Yoga Babi Yoga is a wonderful way of lookîng after yourself and connectirig with your baby in the early months Postnatal classes focus on helping* your body regain strength and tone in a safe and effec- tive way They emphasize strengthening the pelvic floor, abdomen, legs and back as weil as openîng and relaxing tension in the neck, shoulders and arms Durîng Morne yoga session, babies can participate or îust watcb, followed by baby yoga and a The es in MiltonI gentle massage. Baby moses are desîgned to improve digestion, body awareness & sleep, And of course, classes are baby cen- tered. allowîng you to attend te their needs at any tîme Benefits of Mommy & Me Yoga? *Increase in abdominal and pelvic floor stabilîty tbereby reducîng back pain, * Accelorated physical and mental deeelopment of your baby * Enhariced emotional Editorial supplied by stabîlîty, relaxation & sleep Serenity Valley Studios locat- for both of you ed at 2640 No.8 Sideroad, e Have fun wîth your baby Milton Ontario, 1905) 335- and make frîends. 9591. Do you wonder what your child is thinking or feeling? Learn irg to sign wîth your hearing baby or toddler is simple, fun, and rewardîng and it opens a window into hîs/her precious mnd. Through aigri language, your cbîld can easîly communîcate bis/her wants and needs This relieves 50 much of the anxîety and frustration felt by parents and their lîttle ones who are ready to communi- cate with sîgns long before they can speak. Little Hands Talking offers sign Ian- guage programa for hearîng chîldren begînnîng as early as 6 months of age Our how-to, harids-on workshops are desîgned to gise you aIl the informa- tion encouragement and, of course. the aigris necessary to achiese sîgnîing succeas Vîsît our websîte to regîster' Begînnîng in Spring 2006, we wîiI aiso offer preschool and schoo<l-aged pro- grams for chîldreri from 3 -8 years of age. These weekly classes wîll intro- duce your chîld to deaf culture, com- mon phrases in ASL, signa for coloura, food, animaIs and more' After comple- tien, your chîld wîll be able to effec- tîvely use Amerîcan Sign Language to base simple conversations For aIl programs we recommend that you regîster early!' Editorlal supplied by Little Hands Talklng 905-876-2547. Canadian Champion, Friday, January 20, 2006 - A23 NATUROPATIC MEDICINE Safe, natural and effective therapies for your health concerns www. MEHWPATIENTS HILCME! Family Care Daytime and Evening Hours Coveed by most employee benefit plans DY' AV~hIIlppnmn 9 Io63o83 Now Offering Mom &~' Baby ro ga Classes Sereniy VaUeM set amidçt 50 acems of escarpment cou"tr, maltes the idéalplc toen oyroga & Pilates classes. Private Training or a Thai Massage. Cali or vis't our website for more details! Classes begin next week. * N. Ž., :.' Your chil1d before Litti1e Hands Talki ng: If only I could teill you what I need, then I wouldn't be so frustrated! Your chil1d a t er Litti1e Hiands Taiki ng: Now wim 1 Wu my *ns togete Mok this I e1 mr - more food. more mIK, more heIlp. At last you reaily uncierstand mne! Sign Language Workshops for your hearing children L~J ages 6 months to 8 years. www. Iîttlehandstal ki 1 905-876-2547 2640 - 84, Sideroad Milton, Ontario 905-335-9591 Ï-1- 1 LITTLE TALKIN7G HANDS