Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Jan 2006, p. 32

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32 - The Cunsdîsn Champion, Friduy January 20, 2006 z :e+M e1 Slld&f Office Hin Office Help cg 111ce Help 9&.OfieHn uwnea Skip ed&oca m iziliE PRSCENiER u STEL Pv son neede to work n ghts 10O OOpm7 OOam. udyNight ta Thursduy Night. Please appty with resume to 5 Indu,, Avenue (buck entrance>, Georgetown Or oei 905-877-1225 Construction of housles j Must be wiliing ta travul 0ev transpartation S not neoessary. Csmpetve mages . Phoe:51 -53 -71 alle600pm Please Cali 905-877-8883 I [ rFssumîo:5-877588 , For custom mitiwsrs shop in Georgetown. IFax resume to I I905-495-4655 orCai LntPooksing frwrk? P C/Ceail -o Stevens Resource Group 905-878-7789 aOT / .iL CARER EEE L Tor duiiVery olithe Sunday Sun Newspaper on Sundays iv the CuargutowniMiiton areus For more information pieuse caI: 905-875-3642 or 905-878-0007 Maintenance, an ISOaegisterud cluaningI Icomnpasy seeks tal and parltitme, Heav and ILight duty cleaner or the Milton Region I FREEDOM SIGNATURE SPAS Budingtott's Most Presttgious Day Spa requîtes Fullitime Senior Hair Specialists Junior Hair Spcialist & Registered Aesthetician Pleas resporid by email fa: Iiana.kennedy@freedoMSignaturespas.ca or cal to arrange an interview 905319267 THIOMSON Mutais & Disposai Professuoass ta Muta Recyclîng, Waste Management and Demroitian as looing for a LICENSED TRUCK & HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 5Vears Expurience an Trucka & Heavy Equîp. Availsbility ta watt satift-worts dayo & at Muat bu an lndupevdent wortser Competitvu wageo & benufita Please fortilard resumne ta Maintenance Manager 961 Zelco Or, Burtington, ON, L7L 4Y2 - Fao: 905-63742M7 Ld*1t 1kâmiVO IVs LasurNetworks Inc. (www.iasernetworks.com) bas a hiatory ot ateudy growtr and la an induatry leader in praviding office equipment salua, supplies and service acrosa Canada. We are now seekîvg: CartridgeTechnicians (7) & a Purchasing Assistant ta loin the LaserNetworks team @ Qakaille huad office. Conisideration Miii bu given onily ta candidates wbo have a praven tracs record and a minimum ut 2 ACOUT REEVA c _u^In ' en we are Mildingo "the areau "ssnest xpeir v7 ommunity of ad, -Il lifes Y need cl.rcal & an experienced person toi handle a wi( nety ci .- ty .1 clerical & administrative duties in a busy sales ci- fice. The ideal candidate wiil have telephone and reception expehence, a frieridly, outgoing person- ality and a poïive attitude. Excellent wrifteri and verbal communication skills are essential. Vie offer a competitive hourly wage in a grow . ng company with plenty of room for advancemerit. You Mll work in a pleasant, small office environnient for a solid employer. A vury compettive aalary, tull benetits plan, 3 i P weuha vacation ta stars, profit oharîng and on theu 248hCne jobo training are pravided. If pou are înturusted and miash tai loin a higbiy matioated and akiiled teum, PIease sond your reslume via entait in very slric confidence ta: hrdepartmenlOlasornetwonks.com ICE SCHEDUJLERI ADMINISTRATOR The Miliou Miner Hockey Association SMMHAi. a nn profil ertaniaion providint oppertunities rer Mill,,n' Yeuth t,, enjer thr sportl ef hockey is loeking for a ruil-time .0Ia ceScheduler/Adninisleut,,r. ,-,,nhl,i,,î Sihddno ait- Ri ad pî.iîîî *5,ii,îioig it ,ilj,e- i,-.îi'ii,-., îiiîsî i, o ev, \tMinir h l a etd \,'e11I111111, cr.,.,s ind: ,-eriî,îîî,,îRej ýi,-u,,, î,eiiîs, p.