobsathian and ais wite Se- renîti Allen. Ptnud gtaodmolhet of Julianne Sistet of Canuel Hall ol Brilan and lthe laie Brenoan Deane Also missed b ' many nieces nuphews and great nieces and gteat nephewa Della miii De rememberea lot het yeats of communl-y setuice as a nurse. Ftîesds Wtt be receinnd at the lanetal Came Sandav 2 10 4 and 7 ta 9 pm wnth patish prayeta aI 40(0 pm A FaneraI Mass usîll be sard at SI, Josephs Cathotic Chatçh Acton. Mandat Jas- aary 23td 2006, ai 200 pm Cremation ta flltaw Blue Springs Fanetal Home t2 Cnarch Steet East Actaný 5t9-853-2399 Haîcheon. Helen Elizabeth (Bunny) Passea awa y suddenly and asespectedy wîtb ber lamily by ber side an Sunday January 22nd 9-006 althbe Milton District Hospitali n ber 9tst year. Born sn Porn Arthur, Otanio Ourse Dulovea mils of the lats James nuritcbsuni 12003). Louîng motCer oI Gaît ana ber irusbana Jim lngtis oI Milton Mach ioued grandmatber aI Jennîler loglîs oI Milttor tie will alsa be mîssed by Brady, ber constant tour-legged campanîn ber trîends and neigbbours Busny taught piano lessons for more than 50 years and wiii Ce remembered Cy ber maso students for ber loue oi manic ana chîtaren. Famiiy and friends are îsuried ta galber uithCe McKERDIE- KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Mais Si Milton 9058078-4452 for a Memorial Service an Tbursday, Jasuary 2CiC 2006 at 2:aa pm Crematson Cas taken place, As expressions ni sympathe, memorial donations ta Che Miltos District Hospital Foundatios or the cbarîte oi ysur chuaice would be appreciated. Legters nI condolence mme be tefl for tee lamîlo ai n Memnoriams in the form 7 t, of donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. I Memriam = i Mriam Years nîay pass, l~h but me donti torget, We miss your quiet stegth. wisdom and your dugtpr. Norma, Margo, Geai, Ian, Gord, Lynda, Jamie, Richard, Sean and Jaclyn P~esoaisj LILu.aesaisZ 1 ind iouu Vliii, (St fi,, D-im f0 t i- %1Main, n Mnlin, ON. 1i i/i- V Cose- rn a ou a e FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, &xt. 121 www. thecentre. on. ca 6»Skdinu Development & Tann Are You Looking for Work? JOB CONNECT in Burlîngton helps participants fînd emptnyment PLUS: Monday, Jan 23 2006 Skîtted Ttades tnfo Session 6pm-flpm Calito1 regîster Cali the YMCA at 905-681-1140 Gel Wrking Electronical FULLTIMEI UPROGRAMI LORiTH UNEMPLOVED Cati the YMCA ln Barlington @905481-1140tfor mare information SECURE Vour Oum- mer Emplayment Nowl Nmscp Wasted Milton famîly seaktsg fîse-out snsny os a full tîma husia, fos ose child. May t -Auguat 25. Appropriata for matura and rasponsîbie Coi- lega or Unversity otu- dent. MusI hase preen- os aapenienca wilS ha- hies/toddlars mcd rater- ancas aeailahie. Oas- arous compesation. Pieuse cmli 905-6a3- 9476 A King Pnttomtop Mat- treos Set. New in plas- tic Cosi $1t00. sesl for $450. 905-567-9459. BEDROOM Cherry- wood. Bcd, chesi, dresser 2 sîgEtatanda. Oosetmnl Constructins. Neser opened Cosi $8.000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 HAY tor sala. 2000 sq. hlslt ot25 or mr/o deinoarnas POA,/iprtce on appinca- tiont. 905-878-t056. Hot Tub lSpal Cacars Beat Prîce, Beut Qumity. Ail Shupes & Csloums Availabla. Cai t-866-585-0056. RENOVATION sala, corner dispmy cabinet. Omeas Anne chairs, so- fa, othar items. high quality/excaiiect condi- tion. 905-785-7044. Wanted- Art, Antiques, Ait China. Suver. Crys- lai. Ta Caps, Royal COUCH enit chmise Ooulton, Smusosski, lounge emths aid, puîd Glass. Jemeliary, ai 4 $1200., mskisg $800. tops, collactîbies, as- Cai 905-878-0410. tutas. Cmli Johrn/ Tracy 905-331-2477 A dîsnn room, cherry- mood, double pedastai tahle, e chairs, hutet, hulch, doetaii con- struction. New otil sn boues. Coat $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. Pets, Supfplies EM Baardiag 2 Pemala Jack Russell Terries puppien. Anailable îmmediatey. Please catI 905-891- 1236. 