Local boxer by honour from LAFLEUR on page Al14 Hasxley. Toronto Argos* linebacker Mike O«Shea aend fornier NILer Kris King.u VuaŽsday x C eeu included special recogni- tion for a couple of local sports figures formier referee BruLce Hood andi up-and- corning boxer Matt Hari. By far the mnost outspoken and charis- niatic celebrity otf the bunch. Mr. Hood took jabs au the Gwo players he once offici- ated and couldn*t resist breaking out his trusGy whistle while Mayor Gord Krantz auctioned off one of his zebra sweaters. A svelterweight with three professional vietories under his beit, Mr. Hart was much more reserved - perhaps humbled by being in the presence otf one otf Canadian boxing's biggest narres. -To meet George Chuvalo and be hon- oured in this way is great.' remarked the 28-year old. svho's set Go undergo shoulder surger sometime next month and hopes Go, be back in the ring by Aprtl or May. As alssays. the auction portion of the night featured some spirited bidding. with a pair otf frained Latieur jerseys toppine, thin-s off at a 'shoppine $2.000) apiece. An estjmnated $14,000 %vas raised l'or the Chaniber«s Scholarshtp Fund. our - e - os ! 2-4 Pmt, M8 Hansei. $282,900 ul Jackson, Roya LaPage Meadotteaft 905-878 Bf1Sf 2-4 put, 613 Bliat Cee., M1,90 Kimn Scott Royal LePage Mesdoeuowne Rea 905-8788f1Sf 2-4 Pm, 649 Beetef BW., 038,M Mupthes Clapperono, Royal LaPage Meladowownte Re.lt 905-810-tf1St 2-4 ps, 5M8 Tuus Dr., $319,M Jack SunSerhieWee, Royal LePsge MeaSoeiownt Re.lt 905-878-8f1Sf 2-4 pu, 153 Bu Tmnc, $279,11 Claytoe Rlackenbtouk, ReMis Resl Bste Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 Pem, 5M TvUeao ut, SM10W Jack Sandenbttggen, Royal LePage hleatmse Resly, 905-878-8f1Sf -2-4 pis, 128 Witese Or. Betty logic, Rlta Real Estate Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 su, M6 Cbeta 111W. Sandli lùnssie, Royal LePqae Oadownse Really, 905-878-801 2-4 Pm, 464 Woodau Cm.., $28500 Clsylon Rackenbrook, ReMa Real Estate Centre 905-878-7777 2-4 Pme, M7 WSeee Dr., 19,0 Juan Ruliîngu, Prudentiai Town Cenfte90t-878-90 2-4 pli, 3 PaetetWa Mecyîlie Pannasn. Royal LePage MeaSowtee Rtaly, 905-878-9101f shwasn moe Oe The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 20, 2006 - A19 MI 48M PLUS 81,000-1500 CASH BACK 71 lii' N W 2006~ù -~~ RAI VESi -p -r O t - MINENUS LAE PROGRA S8 BACK FOR A UMITED IME iNLYI NO MAlTER whOre You purchased pur Iast Luise lrom Momm Chryshr cm.§et yen out o! ysur CmPPIr'n vehil mund IMit a NEW CHRYSLER,. DOOGE un JEEP TOOAY - Wlth.. NO PENALTY! '0 DOG G.CAAA - SPE iA fNI 0003 MW: ...NIN POIED S. Crse nacl..VM UFORE. DTILH - E -R .,,1M'à BKYOEMLTNCRSE "OWE SELL SATISFACTION"f 81 ONTANO ST N., MILTO Visit us at wmmlnchrys.com Jel Dg d Gieec Ri Nec Ray Dcai Ger MNa AWMKsi" 905-878-8877 e 1-800-303-3257 NORTH 0F ZELLERS I#Based oe 2004 year end Si fesuits for Our dealer srous. oeuf ed by Dainrier-Chrsyler Canada, *Cash sale puice unclodes 5A(deaier aliowauce), add for applicable freght, admin tee, taues und lceence tee Sdemos no charge fergt. uc tas und fuel tuai I ISpecia1 finance anS fesse rates vaey by mortel See daler for Sefaîls SAC f lease puymenf farmu as shown Due ut signrot applicabl e dlown paymenf. first puymeef. applicable fraî5h, admin fee. toues und licence fee 20,400 km senoal miteuse allowance Exceus kîtomet tie charge f15e per km. CloseS end, unalk away feuse, SAC St 5ee dealer fus Seaais Ail uffees expire Jauasy 3f 2006. See deuler for deuils I si Mown 1 L a 330 rý