A1O The Canadian Champion, Tuenday, January 24, 2006 HIGH SCHOOL REP ORT "1SPARTAN FIEE PRESS" Wel eieyone bs hk Iosho oir ý Isccma trihaveircen aaerysirabut fnralt star acasin. Wr hope eteryrie ta restait and rcady fsrrthe bsylJanayaeadof us. Tire ietarfcooweeks ae am pakdmitractitaias tor ail] studanis aitd staff MrTia sekis tair Shiowcase Specracolai .ix 2 bsaryane fers an oppssrlunriy to sheascase mamrng and ahtemacin a different depariment gara an opprtity ta drapiay tire question and ansmer opperonîtiea etc. Fach itudeit gars a chance rt croît tire dia- pbays and boohk ai tire math and taih ta tire studant miro drd tire mark. Eacir tudeor presentatran tirai n'est intcrsied then' and mhy. Draploys aie in tira aeeaa of Engisir Matir. Co-op irnpeniencea. Draina. Science. Geograpry. Tacirnology and Hoaprtalrry etc and abso on tire fast day tire miii ha an Ari Auctron. Tia ta almays a ighbrgirî of eacirsemesici. Teachers arbsy workingon con'minrecsfor nei semeear'activiles. Look for E.C. DRURY SCEGOL3 FOR «ZE DurF nes louth YirY TD -orannt foredet fiel i rits umia. Pieaently tire commitice ta itirstcastig students fîti tira 12 porsittions on tire rein' Itis of fundratatng actisitica miii coantinue tir add uir thoudraititg donct it irs ,emeaier inclading a spaghetti lunîch and a atodant parament danceý Stodcts are alstrhusyin theirclasestnsirmng upthetir an'matse assgn'ers and preparitgforitheupeamtngcens a m aiaek iathe las(meekhof anuastcevey- one shaold bastudying andretcraing eacr eaenrng. In tire gym lira inteamurol drolge bail] gantes begin ibis mch. In additioe tira ara dents miii hagîn try-ours for the bail rcachey tram, tire irrnament il uI held ta Miltononear moitir The upsomiof hasiraibali toman'enî on Feb. 22nd ont hacireld in Torontto. ty ours for th bys adgrsalsrueganibisamecis Preacntly tiracti rue girls are piayrng murh F.CD Hîgir Sciroat on thir solicyboil tearvis Tire Houai systani ruai siareri lai( monti t a big sticcesa. Stadeois cat ha scco raearing thaicatouredasirriro rrpreaiitthtirhoaeandmtrigoad ean- ing peints for tran iraise hy being raaalaed in tire vaiay of activâtres arond tire sabol So. theaacrolishuzzogmwthactisrties and eeryoners encoiagedtGirT INVOLVED! Gond Luckhtu Evryone on nuairrb.ams! "6MUSTANG MESSENGER" MVeghan Sinclair Megan Cheemfa Sara kilmury MILTON DISTRICT 61GI SCRGOL Thisprsrseek jusît ld by vih he teens here aMD studyg hardtr ealtas. adhanding in thsetfinal surnmmres and airnments. Il ihd oeheehr entam iIl, acually ir startiro hbi e. Tire senresrer willrtrfiraly end, and esarsaae all gel a god couple of daas off relax ait alter altheir hard studying Thourgirth foas of this pat ek.abeen moslyrstyg up lae tokeep op w rih an ignirents anddeadioes, the sportrs trams didn't ger aoy break errher from their busy sciredules. Last Mooday bath thre Semi and Junior Gis* Voaiiybai teams had gantesagaios Georrgetown, The Seniors andrJuniors pau pan a soefighr bur unfortunately lost thir garnes Tire girls played again an Thursday against Chriristte King andribis litre he Senirrgirls were more successful in arrnrrng rmo of the rirree gamea piayed arire thre Juniors safferei anottrer aoss On rirar saine day. rire Senior and Junior Boys Baiherbail reama aise, played agatoar Chrst rhe King tarth tire Seniart bingtng home a great min Tire Gis Hockey tcrn had a great gorie on Wcdneaday hou'everesta 6-fi after a hanrd ftght. Despite tigbt achedules packcal witir gamea. staiiying. garies. and ecen more stuigtrheee aie arn!i maoy rhrngs op ahead turooka foemaeii ra. rnciudrng Pajaina Day rhra Wednesilay! Sa rememirar Mnarangs on Wednesday yoa cala iireraiiy roll oar of heri and caime ro, achool. a perfect n'ay ta spenri tire fast officiai day of Semester i. Sînce e are in ihng aireari. n' mîgir as oeil atai tiihng amout Semi Formai on Febrmaey 17tb' The halls are aleeady filied it auruz on ibis rapta. and iturt a doobt, Mita ngs can't watt for tire "Sretireari" ihemeri Semi Formai Daitce. While eseryoitr ar MD may ire tooking for-ward ta eitier Semi. or tire fast oppecacbtng trips te Reine andi Belie,. tere ire nurse n'ir ara as.toaily tooing lormaed tocoming to hghaschonl. 