%eýidî, v ir h lep lio h, iStiS ii,,- iî of ieui/,,o iiiiv ut 11 ltl Pieuselui ,toh r resumeA an confidence le,: ni n MMi' Secretar Cail Centre Debt Collection Agents Needed F/T penn. Requîred tai watts Day! Evuning shitts. Must bave excellent communication ssills. /.till train Campetilive Wage+ banuses & Benettts Call 905-491-7373 Mîllan. ON 1,9'-2Y3 ficHi RECEPTIONIST/DATA ENTRY Jok Descrition, The Miniatry ai Antorney Cuverai. Sopersor und Full t/me AeceptiorsiData Entry Persoe required Ontuno Court ai justice seuka an indîvîdua ta, toi a gromîvg arguvîzason. This Mîttan bueed provîdu cierîcal, cushier and cauntur services compavv Os onfenna camputtîvu remaverason iv tor the efficient operutian ai u court office. an opien concept, dynamic, ieumn evravrmevî Primaoy esownsibilties CLIENT SERVICES REPRESENTATIVE Recuption dusses include tuenhove and front You Wîill recussu/procuss.îssae court desk administration. mail and saunier co- documents ai a public couvier, respovd ta ordination, luoîvg, h/ling. Data Ealry duls teieohovu/counîurîinquîrus provide intormation ricludle mord pracuasivg. spruadseets, dta- ta clients. legai profession etc. preparu, hase evsry inia Microsot Office producta, issouisiga court orders: receive/reoiem proceas 1 12qttSmeftsl court aidera, compose routine corrusponduvce; Huve the uhîiîty ta type accuratelv avd operute cash regîstur, coiluci lues: inputlupdate successtuliy molli-task iv a tuai paced cases oni Court Compuiurized Spatema: evronmunî. Musi have eoprîuîîncu usina MS maîntaîn fîîîng avalema. Word, MO Excel, and MS Outiook. ValîS dvver's licunse. QUALIFICATIONS: Emtait.:jeff@ilwosIage.com Abîisty ta, learn court procedurea, rulea. acta. satutua, legîslaîîav. Knowledau of office Hasly Market Corp. requires praccurealpractices, cash contrai pructicus; ubilily ta, hundie cash and opuratu cash register, BOOKKEEPER mathemuticul, oîguvîzutsoval îvterperaovul, F/T positian. Muai be prahicievt iv mhe use of Acc- communicatiov, unulylicul sisa: ubîlîtp la, use pac for Windows, MYOB, Excel & MS Word, Must PC and rulutud software such us MS Word/ b optrltrthv sdognztsa Bacul and compulevized apatuma, abitity t0 sut aki &comiutier itrthagve afic udm iviatoa prionties. Training providudkls&fmlawt eeriofc diitain Munt have wsrkivg knomtedgu of mavth-end pro- Competition: Client Servicea Rapa-osiative cudures such as G ST and PST retaîns, WCB avd Alfin: Sandra Madeira buns recavciliubiovs. Must be praficient in the use Fax: (905) 693-420 ut Accpuc tor Windows, esce, MS Word and have a-ail:SandraadiWra3Juago.on.ca office administration. APPICAION MUT B REEIVD BY.- Pieau submit rosames la fax: 905-847.7731 APPLICATIONS MUSbE 5.0C0VE BY:. aoi: lmaravic@îstymarktcorp.cam Janury 2,200 by :00 ,M.On/y candidates sulectud for interviews ii bu contacied. GROM4NG Bsngton basud cany ha an IMMEDIATE auud for a PART-T/ME FINANCIAL CONTROLLER The ideal candidate miii bave a min. ut S-tO years eaperiencu in a contraller/accounting position Mith emphais on payroil pracedures. AR/AP inventory cavirol and genetat baakkeepîng. Preference miii be gîven ta muose applîcants mitti eoperience in s msnofacturing/canittactivg envîronrmunt. as mel s easurîence iv OuictsBooks accooning softmare antd H-umav Resourcea management. MusI bu able ta opeas, read and write Engiish fiuuntly. Compie- tian of High Schoal and oomu Caluge/University requiruti Certifications not requitud, bol wouid bu conaîderud s definite soul. Estîmateti 20-30 hauro per mets. tesdîng to fuil-time. Pieuse tas reaumes to 905-632-6723 or emaît as an attactimunt in mord to cijabs@hatmaii.com Oviy maosu appiicaats oeiuctud for an interview ei/ bu coviacted. Full Tirne in Milton area Positton requtrement minimum 10 years of accoun ing experience, iflcluding accounits receivable, accounts payable, bank. reconciliation and Accpac experience.1 Submit salary expectatton and resumne toi: positionzzz@yahoo.com or attention Theresa 905-693-0155. RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Milton Ousud smai trsckivg compavy