Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 2006, p. 4

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A4 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, January 10, 2006 TOWN OF MILTONI TOWN 0F OAKVILLE 0,1 I.-OWER RASF 1.11917 iKVI [ [ F, %A- SSEVIRII VINNAL ASSESSMENT STUDY Trafalgar Road to Reglonai Road #25 (Includlng a Section of Fourth Lins) NOTICE 0F FILING 0F ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY REPORT Lower Base Line bstween Trafalgar Road and Regional Road #25 (including a section of Fourth Line) ta a two lane rural road. It la designated as a callector raad and crasses two main tributeries of the Sixteen Mile Creek. In order ta address the poor condition 0f the existing bridges (Bamatable Bridge and Henderson Park Bridge), siope stability cancerns where the road is in close proximity ta the creek, and raad conditions in general, the Town of Milton and the Town of Oakville have campleted a study of Lower Base Line (tram Trafalgar Road ta Regional Raad #25, including a section of Fourth Line), in accordance with the Municipal Clasa Environmental Assesament (Glass EA) pracess, which is approved under the Ontario Environmental Asseasment Act. Taking into consideration the prablemn being addressed, the asseasment of alternatives and patential environmental effecta, commenta from agendaes and the public, and incorporating a high level of mitigation, it is proposed ta reconstruct Lower Base Line as a2 lana callector raad and ta replace the 1 lana bridges (Barnstabla Bridge and Henderson Park Bridge) with 2 lane structures. While Lower Base Line will generaliy foilow tue existing alignment, it la proposed ta realign Lower Base Lina tram Bamnstable Bridge easterly for approxlmately 1 km to avold a section where existlng alape stability is 0f concern. Ibo nature of the recommended undartaksng idetiie If as a Sohedula C' under the Municipal Clasa EA Procees. An Environmantal Stucly Report (ESR> hms basa prepared and by mhis notice, Is belng placad on fthe public record for revlaw for a 30 day parlod In aocordanca wlh the requirements of mhe Municipal Glass E&. Subject te fthe commenta recalved as a reeult of mhis Notice, mhe Town of Milton and flue Town 0f Oekvfll lntend te proosod wllh lnqMapletatxioldsntllad I mhe ESR. The ESR la avallaba for revlsw, et fthe f in oatons: TM sbdto wmb. t " Uhruy 0 111111011MI o sDm TM o 11111111 45 Omm $#uI TO.Md ai 41 nqa umlciy 43 rSwgg SfitebnOn"et LhT 25 1225 TrddlvRud 0*4, of Mtm Mowt,06wo LeT ft lsi:90-7 6 011107& *m lhiA 1161 Branl Roed Tof 906878-725ad2130 Mia clost Tef 90&4840 M& 4183 Qat*u, Chilah LOM 3L1 MmaF: Me- 4m Tuus-Tlw- 10I0un-k0lOa Mn.-4d.t. 2»- 40p T*- 906-2.00 ut 7405 RFi, m SIf 10n5Silm Mn-Fil: ffOen- 4:3Opm Sun: l:O0pm - 5stpm 1 Furthe information mnay be obtalned by conta Mr. Phl Antonow. C.E.T. Project Coordinaf or Town 0f Milaon 43 Brown Street~ Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Phtl: 905) 878-7252 ext. 2512, Fax: (906) 876-502 e-mail: phd.antoniow@nullon.ca Mr. Damai Lambert, C.E.T Manager 0f Design and Conetruction Town of Oakvlle P.O. Box 310, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakvlll, Ontario L6J 5A6 Phuone: (M0) 845-6601 ext 4424, Fax: <905) 338-4159 e-mail: dkmmeoakvlle.ca lnrted Parsons maY provide wrltten commenta to fdie Town 0f Milton Clark or the Town 0f Qakuife Clark (adrmese abové), Wlthl 30 days from the date of fNe Notice. if concerne; regardling this prec (cannot be reeovd In discussion wt the Town of Milo or the Town f Okvme, aperson may request #thfle Mlnlstar of thue Envlronment mak an order for the profect te comply wlfh Part Il10f tha Envlronmanta AssemAnt Act (f"l la rmee te as a Part Il Ordar), wfulch adfresses indMdual .nvlrenmanta aseaenfe. Requ.ets mn" be rocelve by lie Mlnister et tue address below by February 6, 2006. A copy of the request muet "e be sent tholie Prc$ect Coordinstor for the Town of Milton or the Town 0f Oekfll. If no requst for asPart fi OnJer la receled by Februaty 6, 2006, the project wil proceed as outilned In the ESR. Mlni*e 0f EnWlonment 135 St. Ch*lrAVenue Weet, 12th FIoo Toronto Ontario M4V 1P6 This Notce irai laied on Jmnuery 6, 2M0 * tt, ~ ~Ofineî ww a EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Town of Milton le currently seeklng quallfled applicants for the followlng seasonal positions: Seesonal Outaide Labourera - Enaineering Services Depi Minimum G2 license Standard First Aid Must be able ta start Monday, May 1, 2006 Hourly rate: $ 9.22 Please submit an application by Friday. February 3. 2006 PART-TIRE DAILY AND STANDBV CROSSING GUARDS The Town of Milton is in need of Regular Part-lime Crossing Guards at: LAURIER and HOLLY Moming Crosaing: 8:15 a.m. - 8:45 ar. After School Croasing: 3:.15 p.m. - 3:50 p.m. BENNETT and HUTCHIIdSON Moming Crossing: 7:50 a.m. - 8:20 a.m. Aiter School Crossing: 2:50 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. BENNETT and CLARKE Moming Crosslng: 8:45 a.m. - 9:15 a.m. Aller Sohool Crossing: 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. ONTARIO/WOOOWAnp Momling Crossing: 8:00 a.m. - 9-00 &.m. Aller Sohool Crosslng: 3:10 p.m. - 3,55 p.m. Ilourly selery: $11.03 Standby Crossang Guards are requlred for AU. locations to substitut. during the absence of dally Croeng Guards. Interested epplicants for thlm and any positions found on our webslte, should submlt an application f0: The Corporation 0f the Town of Milton, Coordinator, Human Resources, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Fax: 905-878-4231 Email: humnresourcas@mlltn.ca in accrdanc wIU1h #*Fram o aiffn*smaon and Pflvay Lagiaatia appican innmatlon la mil- 19CWa unda tha authoelty of It UnIcipal Ad nd uta be uaed alrlcy $orcanddae aaatlon. ffle us àM apreal ai ppcalltu o%evd a#y ta.. kwta for an att<sw wlI t. onactd. Does your community-based project need funding assistance? um HaIêon Hudq Co.uuuity hmuu us nowf acq F%pupe" fr 200IL Jobi usat oneof dm" oân aian Sessioom The Hatton Heaidluyconniiy Fund - What as it? Wlie ca 1u get Mm h*nnaion? caufco Ebuk LumUp*we- GecGEcM.dh i ik'igi, a~i.£ ~ . qoM *« «I U UIn144mnNme4sea~ n

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