Passerby pre vents lire Igettîng out of control i'straittil Jroni past isiuî's of l'hi, to p;onide a ivnidow inu: Milton 'spasi. CEîplniîatnti comhent pbi okitis o- Esîuie uioîr c innie ttns ? ineormtiun January 1907 At 5.45 a.m. Moîîday a mari who was passîng E.F. Benson's blacksînîîh sbop on Martin Street sav a glare jîsîde and gave tbe alarru. The brigade turned oui. the door was opened and il was found that the floor was blazing close to a small box stove. The hose was tumed on and a very little water put oui the fire. The damnage was not great. only a hole burni in the floor. A spark from the stove is supposed to have caused the trouble. Chief Constable Bradley lefi îown on Friday morning. He said bie was going on duîy connecîed witb bis appoînîment in the licence depariment of Ontario but did not say where bis duty would take bim. Miss Kathleen Panion. of Milton, svas one of isselve probatitiners svho enîered the nurses' training school ai the Hoîspital tîr Sîck Cbîldreiî, Torontto, on Tuesday. C'.E. Gallon ay bas stold bts brick resi- derîce ai the ,îtîcr end of Martîin Street iii Jothn Munray tifEsquesîtte. Real estate val- uies hase tncreased _,reatlý yere tiIlate. Mr. GalloNay ' s prtiperty sîîld ftîr $91(X) mitre iban bie paid for il abosut tvo years ago. For some fimie Messrs. Wînn & Cii.'s. sboe manufactory bas been undergoing extensive alterations and improvements and mosi of their bauds have bad to take bolidays. Tbey are ail ai vvork agaîn. and there is work for many more if the propri- etors eau find them to engage, wbicb may not be easy. Skilled sboe bauds are in demartd and there are few, if any. oui of employment. By the alterations and the putting in of mucb new macbineiy the capacîty of the facîory bas been greaîly increased. A strip of slaies twvo feet vs de and 25 leet long blesv off the roof tif Grace Cburch and the svoodsvork underneaîh sois loosened. The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 20, 2006 - A7 *Ou,< irnërxv<s WRrTFp THE CAAIA HAPO _____________ vs oil give some serio us considération mtiîton to a sîngle-tîered governîng body for Halton Urne Capsules The repairs will be expensive. as expert siaters svill have to be engaged. Thewsork cannlot be donc unîjl the weather moder- ales. The antounit claimed by Streetsville high school for 14 Halion pupils during 1906 is $266.43. Il is explained ihat the scbool bas tbree teachers now and their salaries are higber than formnerly. Advertjsetnent for the position of asses- sor and collector ol Milton. "This includes the collection of ail property. poli and dog taxes; and aIl rates for water and electric light and keeping a proper account ot the samne ai a salary of $250. Signed J.S. Deacon. Chairman Finance Commiîîee." February 1907 The damn utthe pond near ('ampbef lviîle. owied by the Milton Fish and Gaine Club. broke last Sunday and was wvashed otît doss n to its founidation. Mr. Morse. svho ownis the mnli. and his lainily 'sere ai churcli ai the fiie- The fliais beloný the inul n ere Illttded k ,ant ce tati inii ui C.P R. cuilsert antd lte ss ,er \%ass:o deeî in Mtressable iliat his, ntt arri nyý escaped drtîn% ning fti s leared tbat inî tiI the trtiut nith n hich the iiid had beeri stiîcked base gilie dttssn streain. The nembers ofIftie club ssifl fînd tint %%,len tbe fishing seasoti opens vsýhetber ibis is true tir not. As there is a good deal of water in the pond ibey hope their trout are i'Ir it toit. Town Council: The commîttee presenîed the report of the electric light book-keeper showing receipts for 1906. $3 '001 '39 and expenditure $1,478.78. the difference of $477.39 sbowing the cosi of ligbting the îown hall. 'Me committee recommended ibat the old plant be sîîld and an tiI filter bought. Thisî maoi'rjîi î.î tt.i.iiiti tt htto1i1 (if ti' ilîtonîi li.oritoi So-itîtr /it itsp !)i/i.. îî/îî cati hi, rî'ti/i /ie t' îîîîtî/ al Dear Editor: The recent announicemeni tif Halton Regional Chair Joyce Savoline not to seek re electitîn came as a surprise tii many. She bas provided very competeni anid even-banded leadership during bier termi in office and, in my opin- ion. vvas lacing no seritits fxîlitical contenders. Ms Savoline is to be congratulat- ed for bier years oif dedicaîed sert- ice and bard work on bebaîf of the people tif Halton. As a result of bier decision, after the nexi municipal eleciion tbis comiùng faîl the office of Haiton chair will bave a new occupant. 