'Mat'ngri. tie annoal Grade 8 lno Nigirt oas heii fast n'eeh rorroducing grade eagirra ta Milton Distrita, Ilis lîkely tirai rcrryone remembers tireir oon Grade 8Info Nigiri. and th iranîed feelingsaof excîrement and nervousness riraI came ortir tire idra of finaily going ta "higir sciroat' AIl n'e have ta say arr tose grade rtghts i tata yoo'l lave il here' With esaina ibis oeek rentember ta stud) bard, and me miar you goori loch' Josi thinir. ohen ita finaity ail] oser. enjoy those coopte cf entra darys off andi relax befote anew srmester stars ail] osver agaîn! Robert Bums Night Wednesdaly, January 25 Celobration starts at 7:00 p.m. wlth Piper: & Highland Dancers - Piping in the Haggis & Haggis Sampllng coth Pie & Mushy P MCrne EARL NO COVER CHARGE MONAY: 2 for i appetizerr (4 rer 9p.m.) TUESDAY: 2 for i Fîsh & Chips 35e~ Chicken Wings WEDNESDAY: Pasta Night $6.95 THURSDAY: 35e Wings (ail day) FRIDAY: Rerb's Featrire Dinners SATURDAY: Prime Rih Dinner $14.95 SUNDAY: [s'y Yorkies Dinner $7,95 6ATELINE DRURY" Tie Naihan mihle Malt Loanste Dubois Lailonde E.C. DRUET Bi10H SCI1GOL WecoietotisedtinofDaeG n Drury, erraes ev o od insoefor you ltday. and me harpe yoa enjrry' Th irsi senresiar ai' lire 2(1G5-2i>flh 'aicl year ta a.arntng lai an end, îtir amatira are jus( around lire carner Siodents are cracking aryen lire bannksaand slodyîog lîhe lirere's no iaotarr.r tr these finals, micir wiii iregin on January 26tîi and corntinue untîl Feirruary lsi. So 'lady bard, get tire an tine. and don't forger exan' relart day ta ton Febray 2nd' Gond loch' Congratulations, grade nîne stodents. n'ira ast meek partictpated it tire EQAO Matir Test. Iey ail exibited grear enlmustasin and spirit. Great n'orht Furtirermore, tire grade ten Fnglîsr stodants ai Drury contînnari traie preparation for lire March 29tir Lîreracy Test. Tis last n'eeh. lire sîndanta n'rore a "sample" Lîteracy Test provîded hy tire EQAO. We wîsr thrm ail hock' On Jaaay l8th, future Drury sîndenîs hai lire chancelao niait rire sciron and gar a ladl for tire anvironmant. Mary sentiors, încladîng one omn Mari Lalonde and Nathan Laaitstra. acreri as tome guides for hotir tire par- ent.s and sîndenîs. Tiey loureri tire ialln'ays and visited sucb places as tire loch mîng. andr enjoyeri some Dmury delîcacies in tira Horticulture roomt. We look formard 10 saaing lirese grade aigirt sindants ai Drury iete year! It otirer Dritry items, a pep rally miii ire irei arn Feirtary 8tir la raîse scraol spirit' We aspecl to sea inany creatise aclinities iry murh sindanîs and reacirers. Don't forger 10 show yarur Drury spirit' Jouit os agaîn. nol near mach as exna miii ire it peogreas, bul Imo meeka front nom for more items abrout lîfe ar Dritry. We hope 10 see yoo tiren' "1TUE ROYAL RIEPORTP" Erin Hlhberingion Lindsay .Iohnsun Comeettn Smith Juia Rrddell Bruaria Clancy DISHGP REDINO 1061 SCIGOL Aiirtlerscrrcaerapaed saby. Thrissroim ehîîrirîrp Rding.te cehk ian winriraadentiatrally getr iaaf theasrcess of classes goneiry. and preparear arcaa scrcdulc. l«tatmelfrîe saubjectir neaateacireand at nerute iiraagi tir a ialays Aa vie serd yaa ail arr yrrar may, liRa taride Sorres are irere ta ircip yrrr barrie through tire oid, and gai ocqarred ortr tire ren' We'ce comae up murh soimetips oriraraciadaalmiihchasres