The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 20, 2006 - A5 /,West-end housing development endorsed, barelvY lowiz counicil votes 5-4jorfir councillors say denying it coukt By MELANIE HENNESSEy The Champion It svas a close 5-4 vote, but Milton counicil decided it's support- ing the tirst phase of anoîher proposed residential development thaî'll ultimaîely bring more than 600 homes to the town*s west end. At its meeting Monday night, counicil passed a resolution to establish its position in favour of the plans put forward by Main Street Milton Corp. in preparation for an upcoming Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) bearing on the development. 'Me board svill make the final decision on wbetber or not the subdivision can go ahead. While the developer eventually wants to create 608 bouses - a mnix of single detacbed. semi-detached and townbomes -on the south side of Main Street West abutting the CN rail line. counicil only supported 507 of those units going ahead for the time being since there's currenîly water and wasîewater capacity available for that number. Before the narrow vote took place. council beard from Milton resident Bob Beyette. wbo urged council not to accepi or approve the subdivision because "it is not the righi place to build more homes and to cause more pollution." 'If allowed to proceed. il think) ibere will be non-recoverable damage to, the Niagara Escarpmneni face and 10 the overaîl sur- and aiplutionthat tisnew subiisonl su l cdfoau gt ose hp Councillors aiso, bad the chance to speak iheir minds. like Ward 3 CouncilloriJan Mossbray. wbo cîîed concemns ssiib parking in the proposed subdivision. She pointed 10 other developments in Milton wbere the roads are so narrov. and the frontage on homes is s0 short. there isn'i adequate room, for parking. Town Senior Planner Barbara Koopmans said ibere are a num- ber of aspects in the proposaI that would make for a better parking situation. such as wtder froniages on the lots that afford an oppor- îuniîy for double garages and driveways. Ward 1 Councillor Brian Penman pointed oui the long lîsi of addiiional revisions required t0 the subdivision plans ibat staff ideniited in a report. noîing its unusual 10 go forsvard wîib dis- cussions on an application wiîb s0 many ouisianding items. Director of Planning and Development Mel lovio said a council stphase of development. Some Ihave had serious consequences position needs 10 be establisbed for the 0MB bearing laier ibis monib. After the discussion, Mr. Penman, Ward 1 Councillor Rick Day, Ward 2 Councillor Mark Curtis and Ward 3 Councillor Jan Mowùray voîed againsi phase one of the subdivision, while Wards I and 3 Councillor Barry Lee, Wards 2 and 4 Councillor Ron Furik. Ward 3 Councillor Cindy Lunau and Ward 4 counicillors John Challinor and Wendy Schau were in favour of the develop- ment. Ward 2 Councillor Mike Boughîon was absent and was unavaîlable for comment ai press lime due te, illness. In an interview wiih 'Me Champion, Ms Lunau said she's con- cemned wiîb bow close the vote was, noîing the decision to allow developmenî in the subjeci ares was made in the 1997 Officia Plan. whicb designaies it as an urban area. "Tio suddenly decide ai ibis laie stage to pull oui of the OfficiaI Plan would bave serious consequences," she said. "We have 10 respect the decision made by the previous council." She poinied oui ihat the Town could've been faced wiih a cosi- ly 0MB hearing if the voie bad gone the other way and council didn'î support the developmnenî. Ms Schau shared similar sentiments, noîing if a developmenî see COUNCILLORS on page Ali0 Tartan Terrors North Amerrca s Première Celtic Coinedy Event Hamilton Place Theatre Saturday February il @ 8:00 pm On Sale Now a: Copps Coliseum Box Office, or cail to charge by phone: 905 527-7666 For Event Listings Visit: www.hecfl. ca THE NAME 0F THE GAME US FUN@ At Siots at Mohawk Racetrack the action is hot, the smiles are warmn and the fun neyer stops. You'II find an exciting array of great siots from classic reels to modern new games in a casual, comfortable setting. So for an exciting change of pace and non-stop action any day of the week, go for a spin at Siots at Mohawk Racetrack. Siots at Mohawk Racetrack 9430 Guelph Une, Carnpbellville, ON (905) 854-4053 e 1-800-732-2230 Mon - Wed 9 arn - 3 arn, Thurs - Sun 24 hours iCPOW yougr imit, pla withb, ii The Ontario Problent 1 888 2 303 3505 For mor5e iormation en français. Moaw RACE AK Must be 19 years of age or eider.