A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 10, 2006 *Comment Time to have your say With a federal electiion campaign ini fui! ioog at cour doorsteps olïering promises that swsing, iris bard flot to be overovbelicd by sound too good to bc trie, there's hardly ail the opinions being otlered. tome for the vooter tii absorb ail t-be nluor- Att-ack ads tel! us wby ose shouldn't vote mation. for one party. but don't alovays mnake a case Meanovbile, the media wades through ail t-or an alternative. Other ads tèat-ure almnost the piolitîcal pcosturooog. aitempts t-c make robotic deliveries of the party line, as il sense of il ail, and passes the inoformaticon being read directly from campaign matrhi ion tii the elecîtorate. candidates band out as tbey canvass door Witb aIl tbe mud-sluoging andl promises, to-doo)r. Election campaigns are insariably Canadian vioters can't bc blamed fior feeling assasb ovitb promises designed t-o at-tract confused and skeptical. just tbe rigbt amnount of support. One very inoportant s iesvpoint is missing Eacb day Paul Martin, Stephen Harper. fromn the lead top to election day - yours. Jack Layton and Cilles Duceppe fogbt to, be Tbaf s wby The Champion os onvitîng read- included in t-devision's nigbtly nesvs snop- ers to stand top and spcak out during tbis pets, radio sound bites and in the next feéderal election. We are invoting you to tell momning's newspaper beadlines. us what issues matter to yîou. (Please keep Someovbere in back mo-Knos. away trom ycour commeoits tii federal issues ionly.) The tbe brigbt ligbts of the televisioo cameras Champitono osil publîsb sortme cof tbe nmore and nmedia scmums. smrait armies of election onterestîng respionses prior tic Jano. 23. strategists osage a soar fougbt svitb spondoc- Tco base your sieso consodered t-or publi- tonraoo, fecar noongering and the speech cation, e-mail ycour naine. address and a ovriter's ability to denoolish tire coppiosiuoon's dciytime phîone number, accoonpanoed by 401 election platform. oscords cor less abiout eIectoo issues as ycîu Televîsoon sicoers fond thcmselves under sec thein. Submjssîons shîould bc e-mailed siege b> attack ads tone minute and sur- tco miltioned(abhaltîonsearcb.com. roundcd by testimonials by ordinary 'Me Champion reserves the right tco edit Canadians' the next. Witb candidates arriv- submissions for libeL and lengtb. *Our Readers Write Recent editorial cartoon flot amusing MP's opinion on hîs government's debt Dear Editor: t-t was just the nîght after Christmas andi ail through thc house andi The Cbampion's cart-oonist was nestîcti A snug in his bed; dreamning of wbat unkinti * or t-hougbt-less t-bing could be said. * For shatne to thbe person or pet-sons St * The Champion wbo decideti that the car- toon of Mary and baby Jesus returning frankincense and myrrb deserved point- ing in thbe December 26 issue. On t-bat saine page, t-be edit-orial regarding The Chaonpion's Salvation Army Christmas Bureau Funti was ent-- t-led. et'ts bolti our beads up bigb anti The -Canadian Chrampion Milton, Ont. 1-9T 3Z3 be proud.e Right next to t-bis is wbat 1 found t-o be s very upset-nng cartoon. I'd be surpriseti if t-be Salvation Army staff' founti t-bis amusing. Maybe if t-be cartoonrist t-ook some time t-o Ieamn about tbe 'Cbild' and 'Mother' of Chitmas anti t-be special gifts t-bey were given, be may t-bink diffet-ently wben Christ-mas cartoon timne cornes arounti again. This would be a good ides, if not for bimacif, t-ban at lest for t-be Christians in Milton wbo reati The Champion. Lynda Vrmaa King*Iagh Court Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Asswttttce Pu4bie/te (905) 0 I0 .'4 1 Wendy McNab /ovetisnDecto Editoria Fax: 905-878-4943 Karen Smith Mcotocceg b-,die) Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Tim Coles P,-tducetn Manager Classified: 905-875-3300 Charlene Hall Circulicwon Manager Circulation: 9)05-878-5947 Teri Casas Offic-e Manage- The Canadien Champin puishi Teney Tuesday attd Ftday ai 875 Main St E Miltee Set LOT 3Z3 8Be 248»isoet lt)eMetrolatt Printitg, Pubstteî & Dit.butingLtd comettttceetssaes Advetitsing is accepet ott the condition thatinc the event of a typograptca eee, thatrio ofec ethe adernes pa ceacped by the erroneoaote,e tecetete wta eaoable allocsatce forsinatue. weIInt cbe chatged for but the balceofthetadceteet l e parut for at the applicable rate The pabislet reseeces the rtght to tatefjtial advetusemetsore decline CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY On'"'~ itario Cccteeaett *C A Catadiae ComeetttOa SuburbateNewapaer A o S Necaspapeto Assoccatceo E DJ Necaopapers Asoiation e V. _ of Atmerca THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: H-tnHat' ,, , ge; TV AUCTIBII f lT Showcase ilton AIdMOeaedaCaeteuRe eiPeac inherîtance doesn 't tel! the whole story Dear Edit-or: lin ssrototog on respionse tco Haiton MP Gary Carr's letter to t-be editor in the Jatouary 4 Champiton regard- îng. on part, the deficit bis party inberited. Mr. Carr st-at-es t-bat Paul Martin, as minîster tof finance, bad t-o dlean up t-be $42-billion deficit left by t-be Cionservatives. Tbis vicw, alt-bougb widcspread and tmumpeted by the LoberaIs, os toally inciorrect. The tact of t-bis cxtrcmely impo)r- tant issue is t-bat Brian Muironcy's Cienservative govemrment inbcritcd a massive defocit left by Pierre Trudeau's I iberals. Wbat t-be Cctnservatîse gosýemTment did osas t-c, fior t-be fîrst tome on cover o decade, est-ablîsb an îoperating sur- plus, meaning t-bat there ovas less nîoney bcing spent t-ban bcing gar- nercd in tax revenues (exclusivec of onterest payonentsi. Unfrortunately fcor t-be country - andi Mr. Mulroney - during t-bis time int-erest rat-es skyroeketed t-o diouble digits and t-be cot of sup- porting t-be inberited defocit also skyrockcted. greatly out-stripping t-bis ncw surplus. Had there been no inbcrited deficît, Canada ssould bave been put-ring moooey in t-be bank, improv- ing social services or lowering taxes. However, we were and st-il! are paying fior t-be Trudcau years. Wbcn t-be Chrétien Liberals took power. ai! t-bey needed t-o do was bave int-erest rates fa!! t-o historie lows (beyond their control) anti let t-be Conservatise measures take bold. shte Mr. Mulroney svas viii- fied înst-ead of beioog creditcd for savoog t-be fiscal sou! of t-be country. Mike Rank Laurier A venue Unfortunately Liberals seem like only viable optio Dear Editor: As a new resident t-o t-be riding of HaIt-on, and altbougb not involve in thot-e prioduction of agriculture. 1 att-ended Wcdroesday nigbt-s ail-candidates meeting at-t-be Campbellville Lions Hall. Altbougb I was rcally impressed witb t-be Green Party candidat-es ability t-o articulate bis party's posi- tion and t-be NDP candidate bati t-be audience laugbing several times, I believe t-bat I will bave to bold my nose and vote Libers!. Event tbougb I don't agree ovitb Libers! MP Gary Carr's position on t-be equality of aIl Canadians. I dont t-bink I can stomacb woat I believe t-o be a rigbt-wing. American-style party like Conservative leader Stephen Harper proposes. Fred Pritchard Campbellville Pud by Steve Nease