A4 The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 20, 2006 !AmanTer :.wrliu F<Té Miltn Immigration issue is raised EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIER Position summary Reporting to the Town Clerk, the MLEO las responsible for enforcement and administration of the Towns by-laws, zoning and ail regulatory and lioensing by- laws. The Municipal Law Enforcement Officer works closely wlth other munici- pal departments, the police and various provincial agencies. Applicants should have a High School Diploma, a Municipal Law/Property -Standards College Certificate and/or Police College graduate or background within the Justice or Enforcernient field and a minimum of two years related experience. Certification through the Ontario Association of Property Standards Officers as well as the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers Association lis pre- ferred. Strong interpersonal akilîs, basic computer software literacy and excel- lent written and verbal communication skills are required. Experience with AMANDA software for lîcensing/enforcement would be an asset. Must possess a valid "G" Ontario drivers licence. Use of your own vehicle will be required on occasion. Salary range: $47,025 fo $58,800 plus an excellent benefit package lnterested applicants should submit a resume by January 30, 2006 f0: Town oaf Milton, Department of Corporate Services, 43 Brown St., Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Coordinator. Human Resouîrces Fax: (905) 878-4231 E-mail: humanresources(@milton.ca Visit our website at www.nhitontca for more information. In accordance with the Freedom of tnformation and Pnivacy legistation, applicant infor- mation is collected under the authonity of the Municipal Acf and wîll be used strictly for candidate selection. REVIEW 0F PUBLIC CONSULTATION PRINCUPLES The Town of Milton supports the open flow of information between government and the communify in order f0 assist in the decision-making process on issues that affect the public. The Town la reviewing ifs Public Consultation Principles, and we are seeking your comments. The Principles are available af www.miIton<ca, or at the Clerk's Division, 43 Brown Street, Milton, ON L9T 5H2. Please provide your comments fo Karyn Bennett, Deputy Clerk, in writing or by e-mail at excdeevcsmfo.aby Febriar 20, 2006. citter as:sei Miltorn resideni Ken Lamb then asked the candidates what they would do 10 increase immigration raies, noting that it's currently going down but the population of sentiors is încreasing rapidly. Mr. Turner said Canada's current immi- gration system hasn't been processing those crrming int the country quickly enough. -We need 10 clean thai up and make sure is efficient," be said. He said the Conservaîlves also want tri set up an agency that'il make sure immi- grants' credenials are recognized in Canada. -We wanî to make sure people coming here actually benefi Canada and ail] of our surciety," he said. Mr. Naqvr shared srmilar sentiments. ning the NIAI> s alsîr proposing 10 make the immnigratriron ,ytem speedier. [le air idrr tre rdiscrirminations need 10 ire reirrrrvcrl when it crimes tri recirgnizing rirrrrgrarirs, worrk esperience and qualifi- Mr (arr poinîci rut thdi ire suppirrted a moîrtirrr jist year rir ser up a secretariai tir irversec thre Iîreign credential recognitiorn priigrarrr He irrld 'he Champioîn that thre Lîberals are alsîr pushing 10 ensure more money is avaîlable bo help process mitre people rn thre immigration sysîem rn a timely fashion. T'Me sparks flesv again beîween the MP and Mr. Turner w ,hen Mr. Carr said ire belieses people don't %vant Stephen Harper and the *Reformers tir gel control of the countr. Mr. Turner rebuîîed ibai he's not in poli- tics to try to wrn office by scaring people. "I thrnk you can stand up and scare peo- pie ail you wvant.- Mr. Turner bold him. n01- ing ai thre end of thre day tirai doesn't help Canada. Melaîiie Heiiîesse % can he reac/red air MINGGef R.ady Torontol We've Just opened a Beautiful new store, mi at Mississaugalakville and we're celebrating MetroWide! 'SAVI u~4oe SOPHIE LIVING-ROOM SOFA compare of S 389 DESIGNER SERIES RECLINER oorrrobre in tobnc & ierther MONTREAL LIVING-ROOM SOFA compare of $1499 MORGAN RECLINA ROCKER' RECLINER comnpre of $1099 ANDERSON RECLINA-RESE" RECLINER GRAND OPENING SPECIALS VAUD AT ALL 0F OUR MEIRO STORES! Monday - Friday 10 amn- 9 pm Saturday 9 amn- t pm Sunday 10 arn- 5 om ..... ....... - r. ,r ,.,,~ r s W 4 M e Soes toSe Yo Betr Leedr Qu*t ... Diec *o Th Sore w .abyoot.o Trinity Common Hwy 4 10 ai tovaird Dr, by Home Depot> (905) 789-5800 2-- LI MISSAtA NORTH Heartiand Toan Centre Maris at todea Drive by Home Depot) (905) 568-2211 r.- MISSISSAUGA t GAKVILLE ale Dundas ai Wrnstoni Churciîll NE Corner) (905) 569-0046 r n hnrne Êd, 1*1 Photo by GRAHAM PAINE NDP Haifon Riding hopeful Anwar Naqvi speaka f0 the crowd. Martin hugs Carr from PRIME on page Ai in aird defended tire Charter of Rigirîs. piiring out the Liberals undersiaird if*s imhpoartanti ii proteci minirrity rigiris. He %vent on iii say be îhmnks if Stephen Harper s\vas tire coruntry .s leader. -xe would bci.~n Iraq ai ibis trne. Mr. Martin said in rîrder for ihe Liberals tir do Nw bat îirey w ani to do for Canada. -every progressive order bas tir corne w lbh us." He urged tbe Liberals crowded into Mr. Carr's office rr -reacb oui to tire resi of tire progressives,~ meanîng ibîrse sebo support the NDP and Green Party. Tire prime minister bugged M. Cari befîrre ireading oui. MeIotie Hennease "v can be reîwjted or m/innessrev@niton- canuthaienchampion.c0m. 810 Power Centre QEW ai Brant Street (by Cosico) (905) 331.7600 ,999 bule