B8 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 20, 2006 Dateline - (romn DATELINE on page B7 T'he Milton Senioirs' Aciivity Centre, 50X) Childs Dr., bolds uts CyberCafé trom 1 te 4 pin. and bld euchre at 13(0 p.m. The cosi f'or each aictiviiy is $2 for- ineibers anîd $4 l'or îîîmn ineinbers. Foi morse iiifonnatiîîn. caîl (91>5> 875-1681. 'i'u esday Jan. 24 'l'le M i lton Sauta ('(ats Pl'iaile ('îîîîîîîîîee fiulds iii organization- ai nmeeting lfoi titi, y cai s pairade îî 7 p.ii. iii the dosinstiii lneetin" ilint ai the lsy Anus restauraint. 2011 Maîin Si. F. A theme is chîîseîî and an executîve is elected. If you're interestrd in being on the comtnttee but can't make the meeting, caîl Mike Ricker ai (905> 876-1331. The Khi Communîîy Church of the Salvation Army bolds its free Busy Hands, Creative Minds pr(igrain for pre-seboolIers and their caregîvers frein 9:30 tii 1l a.m. ai I(X) Nipissing Rd., unit 3. It aIse bolds ils free scrapbooking group f'rom 7:30 le 9:301 p.m. ait the same location. Bring your photos, and album. Basic supplies are provîded ai nio clîs. For more information, caîl (905> 875-10122 or visit ww%%.kbicominunity.cotn. Milton District Hospital bîîlds a one-on-one breastfeeding clinic wiih a ceriif'ied lactatioîn consultant from 9:30 te 11:30 arn. For more information or te, make an appoint- ment. cal I Jean Gallen ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. Improve communication and leadershlip -kill, ssils Ille Milton Toastmasters. Eveîyîîne is wel- corne Ii attend the meeting ai the Roiyal Canadiati Legion. 21 Charles St. (upper level>. ai 7:31) p.in. Foîr iniformioin, calI Jaimie Cunininghamn at (905> 876-2234. (.alling New Parents, a f ree gril grin l'or pareils aiî babies ag'ei 6 inths anid yiiuigei . îîîeeîs wiil il gîiliIC ieailth nlurse iii discîss pir- cniiiii and îîîf,îîî care l'lie griiag ineets, alt îe Onitario Eai y Yeai s 'entre. 917 Nipissing Rd., front 1:3(0 ii 3:3(0 pin. For more iiifor- Inaioi. caîl (9015) 825-(ÀXX), extl. 7299. HeIp for Parents, a Halton par- ent support group, ineets in the evening in ibe basement cf the cburcb at 5720 New St. in Burlingîîîn. Tbis non-denomina- tîtînal self-support group belps par- ents <if cbldren svbo are in trouble ai borne. at scbool or svitb the lass or ssbo are abusive or taking drugs. The group us a member cf the Assoiilation cf Parent Support Groups in Ontario. For more infor- matioîn, caîl I 800-488-5666 or vîsit www.apsgo.ca. TMe Women's Centre, suite 210 in Hopedale Mail ai Rebecca Street and Third Lîne in Oakville, bolds its free Peer Counselling by phone or in person for wonîen facing abuse. grief/loss and relaîionsbip issues from 10 arn. to 3 p.m. And is free Employment Network takes place from 9:30 te 11:30 arn., teacbing resumé writing and job searcb skills. To regîster or for mnore informaîtion, call (905> 8>47- 5520. Wellspring Halton-Peel, a sup- port netsvork for cancer patients and their familles. holds its Ovarian Cancer Support Croup fromt 10.:Y arn. te noon at 2545 Sixth LI'ne in Oakville. [t aIse bolds ils Long Cancer Support Group l ofin 6:30) le 8 p.ris For mnore inlor- niation. caîl (905> 257-1988. The Milion Seniors' Acti vity (Centre, 5(X) Childs lDr., hilds ils Downsizers Weight Loss Club ai 10 a.rn. The costi s $2 l'or mnembets and $4 for non-members. For more information, caîl (905) 875-1681. Wednesday Jan. 25 The Milton Road Safety Committee meels ai the Milton police station, 490 Childs Dr., ai 7 p.m. For more information, cal! Jan Mowbray ai (519) 853-4492 or e- mail mowbrayj(a_>sympatico.ca. The Halton chapter of CARP meets ai 7:30) p.m. ai the Burlington Seniors' Centre. 2285 New Si., witb Jim Matz speaking about Habitat for Humanity. Milton District Hospital bolds a one-on-one breastfeeding clinic wiih a certified lactation consultant from 1:30 te 3 p.m. For more infor- mation or te make an appoiniment, caîl Jean Gallen ai (905> 878-2383, ext. 7030. The Women's Centre, suite 210 in Hopedale Mal] ai Rebecca Street and Third Line in Oakville, bolds * see More DATELINE page 89 TrHE 20 ALTIMA 2.5S 2.5L, 16 Valse, 20(1 Engîîe (t 75(P) *4 W(ieel Disc trakes -Midguards (Front & LEASEal * er Auioi H,11eadliuols - Haie) Otide Mitrrrs >Cîlîur Keye)> t Way Maniai IMONTH* Drive, t Seat - t/40 Split Rein Seat w/Lock $ 3 FOR 48 MONTH8 - Vaiable Intenmittent Wîperî (imite Fiel FRE8ONT INCL. Lid Release -Power Trank Release -Crîue Cîninîl -Tilt & Telescipe Steerînt Cîlîmn WITH(Mania> FîPoen Heate) Ottde Mirtînt * i ser 00ir tîcks - Pwen Windtws W H$ DOWN W/Driien's Site Att 'Up/tiwi' AM/FM/Co MeCuRITy Aîtîî Systen (10t Watt> 6 Speakens * Immobilizer Ke> Systen Aitomatic $ D POMIT Transmissionr ABS. '2006 Afema 2i 5 8 ',uuiS muae .511 2 8 ALR administration teei i taxes exriii Nil excyas vs m ai NUORTrH END 610 MARTIN STREET, MILTON ' 905-878-4137, SALES DEP8F HOUAS: Min.-Thuns. 9:00 -9:00, Fi 9:00 -6:00, Sai. 9:00 -5:00 SHIFT-