The Canadian Champion, Finia January 20, 2006 - 31 I, Enerqy Advaniaqen -~ ~ ~~~~~eK e.iix /.d.~ îcepii ai indîviduvîs lot tas growîng Bufiîngton hea office. Energy Analyst - Financial Services Dattes: Vaut epertise and intereat la energy and financiai anolysîs la requiredi au viii vare vith cli- anis in a t/me-sensitive way tai analyse. reconcîle and pop their utîiîty lava/ces, and prepare accruais andi bank îeconcîiîatîana. You wîii ha requireti ta communicate exensively iîtti bolh clients and vo- ergy stîiîty campanies. Qualifications: Yau viii have a pasi aecandary educatîon or an accountîng desîgnation. ana at lysi 2 peas of financîi analysîs eeperîence eau- cation ana/or training îniciudîng 6 mavihs interfa- îng dîrvctiy wîth clients, You wili have esceptiona Excel obulity as eli as general eperience/traînîng n Mucrosait Office, tistabases. internet andi other standartd computer applications. fExperience in the energe îndustry and French language akîlis viii be conaîdvred an asset. Yaut esavatîi competencîva viii tncluda cualamer service and resuits orienta- tions, the abiity tai plan. organîze and coordinate pour vote. and effective liîatvnng ana campreten- sion. There viii ha tiuiierent cambînations oi rele- vont esperience education andiar training that vouiti rassît in an applîcani meeting these Otan- darda. Enloy woring in a grswing, fast pacad anal- rnant wtth great people. Pleass end posa rasuma, apacifying ahich position ysu are saekIng ta: Job6Oi@energyadvantage.corn Fax 905-319-7980 8 eea HelZ Gerl Help idî.iuIes aiaô sehs a sioci range of iiiicd hup plies. devîcesanyd systemo. The tollowîng position is carrenip available in Oukaîlie Receiving & Put-Away Associate Resparsble for accarate receipt & stock put-svay ai ail in-baund finiahed gonds in a computer- ized/RIF envîrarmeni, May require heavy lifting. Order Fulfiliment Associate Preparation and fulfillîng ai cuotomer or- dero uilizîng the WMS/RF oyatem capu- bilifies. May require working in a reiriger- ated environnment and somne heavyimaci vraie lifting. REQUIREMENTS: -High achool dîploma requîred. - year vsrehousing in a bstch-conroled, RF-enabled. sutomsled WMS envîronmienî. -Cerliiied narrov ile torit sperator andior couriter balance Iih itruct w slip-aheei allachment eaperience reqvired. -Narom sie t0w molarielctric wslkie vapenience an ussel. -Slrong ability toi priarîtîne. prablem salve and molli-tast in a iast-paced enivironmen- ecellent organînatian. communication, interpersonal and teamvort stîlis. For Complefe ahb description, vîsît Resamne tac Canadajobs@bdi-am ar 905-829-2069. Reference position tille in lte sabai-I lina, BD thants ail apli-ants but on/p those oelecled for an intervew viii ha contacted. e% (No phone s-alla or agenciao pleaoe). GBD 108 SEEKER.S WANTED!I THE EMPLoyMIENTr RESOURcE CENRrES.. 994DAp>860 I Ii9tOt Court 905-33313M99 et ao ameguU 184D Gaem Sftre 905-70e~731a& Mg20 mhaosso Oniojfo St. $ot e09 eS"utha'Iew ) 905-6211-8434 UIL 30 Odwe'Ue 465 MWeaafe Rd., #309 905-845-157, Mt niî For more information, please callyour nearest Employment Resource Centre or visit www. ttiecefltre. 4 e SkIiIs Development & Training Thus progeet i. tandd by thse Govemmeit off Canada.J fox ag alî Technaloagy rer your lifestyle NOW HIRING FOR GEORGETOWN and GIA Fox Digital is a rapidly growîng Talus Dealer and mulfi-divisianal ceilular / electronies refailer. We are csrrenflly recruitîng ENTHUSIASTIC team plapars for the fallowrng positions: -Ref ail Management!/ Trasnees -Insîde / Osfside Sales Asociafes (P/T and P/T 'fbu have two fa fîve years reiafed retail esperi- anca, a passion for cellular and consumer electronico tagether Wrfh a cammilment for meet- ing custamer needa. If you are intereot in a career wîth us pieuse for- word yosr resume for cansideration fa: Fao: 416-630-7181 st e-mal: humanrasaurces@foxW/relesa.cp Hearbus otio&Culturean Tur & pfend T S rvce s andi Urban Forastry. Applications must be compleiad on-line through the Town of Qakvilie's websîte www.oakvilla ca/amployment.htm, A full lîst of positions, requirements andi tarms of empioyrnent is avoulable on-lina as vei as in the Recreation and Culture or Human Resourra depariments at Town Hall. Aquatics Staff Applications ior Aquatîc positions încluding Swîmmîng & Watarfitness Instructors, Liieguards, Slîde Attendants/Cashiers and a part-time Handyperson are now baing accepteci. A full list of these positions and job requirements