- -z7 - ILICTION 266% The Paul Martin government xviii work with thse rest of the global community to build on the progress made to date on cli- mate change. Here are some of our plans: *Canada bas cum- irntted to thse toughest taeget, in terms of ton- Gary Carr nage reduction. of any Liberal Party signatoty under the Kyoto protucol. * To meet our goals. the Liberals launched the greenest budget in Canadian history. *Budget 2005 invested $5 billion over five years to dlean our air, land and water, preserve our environment and address climnate change. * The Liberal governrnent's updated climate change plan cleaely spells out at least 270 megatonnes of emissions reductions from 2008 to 2012. - Budget 2005 provided a total of $920 mil- lion over 15 years to expand the Wind Power Production Incentive, which will create enough energy to power one million Canadian bornes with zero emissions. - $300 million tn new federal support for Green Municipal Funds. Hait of this funding will target thse clean-up ot brown fields. Thee are tangible steps to meet our Kyoto comrnitments and address clîmate change -a problemn sorne counitries and poîitcians don't even acknowledge exlsts. EMS cash cornes in The Region's emergency medical service (EMS) han received a cash transfusion of more than $300,000 from the Province. The muney cornes from the federal Diagnostic and Medical Equipment Fund. which was recently provided to the Ontario govemment. Halton plans to use $319.698 for equip- ment related to the ambulance program. ensuring that the Region's EMS personnel have the most current lifesaving technolo- gies available to use in cardiac-related emergencies. Funds were also received for the Region's Services for Seniorv departmient. Locally, Allendale will be given $19,270, while Post Inn Village in Oakville is slated to receive $21,968. Both will use the funds toi offset the costs of purchasing varions diagnostic, security and safety devices. -Although this funding announcemnent was unexpected. Halton Region's commit- ment and ability tu provide quality long- terrn care and emergency medical services will be strengthened by the receipt of these funds," sald Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline. As part of the funding announcement, Post Inn Village will also, receive separate one-time funding to purchase 18 ceiling or wall-mounted lifts, which will reduce the risk of injury to patients and health-care workers. Allendale received similar fund- ing earlier this year. ti The uanuiaates ofler tIieir Miltoi titolglîts oit enivironn-ienî vote Halton's federal election candidates werc recently asked What will your parly do to improve [ eCsO 20 ~e environment? Here are their responses.RCI 26 Canadian Champion, Tuesday, qanuary 10, 2006 - A5 When you live in the country, a.s 1 do, the enviroument ix a daily occurrence. Our water cornes front a well, and so we are acutely awaee of its quality. Our effluent giies mnto a septic system, s0 we take responsi- bility for il. We live amid trees. crops. wild Garth Turner Conservative and dumestic animais fuat ail depend un nature. The environinent for me, in ofuer wurds, is nut a pulicy file to be managed. It is everyday. everywhere. Conservatives are curnittedi tu curnbatiag greenhouse gases thruugh mass transit, wifu the must effective tool to accomplîsh fuat -a tax credit for taking the GO to work. tnstead of gmtnding aiong the QEW or the 40 1. We've prmnsed faem families a financtai buust fuat will help sustain fuern asx custodians of the land and supporting fuose we cSut on for a steady supply of safe fooa. Conservatîves alune have cornîîitted fuein- selves tii prîîtecting oîlr vast Arctî'c ternrity. the soîurce of rnuch uf ur water aind which plays a huge role in regulatîttg conditions acrîîss Canada and aronnd fue wîîrld. T'Me Arctîc ix a vital and important piece ut fuis country svhtch shonld not be mîsused by hir- eîgn tnterests. The environrnent ix us. We ail hase a role lu play. Today the greatest environmental issue facing Canada, and indeed the world, ix cli- mate change. With Hurricane Katrina and other natu- -. - rai calamities, we have witnessed how climate change ix alceady con- tributing to devastating Anwar Naqvi disasters. Clirnate NDP change has the poten- ial to destroy our forests, dty ont our fannland and erode our economic base. The NDP beheves the time to act is now. Canada must not only live up to world agreements on cutting emissions, it mnust find ways to exceed them. Budget surpluses spawned by sales of our foxs sil fuels should be reinvested in clean, green renewable energy sources. Research and devel- îîprenî on alternative energy sources should be funded. Hîgher fuel efficiency standards for automobiles should be legislated. Energy con- ser-vaimn measuces. by govemmrent, business and indîvidual citiLens, should be adopted, încentîvizcd and prornuted and Canadax' natu-al resources mnust be protected. Canada has heen a world leader in conven- tional energy for decades. It's tirne foîr it 10 hecorne a world leader in non-polluting, renew- able energy. Not îînly wtll this create jobs and fuel grnwtb in an indnstiy. ît will a"- reduce our dependence on thse lossîl fuels that are driving climate change. PTCH IN ~ ~CANADA ti Putting thse environment first in our platforrn rnakes sense, because the environment ix at the heart of our well-being. Frorn health care 10 ecunomie developmnent to qnality of life, Canadians are paying a high- er price for decades of environrnental negleet. Negleet that old line parties dlaim tu be addresstng yet continue tu endorse through yearly $1.4-billion subsidies tu the oil and gas indusury. Greens believe fuis ix unacceptable. T'Me Green Party believes that dlean air, soif and water is a basic right for al Canadians. Dr. Kyle Grice We cannot have healfuy people on a sick plan- Green Party et. Our environrnent ix nul somnething ont fuere. We are pant of it. What we do tu u environment we do to, our- selves and future generations. . Canada is becoming a toxic country. lIn fact, we rate near last in ail categuries for tuxie chemnicals including nuclear waste. Eculugical wisdurn, respect for diversity and sustainability are three of the Greens six key values. Ail enviruninental pulicy ix genernted front these values. What the Greens will do for ur envirunenent ix far tou lengthy tu, discu.ss in this forumn. Please visit and duwnload ur platforrn frum the website www.greenparty.ca for the full details of our environinenta pulicy. (omeciiig you 24/7 toi infornmation about mental health services and supports in yuur cummmiitv and accusa Ontario. Free. Cunfidentia. Anonymous. 1-866-531-2600 www oshatu on.ca Coming Soon! January 14, 2006! Saiturday Moming Drop-ins Rise'n Shine - 10:30 This is a programn of stories, sangs, dance and rhymnes for childres 6 months to 3 years of age. children must be accompanied by an aduit caregiver. Family Storylme - 10:30 A special Saturday storytimne perfect for preschoolers of working parents. Children under the age of 3 are welcomne but must be accompanied by an aduit caregiver. No registration required L~] Milton Public 19~905-875-2665 45 Bruce Steet., Milton, Ontario L9T 2L5 Tel 905-875-2665, TTY 905-875-1550 WWW.mpi.on.ca