3Mq HALTON Kti t A G 11 l I la searching for an: Interactive Media Manager We ate csnînmîng la, denalap sur internat praparlies and ara toaking ta make significant strides in utitizing the medium at a maaningft infarmation and pro- mational plaifsrm. We are saaking a business leader la champion tis initialive fat sur Hailln asd Niagara Raglans. Thtoagh interaction wtht sut dîcîsianal masagemant teams, ysu'l help establish long-termi internet-huaîness goals in keaping with aur oserat business stratagy. Vomîtl pannier with sur carporate interactiee media groupa tai baud e-business modela that facilitaite revenue growtt through mesningul informatiana and pro- molional plalforms. Ta be succasafu in Ibis rota, yomlIl naad ta ha action oriented and posseso stîong business deselopmant akilîs ailS the marketing savvy to identity and am- plamant wisnisg weh-husiness solutions. Vomît ha a profîciant communîcator that cas affectisely prasent business ideas ta management groups. Vsur in- depth wurkiug-knowledga of web-based products, prugrama, technologies and amergîng trends wil halp you maka quaity dacisisas in a daadlîna drisen enei- ronment. Vu shsmld hase a working knowledge of Microsoft Word/Excel, Adobe Phutoshop, HTML, and Illustratot as watt as Weh technologies, prstocots and tools including, Vissai Source Sale, MS Prolect, Visia, Oreamweasar and Flash. If pu would lîka ta mark for a leader in the media induatry thîs opportusity muy ha right tnt you. Wa offar an excellent compensation and bunaefil package as watt as opportunities for futaie carear growth. If intereated please tarward your ressac, and salary expectatians, by January 27, 2006 ta: lnto@701 .cam Inlde tInteractive Media Manager' in the sublect lice ut yaur email. We appreciate the intarestof all aipplîcunts howavet only those selected for an interview Mil ha costacted. No phase calta or agancieo plaua Energy Advantage Inc. CANADA'S leadîsg indepandent energy and env- rosmenul management praeidar seaka exception- ut îndîeîduala for ita growing Burlingtos haad office, Energy Analyst - Financial Services Dattes: Vaut expertise and istareat in eniergy and fisuscial uatayoîo la requirad Vos eut work wîth cli- ents sn a hima-senitisa way ta analysa, racoacila and puy their utility ineoicea, and prapare uccruala and hank reconcliaiona. Vom Mîl ha requirad ta cummunicata autassisaly with hoth clients and as- ergy utility, compaaieo. Qualifications: Vau wiît haee a pasî-secasdury aducation or an accaunling deoignatias, and uit least 2 yam ut finuancial analyuîa coperienca, ado- cation and/or training indluding 6 monitha intarfac- ing directly euh clients. Vau etîl hase esceptiona Eocel uhility as watt as ganeral asperiencaltrainisg in Microsoft Office, duahasea, Internat and Cther standard camputer applications. Esperiesca in the anergy induatry and French languaga altilîs Mil ha casidared an usset. Vour assenhial compalascies Mil includae caustmer serice and reaut arients- hans, the ahilily ta plan, organize and coordinata yoor work, and effectie listenisg and comprehes- stan. Thera etîl ha different cambisations oaf rela- vant capariance, aducatios and/or training that woald reaalt in us upplicant meeting thasa stan- dards. Enjoy waring in a growing, tant paced ei- rosment with grant peopte. Ptcasc scnd your ressac, specitying whictr position you arc seeking toi: Job601 Fax 905-19-7980 LW, arsfoae MsTrs r Sale 1997 Chnysler lntrepîd, dlas tradl power win- 1999 0040e Dakota doms. $3,0 oho. Cai Sport. Blue. 905-877-2982 (aven- ras OOtkms. $10,000. cnga onlyl, Cai 416-938-5362. In lonn memnory of aur Momn anud Gr-acdma, PORIS 13LACK eho uSteu Janauary 22, 2005 ani of aur DaiS andS Granulpa MAX 5LACK ueho died April 24,1t994 Our Iamiiy chair i5 orokcr anal mathirle 5ceme the namo. [Sut aý55 Gcailse us ans by ans. the chaisi mi ik uns ir Tiii weore raaether again. 0001l c foarcer in aur hear-tb tovnq andS rememtrrnq yau both alwaye. Vaur Famtly HAROLL2 (FERGIE) FERGU50N In loeinri mamory of a uheriahed husband, PaiS & Papa who passesialaon Miy th., cirdIE of 0 ovc ofty Asd oni5pern5c yau casi hear. ~ j OueiiacWayq lovs and mi5 ou dorti croC trac aou were hert. For ail that i Co hae qiîner usý Asrt ail thats5 ieft to do. As ciii knaw rio qrcater credsiure Thoni the rtay6 c hart cith o. Mary barry. Nigel. 5andra. Ketean &Rory 'Raeet in ace, belaeed'