The Canadian Chamrnion Frirlsiv .aua 20,, 2(006 - 2 orts "Hawks edge >Blades in OT -~ Late goals keep Milton __ unbeaten at Memorial By HERB GARBUr The Champion ~~atchng Luke Dubbin and newcomner IJ~ Alex Eaton perfectly execute a two-on- WVone into the overtime winning goal at Memorial Arena Tuesday night, you would swear they had donc this before. li's the kind of play that a coach runs his players through ai ever practice. So the facî that the two Milton lceHawks spent iwo years as linernates on the Ontario Hockey League's Sudbury Wolvcs mneant they had probahly practised that exact play hundreds oftlimes. And while the goal may have looked efforiless, Tuesday's 3-2 comeback viciory over the Oakville Blades was anything hut -as Milton needed Jason Bergeron's goal with 21 seconds îo play in regulation to force overinme. Then pust 1: 13 iutî the extra pcriod. the former Wolves douscd the Alex Eaton hîggesî threai [o Milton's team-record 21--pt Twne gante unheaien sîreak.-- ptOTwne "Dubbîn broke away trom the guy it was a beautiful pass across," Eaîon said. "It sas definiîely nice 10 put ihat one in." While a player reîurning 10 Tier 2 Jr. A hockey from the RIL vH e s K o ck u tbrings experience and skill, success is no guarantee. Chemistr "F" s a k n c o toten plays a role in wheiher a player succeeds in his new sur- rolundings and reuniiing ihe formner linemnaies has obviously *~L i. * ~worked well. Eaion has produced three goals and eighi points in - iT111 th e if S' tour gaines since joining the lceH-awks and Dubbin has four goals and eighi poinîs over the same spant. Teamed wiih Dan Faîbo, tIhe Canuianhesyweiht oxlg grat eore Chval ha a ne produced iwo of Miton's three goals on Tuesday. luis fm wIhmf.iM couern e s r ee Geln Ch l hm a He's a pretty big pickup for us," said Milton inierim head coach auUoga* session of th. ftuth annue Milton ChUmber 0 Joe Washkurak. -We feut we gel pushed around a litile bit and w CSumerce Sports CeIsbrty Dinner and Auctlon et Glencalmr needed t0 gel some size. He's a tough kid and if anyone wanîs te, GofCQ tub lft the Weolknwn pglt Md IOM Ordmof iake him on theyre goingitohe in for a igh." Con"d recipent poses for à photo aller sinn a itg Milton almosi had Eaion, who racked up 459 penalty minutes in glove. See Tuesdys Chemplon for ae tory on fiellow celebrW 144 OHL gaines, in thse lineup earlier ihis ye >ar. Sudbury put the dinne guest end Mittonlan Mike astis.. six-fooi-ihree winger on waivers and Milton gave him a ciii. However, the Barrie Colis claimed him. Despite scoring twice in Photos by GRAHAM PAINE eighi games for thse Colts, ihey ioo left him unproîecîed. see UNBEATEN on page A26 MOHAK VAENTIE'g St.rts VIid in Milton Fora ealhyMmd& od If you find it liard to keep on Fo- youth n d a Boy top of everythung, or would YMIc XUiNmoe jo edaA ust like someone to do f l ft CenHelh 6ue. your cleaning, ~tura~j ebrurtj l, Cean ealtgIw can help! COMEDY, DINNER THEATRE th Y EAUST Mm WM3 _m e TU CIJUNIN FAVOIITEiv + AUÏENIC CUES F000lM ie " i'roiesionai reliable cleaning " Competitive pricing " Dfiscounfts for regan clientele " Move la and move eut cleanîng Please coul or email us Iolo for your free quote. mmkt 005-875-2402 -AHM l F. ý1987Beautiful Country 9230Gueph LnsSetting 9230 GelphlUe, Weekly rates available. 4W05> 8-2277.... y $94OUPaýr niqh