r1 ~. -A Real Estate SPORTS COMM UNITY ~i~ I 4> iI CS inside Pag A231 'ffl go uSita Lai! ýis! o0da>9 A METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 146 NO. 91 T"<UESDAY, JANUARY 24, 2006 $1.00 (GST include) 44 PAGES 'Ulsing Communication to BuidBetter Comnunites" Carr out - Turner takes Halton Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Conservative Garth Turner - wlth hie wlfe Dorothy - le jubilant atter winning the Helton Rldlng lest nlght. ~~ It's flot just what you lose, \ ~ 2it's what you gain. By MELANIE HENNESSEV The Champion Halton Conservative Garth Turner will take over the reins as the area's next MP after ousting Liberal Gary Carr last night in one of the closest local races in recent memory. Witb only about 2,000 votes more than Mr. Carr, the former Halton-Peel MP nar- rowiy cmuised to victoay, ending what was sometimes a nasty campaign hetween the pair. "I'm honoured and privileged and hum- bled tonigbt to he the Member of Parliamient for Haiton," Mr. Turner told the cheering crowd of more tban 100 party faitbful who attended bis 'Rock the Vote' celebration at the Ramnada Inn. "I'm honoured an be a foot soldier in Stephen Harper's army." Mr. Turner was declared the winner at bis evena around 1l p.m. when be arrived amongst a flurry of camera flashes, hugs and handshakes. "Tonigbt is sweet indeed," he said, not- ing Haiton is retumaing to wbat be cails a smal 'c' Conservative riding. 1i think vot- ers in Haiton have a lot to he tbankful for."* He said bis victory means Haiton fami- lies are going to bave their issues addressed, such as tax relief, cbildcare, healtbcare and mortgage rates. "la means the people of Haiton will, for the firsa time i 12 years. gea their voice back." be noied. Mr. Turner empbasized thai he plans iii represent local residents to Ottawa, instead of t being the other svay around. He told The Champion that belil be plac- ing an emphasis on communication witb Halton residenis. "I wana to get hack to Town Hall meetings." he said. "'l'ere's a lot of reacbing oua for me to do as the new Member of Parliamena." He pointed out that bis 267-day carn paign -long before the election was offi- ciaily called - bas invoived knocking on 45.000 doors and holding fOve Town Hall meetings, ail witb the beip of 300 volun- teers. "I ahink we toucbed every corner of this See more election reults pages A5,A7 niding, he said, calling the carnpaign a "long and grueling" one. As the polis started roiling in aller 10 p.m., it hecame evident that Halton was headed for Conservative representation. with Mr Turner ieading by at ieast severa hundred votes each time the resuits were updated. Throughout the evening, the crowd er-upted with applause as more Conservatives across the country took seats. During bis speech, Mr. Turner calied the government's return to Conservative power "the Liherals' worst nightmare." "Get used to it Paul (Martin), gea used to it Gary (Carr) and ail the test of you guys,' he said. Hle noted he had particular satisfaction in winning just days afiter the prime minister 'dissed" him and bis campaign supporters when he stopped in Milton iast week. 'Tonight. the people of Canada and the people of Halton have spoken." be said, see TURNER on page A7 Comment ........... A6 Champion Country..A13 Dateline .......A18-A19 Classified ......A24-A28 *TUESDAY, JANUARY 24. *Sloop Facoe * Raoi - Sports Maid *Rabbi Fine Fonds - huiness Depat www.miltontoyota.com H*ro e IL 218 Mai St., : 0e.t 1 Q> 0&ý#,