ofitudyii ftorandisarmplciinf your exai S puil up a desh and fer rcady' Aa evaryrîne grars ratai study mode, ac harpeat t bse easy ripa mil belli yrou nranrmre yaor prorfit fron' yar somterîmea minimaistady tîme. Jasigeiihroafirtirosersxams, studrotsand atfrsairiaa ts yara ror tira atier aida'1 Tar irlp prapare lit exama, tira tarde sources bacc dag ap somti halpiai atudytifg ints iraaed arn oeeipencncesa nit beclp trin' Bisirep Redirgas Studeni Services depariment. Hînt #I. Mahe a atudy sciredole and stickr oa i' Be sure ta ]case exica srudy uie for mr crallengitg courses, sacir as mathr antd science. Hrnî#2: Studyin adanice' Eaenif ymr naintis otuntl tefast ay ofinls, restew yoorinotes on a Sgular bsas. Hi #3: Gai yaue tenthooha as study guidas. lIt mosi courses. tentiroohae tre main sources of informaton anditiiry containsectiontsdevoied toryterrasandî concepts. Focrîs an rira ideas tire testbooh labels as moar important. Hrit #4t If yoo iteed claification, go rt yoor teacher for extra belp. If tirere i math concept from September tirai you ati cannot gitaap achedule a meeting murh yoor teocher ai lunchr or airer armail for seme extra bnlp. Yoa miii mosi lrheiy hind rirai tircy are cager t10 belp y oo succeeri' Hînt OS: Moire arody notes aid pracrîce tests. Use irigiligrtees and diageamas ta, irelp yoo focus. Mahe practice tests hasei on qutestiona you anicîpure miii ire an rire enam. ibis miii gise you grai iras for imite tougr mon, questions on yntrr Engiai fitai. Hui #6: Sîody ita quiet. untntcrrmpied environement aid taire peniodic breaks. Do ntt r ii teain an entire course it anc nigri Hope tirese uinis are ireipfl te tire apcamrrf mecir Besi ofiauch iteaeryoeite Altirîugr aiady ripa miii prose entemcly usefai as enama approocir, ir s ibis reporneras opinion tirai saie insighti on trile mtay prove equally useful. ihis rime oI yeataas trasfu. anre rire pressare ta gai gond grades camres fromt a plerirora of souarces. and can often hectmc oermhlming. Il isalibispointrrhua e.as atadcnsmusi lookhalthe 'ig pirca'. Gi corursefgradesare imperantrandehatn dctermine our prs secondaea deiatio,tebt thrctasso macire irng a fr051 soudent tirai mairfici accierk Tis time of yecaisl as to elect on out perairnal groatr. irai contributiotn ta airer pearpica lices and tire rnrpraaemenrs me have maderrnorror lices. Teeragctrradri:tfllrof nemapriece and cirallenfa,, ted tire essarta 0e cana abouta tile rarai> crame Iran' a iexhtohk. Ail tire exracur tuar iitaes me panticipata in irclp us ta deaclap it mtity dîffren ways. norijusiacadcmicaily chscdaelrpmenta shouiditot bcovcrrIhcrinstead oruraccrrmplrshmeit.aaioaldiberelebraad. Belotecdrscrraragemcni setsinamong ihasarofaa wonmigirinoi getheramarksamcdcstre.rtracicrciaolthoi ookhate accompliairmenta mc hase made oser rire course of tris semestai. Noamanieriro amali thase accampiaiments may seem, they ail hraae an affect on our mini and sprat as a aunle Tire main message: intelligence, perses erance. as sdam. hînditesa and lovecainoi bcmeasarediry aiamher on arepntcard. Ta al]aiodeitts.haep groming os people and ind womn mitin tire scirool malis. noi jasi hnowledge. Witr tension moantiaf as rire seniester drama ttrarclose. yoai Inside Sources hope tiratsomnepeace oftmnd catbcefound. Remcembe tiar noamantermirat yommah ta, iliithe shnllsad lasons thal am lraedmwitin (batcoure ai omarier.We is csceyonc graid locki heirtacademic endeaaars and hope taaucces ifouri Hîrmeace. as a famaous puenm suares, -Scceas ta farlare tmcd itrarde out". Tis ta an tntereattnf concept. atitre me ohtensec fatlure asrthe end, mhen rmlyttiirte sai of sameihingfgreai. Dointgecidiscouragcd. as the geatesi thrgain leareaually tira most dtfficuli oac.ompish.