is carrent- iv loolioy for office huip. Wu wîll provîdu train- vag. Computer ski/ta. wîth aood manvurs iv commonicatu, somv knowtvdav of transport industry prvtvrred. Fleoîble H-ouis avaîtabie. Plesse fax resumne toi: 905-693-1225 Busy manutactuning tirm has position available, full time. Candidates must bu capable ot al dalies in- clusive tai tria balance in Accounts Receivabe and Accounts Payable. Resumes only ta. PC. Bas #2563 280 Guelph Street, Unit #29 Georgetown, ON L70 41 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Fast paced Millton office requires an eapernced A/R CLERK Responsibdiie inctude Tetephone Reception and acher geenevl office duties. Applioaint muet be datait orieated and possea excellent coçnmunficalion elle. Pieuse sublinit reame fo: Box 21 A d/o Tih. Canadien Champion CUSTOMER SERVICE REP 31K Local Milton Loalatico comvuny Seeks Customer Service Rep 2-3 veurs reiate d voperience required. Computer voperience an usset. Must have own transportaton. Send Resume ta: Box#20A MiltIon Canaditen Champion 875 Main SI. E, Milton, ON LgT-3Z3 R A ESTA T AW CE Adv ured f uamy Mîtoun taw tirved'ý cst inreSalary +pactaions t 905-876-3254y 3 ]HAL.TON M E D 1 A G R C) IL P CITY Parent a division of Metrolundas Hafisv Media Croup, ha an immediate a enîng for a: Jr. Advertising Sales Representative The qoulified candidate miii be a motivatud, indepundent, aelf-sarter dr/yen by uchievement. Yo miii pasuesa excellent wriffen and verbal communication ahi//s and bu fumî/îar mith Microsoft compoter appiscations. In thîs raie, you wl bu costomer focosed and w/Il bu/Id strovg re/atianahîpa mîth new and exstivg clients by enaoring thut thsir advertiaing needa aie mut. Yo wIl bu gal-arientei and capable of meeting rega/ar month/y budgets. If pao mould lîke to maork for a leader in the media îndostry Ihîs oppertonity muy bu the rîght une for pou Will affer a campettise compensation and bunefit puckage as me/i us opportun/i/eu for futore career gromth. A re/îuble vehicle la required. If intereated pieuse formurd yaor reuomu, witb sulury uspectuhiova by Junuury 25, 2006tIo: jroshko@cityparent.com We aprciate the inureat oPa/i asicants hweer o*ithas s ecied foras interiew enÊb contucied No ahane cals or aauencies igeas. SMetroland West Printing Group Metreiand West Printîng Group, a division et Metroiund Prîntsng, Pobi ahing, Diatt boting Ltd. onu of Ontario's premier prîntssg and distribution compas us bas an mmmediate openîng for a, Sr. Pninting Sales Representative Metro/und West Prsnting Croup is a tati service premiom qoality prîntur msth a tive colour press, twe coloor presa and fs/I bindery. The qoaified candidate m/Il bu cuatemer focuaed and mlt bolc atreng retatienabipa mîtti nevu and eaistîng ctients in the Hamilton/Niagara negion. Yoo ml bave o minimum et five peurs uxperience in commercial prîsfing. A reliablu vebîcle /0 requsred. If Po mold I/kv te werk for a leader in tbe media îndoatry tbîa oppertonity may be tbe rîgbt one for yeu. P/eaau forward our rusume wîtb oa/ary eapectatîena, îndîcatîng Metre/and West in tbe aobject uine. ne later than that Janoary 201h 2006, te: careers@haitonsearch.com Fax (905) 845-2013 Wuf appreciate the inturest of ail applicants however oniy those setected for an interview w/il bu contactud. No phone catis or agencies please. . . .............................. SINRs 1930 #New in town? #Geking ffarnied in 3 months or mor6? *Having a baby? litFstablishinq a new business? Please cail us Comm6niý WeIcome oris 905-332-4799 Maqda 905-699-1248 Baby Wetcome MichcI 905-332-8634 Bridai Welcome Latiî 905-878-0126 Imorof Wolcome Larie 905-878-0126 me to (905) 659-3516 ýson tc, Aritrim Glen, on West, Flamborough

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