Champion Country, Tuesday, January 24, 2006 -A13 SChampion Lots of new arrivais at Brookville Public School By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special ta The Champion Could it be something in the water or perhaps the NI-L lock- - -' out of last year? Whatever the reason, seven teachers at Brookville Public School are expecting babies before thc end - of February, said vice-principal Bey Balch, and everyone at the "We have a young and vital staff here as Brookville, and because of that, the teachers have growing families," she said. "Everyonc, including thc students, is really excited. Wc've even started a pool on who is having a girl or boy, when they J will have them, and thc babies' sizes. It's really wonderful." Ms Balch said even when one or two teachers require mater- nisy leave and the school must find replacements it can be hec- tic, let alone seven teachers simultaneously. She said she docsn't believe there bas ever been a Halton school with so many teachers pregnant at one trne. "There may have been a biggcr school in Oakviile or Burlington with several teachers pregnant as thc same time but 1 don't believe Uiey've had quise Uiis many." said Ms Balch. As of February, aIl seven teachers will be on masernisy Icave. Ms Balch said they were very fortunase to have so many wonderful teachers apply for Uic opduings. Ail Uic positions have been filled and now Uiey're just waiting for Uic babies to arrive. "AlUiough Uicsc arc fabulous tcachers and have left big shoes to fll, wc've been fortsinate to have many wonderful candidates apply and I feel wc'vc donc an excellent job of fll- ing Uic positions," she said. Most of the replacement teachers have already been involvcd wiUi Uic classes Uiat Uiey wifl cover in order to give Uic expectant teachers time for doctor appointments as weil as give the students a chance to get acquamnted, she aaid. "Ail Uic teachers are vcry dedicated and have helpcd make this transition easy on everyonc, staff and students mncluded." Ms Balch said Uic teachers will be missed. The pregrant Brookvllle School teach ers tom left to rlght (in th. order of their due dates), are Rae Cromsfleld, Patricla "It is a very exciting time for evcsyone and we wish Uicm al Brox, Nancy Bradley, Michelle Demnpee, Jen Treble, seanne Munro and Melanle Goncalves. the beat and expcs to sec Uic new faces vcry soon." FREESALT (Fuive 801b. bags) and FREE INSTA LLAION When you buy a Culligan Water Softener (A $200 Vailue) m je3 g@MA I ST, EAST MILTON (95)878«2474j