A22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuetday, January 17, 2006 Konkie gets the nod for UHL ail-star game Enjoying productive His productioni rookie year in Elmira play goials andIw Jaituary 25 vvill bc an al star nigbl for es.oiaddmr Milton. "-Konkle plays .\loiig viîb Scott Bertoli represenîing bis ' ~ alongoide fellovv hoineîovvit aI the East Coast Hockey Miltoniati Crai,, League AIllStar Gaine in Fresnor. Macdoniald, osho s Cal ifomnia. Jarreti Konkle vvill he ei action assulning muore of' a tIraI evening in St. CIhairles, Missouri ai tIse hycaI troIe vsii United Hockçey League Al Star Gaiste. Jarrett Konkle plyi Konkle's selecton -announced lasi vs eek -coînes iii bis rookie season vvîtb the UHL's Elînira Jackals, vst wbvvoni the 23-year old vils second in leatu scorîeg %vvîb 20 goals and 13 assisîs in 37 gaines. This puis bini sixth ie the feague's fresh- meii poit,,; race and third in rookie goals. He sits second in Elnsira scoriiig bebind fellovv rookie and al-star Chris Chaput. lias 1014 penailty nminutes and eiglîî poiînts. Tîte Westens Cionfereisce-feadîng Milîton lcellalv kv s wIl alsît bc vvelf represeisîed Jattuary 25 ai the Provincial Jr. A League's AIl-Star Ganse te Pori Credit, vvîlh itîterîtîs becad coachs Joe Washkurak and four play- ers compeiing for the Nrirtb/Wesi leam. See Friday's Cbampion for a deiailed look ai the lceHavvks' aIl -stars. WE HAV NR ACC0 tD "It tracks steady and true on twîsty roads and flatters the driver in a way thal the Honda Accord and Toyota Camry tian't. A short drive in these competitors reveats cars that are more interested in moving you from point A to point B than in having fun." -Road & Track -Ortober 2005 "Fusion. A cure for blandness." -David Booth. National Post -September 9, 2005 "Ford Fusion. Proof that Ford is gettingn serious about cars." -Car and Driver -Qctober 2005 OUR INTRODUCTORV IS ANOTHERADt ÎAGCiE LEASE A 2006 FORD FUSION SE 14 AUTOMATIC FOR ONLY Ot $229 9% jI (O I LAEPURCHASE 1229 &PR 1 A.P.R PER MONTH/36 MONTHS WITH $2,95t OOWN OR 36 MONTH TERM EQUIVALENT TRAOE PLUS FREIGHT $1.150. $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT.- S2.3L 1e-VALVE DURATEC ENGINE - ABS BRAKES - KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM- tE" WHEELS.- MESSAGE CENTRE.- AIR CONDITIONING - SPEED coNTRoL - POWER WINOOWS/SIOE DOOR LOCKS.- POWER HEATED SIDE MIRRORS - AVAILABLE TRACTION ASSIST - AMIFM/CD/MP3 PLAYER WITH 6 SPEAKERS -POWER DRIVERS SEAT.- PERSONAL SAFETY SYSTEM - TILT/TELESCOPIC STEERING WHEEL ford.ca in Caad F0mcviou MB ToEujOE5Lfer of i r6r. rîflfleol rrOOsoo as* ma, s pi mtum~i~iit5aooiiS rrssrs .sioso'S 51tYsiýisir 5'r Prs BO usiioro or' C0lr 6i-:kmua Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Kirsten Wall (throwing rock) shouts encouragement ta her sweepers Andrea Lawes (let) and Sheri Cordina dur- ing this past weekend's Scott Hearts Challenge at Milton Curling Club. ,Wall in tough at Hearts Challenge fi wasn'î exactly the comipetiîîve homnecoming Kirsten Wall had hoped f'or. Playîng ai ihe Milton Curling Club for the first time te several years. the 30-year old Milton native - vho novv resides in Oakville -suffered an early exit vvuh Sherry Middaugh's Cold Water rink ai Ihis past vveekend's double-knockout Scott Hearts Challenge Round. Back-io-hack one point losses to Alîson Goning Friday evening and Jenn Mooij Saturday mornin, took lier leamn out of the rue- ning for one of tovo backdoor herlhs to t he big shovvdown nexl rnontb in London. We vere lied ciîrniîig borne ni biîlh gaines but just couldn't pull it out.- said Middaueýhs. vice. vvho as a then uninarried Kirsten Harmark secured junior provincial championsbip honours wvith younger violer Audra in 1995. -We had our opporlunities but crruldîî'î capitalize on tbenî. The righl shoîs just didn'i corne ai the righl Uies. That's curling -one of lwo key shots adds up 10 a v n or loss.- 'Me fact that this year's Scott Tournament of Hearts \vas vo close bo home made the challenge round disappoînimet that rnuch iougher to svvallow for Wall, %vvo's reached the national finals ihree limes -mosi receîîîly in 2004 in Red Deer. Alberta. She saîd. "The Ontario ieams are aIl gunning te, go ibis year and at wvould have heen greal t0 quafify.- Advancing tis past weekend were Jo-Ann Rizzo of Brant and Ston*s Kaîhy Brown. Meanvvhile. there could still he a curler wiîh local connections aI nexi monîh's Scott Hearo. Miltonian Leigb Armstrong - fresh off national maixed cbampionsbip in Whitehorse, Yukon -is vice on the Cbrissy Cadorin Guelph rink tbat*ll compele later Ibis rnonîh ai tbe provincial championships in Fort Francis after quai- ifying recenîly in Si. Thomas. Connecting yuu 24/7 10 information about mental heafth services aed supports in your rornmuîuty and arrosa Ontario. Free. Confiietii. Aonymous. 1-866-531-2600 mftn-dsio.oit.ru V7, 1 111 ra 1 S year an