are not avaîlabie on-lina and must be obiaineci and submîtted in person to: Town of Oakvîlle Human Resources Depariment 1225 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, ON L6J 5A6 Deadline Ail summer position applications muai be rvcvîved by Frîday, January 27, 2006. Frifriainvstvvv ailec or cl (95 84601 RETAIL Ï1134§1 Wc>r-ici SALES CONSULTANTS Bell World Corporate Stores Bell Distributian laic. fhraagh if's Bell warld Ref ail stores offero complete commanication shopping, inclading internet, direct-to-home satellite, w/ratiie and wîreless praducfs, services and accessaries. Praduct knawledge in telecammanicafiaris con- sidered an asset. Applicsnts must fraya stnong sales akilîs, eacel- lent cuatamer cote & computer sisîls. Competissve hast/y rates & variable compensation, campetfîve company benefirs. Walker's Lina & Oorlîngtoa Mail Store Locations Cou For canoiderafian emaîl resame ta: http// We ttraah you for yor inIaiest however We aee an ever growing progressive Ca-sage company sn business sisce 1949. We are located sn the wvesf i-ad of thc city and are looking for a Licensed Truck and Coach Mechanic. We offer an ex- cellent wage. benefit and shift bons package. Yos mast te a fi-arn ployer able to work with minimal spervision. Please forward ail resumnes: attn. S. Pascoe By fais 416-239-3394 or emoil: apaacoa@generaIcartage.comn "2 TOYOTA GEORGETOWN PeART ADVIS* Rapidly growing dealervery busy shop. Toyota experience an asset. Fax resumne in confidence ta: Doug Dockstader 905-877-461 9 Wde ap ecse invi te rvut bsta niyhae partsfîd e ir lta i i9anlba.a futimatrime weae digth resins COrmmntyai adui liestye nghaeoas enee aepEreedern tas hande Faide aret a waen (rWingt campny with #2nt9i)om o adeancamr ent w.dnoscrhm._ JOB OPPORTUNITIES Wlrolesale Distribution company now hiring: DZ DRIVERS for Local Ontarloé Deiverles Musi have kaawledge ai GTA. Ail applicants mst have goad written and oral English skilis. Abstract & police clearance. Attracive Benehit pkg., profit aharing campany Please fax resune ta: 90525-9709 or apply ia persan ta: 2226 South Service Rd. West, Oaknille Our Acton location located in the Sobey's Piazal is curreniy iaaking for a HEALTH COUNSELLOR Permanent Fu-trne Career Oppartaniry Please fao resame ta: 519-853-8124 Tha Drycleanar which as lacated in the new Real Canadian Saper Store is accaptisg applications for coanfaer help. Shifts are as fallows: 8:0Oam-3:OOpm Monday-Friday 3:OOpm-9:00pm Manday-TharsaL 3OO0pm-9:OOpm Friday 8:OOam - i :30pm Safrdayl t :30pm-7:OOpm Safsrday f O:00am 5:OOpm Sanday Emal resume ta stoppa drycleanersOsympati- ca ca, mail foi Sfapp's Drycleaners, 885 Main Street, Milton ON L9T 5A7. More inia 905-876-4245 Excitinq New Career Opportunity Norîth Americas. faatest growîng hesîf h and neas companry as now lookîng for Manager Management Trainees. Opportanity ai o lit Remuneration irom $22K for Trainees tao for qualîfîed Managers. Please send ressmes la: centerîshs@fruestarhel - Irupstar- POSITIVE THINKERS with people skills needed for fthe one ai theI I ______________ growing campanies in Canada! Taseafar for an. If pas have a badegraand n fhe healtl wallneso indvstry and or sales asperience send yasr resame ta: wlth cçmiWon eta' n d INom, litai Ildng lna*rw k fiiretlea nta yeu cas CANADIAN TIRE MILTON is currenta, seeking applîsanis tor the fsiiawîng posison Experienced Paras People Plesse contact Jenalfer @ 905-878-2349 x 141 or fax- 905-87-180 GENERAL ADMIN POSITION 25k salary lterafa Emai resumne is, stephen@0 l_ î' e.-.T POID Well- wortîng w/fb o s and iicenaed agency; etîme, regalar psy, paid stat $55K+ daysaund child's aict days, bactup, train- ing, equipmenf, www.weewath.hcam faste at wam- r and\/, . IPlease Kecycle this Papier DELMANOR Glen Abbey Oalmanor Gien Ahbey Rat/ramant Raoidenoe ln Oakvlla la Saahsag An OFFICE MANAGER (FIT) Must ha able fa work in a fst psced envîranrmeni and te defal snd deadline orîented. Minimum 3 peurs office aaperience eih ail aspects ai bask- kaeping includiag AiR, N/P, payrail funictions and sonme supervision. Mst ha computer liierafeasnd praficient in Mu-rasait Excel. Sali motivafedi indivîd- ua vhs viii fate swnership and go one stap te- yoad fa meet the required deadiines. Please forward yaar resame in canf idence ta:, fax: 416-661-823 Dalmanar Gien Abbey io a mrembaer af tha Tridal Groupaif Campaniao. Thant you for-pour infareai, only ihooa granieci an intarview witi ha conta-ted.