'Mat person will bie assuming a very powerful position that encom- passes the ara and population of four federal ridings. Wbere that indisidual seeks iii lead the Region svîll bave consequences for ail Halton resîdenîs and for our future taxes. The directîton the Regitîn înîght take can iii part be detennîneti by svhere sse'se beeti ini the pasi. and svhere ssýe are today. Prîtîr tii 1974, thet.iuiiy Itîmi tif gtiveriiieit- i lis itany mniip~al tttrisdictitiis b ail beeti ini elleu.t Itr tiser f18) years. 'l'ie ci caltutil of etitta gîlsen mtî tin 19t7-4 ssi part atn effot ti respiixndl ii the lîtrecasitsîf and the kiitsslesîge thai the tîld cîîuîîy sy stei ss îuld be urtable tii ctipe ss îtb ibis griisv tb. l'or the pasl 32 years. the Regîtît tif"Halton fias bceti responsîble ftor Staff and volunteers at Allendale just amazîng Dear Editor: there. My graudmoîber bas been ai Allendale for thee I'd luke îo take a nmtment and tel] you about years and froîn my point of vîew she bas been blessed Aliendaie. a long-term care faciity located acrosv to be able to get care and assistance there for bier vani- f rom Milton Mail vvbere I've been a voifunteer since tins bealtb issues and to bave staff that care. Juiy. li also luke to tbank The Champion for reporting on ive been cîîmpieting my hîgh schooi) co-op there evenîs ai Ailendafe. f ike our annual tree ligbtîng cere- tins pasi seutester and vsiii ctîntinue nexi sentester as înîny and the new Haiton Ride transit prograru. vvl.l'ut svriting ti make the public assare tifwsvaî an As svelf. id luke iii thauk Alieudale's administrative aîina/îing joîb the staff and vîîlunîeers doi f'or the resu- assitant, Januce Evans, for helping me ieamn the jobs dentls and tbetr laînîf tes. requîned tif' a vîîlunîeer and ietîîng me be part tif' bier Fin su blessed iii be able lIo svtrk iii sîucb a canitg tearu. env urtinînent. Thomas Jones l'ni aisti spe.îkuît aîs a laily inember tifa resîdet Campbelville -317 Que en S t ACT ON 519-853-0200 F r om Do wntILo wn M ilîto n... To A ch ill1e s M a zd a...It 's 0OnI1y 18.3 Kilometers 19.7 Minutes 90.9 Furlongs 11.4 Miles 20013.1 Yards 909.7 Chains 60039.4 Fee I. Hw4O No matter how you measure il, let Achilles '.... Mazda show you why its "Worth the Drive". the provision tif the essential serv'- ices of local govertimeni. including police, social services, water sewage treaiment and waste mas- agemnent. Is il now limie for a major change in bow we govent Halton? For those wbo bave studîed the changes in municipal structures in the GTA over the f ast 50 years, it's obvions ibat at some time in the future Haiton will become a single- fier city structure witb one mayor and one governing counicil. The question is wbetber our elected officiaIs will consider the very sub- stantial cost savings that are possi- ble witb a single-tiered goveru- ment, or MEl they waîî until it's imposed on them by the Province, as bas happened wiîh the City of Toronto and Hamjilîon-Wentwortb Region? Wbeu regional gitvernmenî was iuîtiated and replaced the county system. il substanîially increased the cîsi tif municipal goveruimeut. As a resufi. sve have a very expen- sîve pîîfiticaf and administrative structure in Halion. and nîîs that the proivisioin tif' regîtînal services bias inatured sse shîîuldn'î sînly cîttsîder but deiiîiid a structure îb,î ss tilf reduce cîlsis. Leî's looîk ai ssio i uuicipafities ssh butu fice saine îxîpulaioit as f l .iit Hainitun bas rîîugbfy 5(X),000X resî,detîts and is gîîvemned by one mayor and 15 ctiuncifliirs. whbite Lonudonti. h svîî poipulatioîn oif 360((0. bas one mayor fotur cuon- troflers and 16 counicillors. Meanwhile, Halton Region bas a chairînan and 16 counicillors and eacb municîpality bas its own mayor and a collective 38 council- lors -101 eacb in Milton and Halton HuIs, 12 in Oakvilfe and six in Burlingtîîn. Do we really need four times as many elecîed officiais to politically administer about the saine popula- tion? In addition, in Halton we bave fOve chief administrative officers, Oive treasurers, Oive engineering departments, Oive planning depart- ments and five administrative buildings. Proposed city status for Halton would bave one mayor and 16 counicif lors -eliminating 42 elect- ed positions TMe cost of our local govemrment continues to climb at an unaccept- able rate. and every avenue sbould be pursued to improve efficiency and elîmînate excess bureaucracy and duplication. The poteutiaf for major improvement in these areas svîîb a sîngle-tier admîtnîstrative structure is very sîîbstantial. We hase the majoîr portion of 2(X16 to enicourage ur poitictans and tlie public iii gîve sertous con- suderatuon tii the future make-up tif itur local gîtveruimen. If my letier ts a cataiyst iii that end, then my effot wîii have been wtîrtbwuile. Ric Morrow, former Halton ild 1 N ý loe-, ý> New VdWks i Ne-OwSd i PaU i Suvice