th' anadian Cloaini, Lruesdàv7 iJhàrài 10. 20D6 - Ae2ý If vcuxe am', Tefrro bs~ "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E.L Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 MORTIGAGE INELLIGENCE 251 Main St. E. Suite 2011, Milton Head Office: 5280 S lac Dr., #101, Ntiss., ON 1,4W 5NMO AOGMAC Comspany John Cavan, AMP 90)5 . 878.-7213 Muorgage Conultant THE MONTH AFTER CHRISTMAS Twas the month aller Christmas, and ail ihnough the hoase, Evecy carea was hurting, even the moune, Thetoy 101 re ail isnoken, thein batteries dead. And Mom oas passed out wth some ice on hon head, Wnapping and tisono wert long from tht floon, White upstiaun thetrest of tht family continuod o snore. Thon Dad in hin T-shirt, new Rehoks and jeans, Wenn inia the kitchen and siated 10 dlean, When oui on the tawn theno anono oîch a Clatie, He spnang trsm tht oînk to000e what was tht moton, Aoay to the wndow ho flew in a flash, Tore opten tht coniain, ihrto op tht oash, When wal to hio wondtning tyts did appoan. Bot a little white truck dtckod outi n rod and blot gear; Tht dniver wao smiting, Sa hively and grand, Tht paich on hie tacket said "CANADA POST mac", Wîth a handtal ofllsu, ht gnnntd tîke a foxn, Thon quickly ht stulted ihtm in tht mailîox. tilt aller bilt, after hill thtî 0h11l came, Whistlung and shouticg, ho caltd thon by name: 'Now ZolIens, now iha-Mari, 0000111 Navy and Stars, Hono's VISA and MASTERCARD, Homo Sense and Pier o To tht tif ni your limii, eveny store, toto) mail, Noo charge away, charge away, charge away ail[. Ho whooped and he whistltd as ho tinished hîs wonk. He lilîti ap the box. his lace heid a Omirk, He sprang to hos truck and he drove down the road Driving mach laster n0w wîth jsi hall sfia ioad, Thon ai hoard him eclim, oinS great holiday cheer "Enioy what yos gti ysu Il he payirq ail yoar' The moral is ceaiiy garte plain to seea Ht needo a cou morigage. thon come to sou me John Caeau i a oooltuO wilt MotOtage Inteigence, www.sbeoalremostgags.ea. towne 1 , ý\1.,k C-- iw i.., W.., Mark Cross 9 05 8 76 118 8 811 ltt"1 B.Sc., 0.0 S. www1ow55 conl tutO> 3P sNt Dental Implants - Couldyou benefitfrom them? A dental implant is nofhing more than an artificial root made of metal, but if is an extremely useful treatment option. If tan be used as an anchor for a false footh or a set of false feeth. In reasonably healthy individuals with sufficient bone in tht proposed implant site, tht success rate is very high. I arn constantly amazed by how well they work and how aesfhetic a result they can provide. If 110osf a tooth, an implant would be my first choice for replacing if because you don't have f0 fouch tht adjacent teefh. In addition, mosf people are surprised with how liffle discomfort fhey experience affer tht initial surgery. For those who are frusfrated wifh loose dentures, even as few as two implatfs can make thaf denture a lot more secure and comfortable. Implants allow you f0 tat and speak with confidence, and when properiy placed and mainitained they can last a lifefîme. If you thînk thaf you mîghf benefîf from implants, be sure f0 ask your dentist about fhem. If you do flot have a dentisf, we would be happy fa provide more information GWI1o'Yà9e1 rae *-atiinýsrc .-"o o about implants S T R 1 D E Den Campbell Exercise and Menopause Menoause us somettmes caileti thse "change of itfe" and there are a lot of changes goong on in a suoman's body, bath as menopouse appnoaches lcalied peri-menopauseJ and afterwards. Oasicaiig, menopause ta caused by a decrease in estragen and other hormones prctduced by a wmaans bocdy. This couses a graduai reduction and flnahIy Ions of a suoman's monthly peniods. In addition, as estrogen leveis drap, the reasearch sayn suomen become mare at risk of a flamber of heaith probiems, onciuding onteoporosis and heart disease. Between the ages of 48 and 55 ltypicaiyt, onomen expenience progresstve reductions in entragen and progesterane production. Hot flashes, noght nweats, sieep dîsturbances and other syrnptomn. Studies have shouen that suomen suho are physicaiy active have fesuer and milder symptams than inactive suomen; aiso that exercise provtdes valuabie emotianai stress relief, and improves self-perception of body image. In addition ta prostding protection froro heart disease, diabetes and hypertension, regular cardoovascistor esercise stimulates an increase in bane minerai density, which protects bone mass and can slow the rate of ions that often accompantes menopause. As o heaith professiona vve aino advine strength training for muscle and bone heaith, inciuding fleoibiity training inta the overail exorcise training prograro. If you wouid like more information on thus tapic or wouid tike ta begin a program ta heip cape wvith symptaos of menopause or a preseentive program ta reduce your chances of getctng osteoporonis and heart disease contact us for a free Ifest14e evaluation. STRlE PersoimWze Training and Consulting In, la a leader" in 'in Home» uainhsg cooFraca training and home gyen design. ff you would 11.ta mmu Clin@, maney and maot of ail Ses Great Resulta contact us for yu,* Fr.. ifestylae eoosultaton and a haif hour &Wuing session. Kelly Gillespie Trovel Advisor Travet Choîce 16 Martin Street Milton ON L9T 2P9 905-878-2886 Milton Motorcoach Lynn Sedgewlck Travet Advisor Doing It On Your Own Time is a valuable commodity. It is more prectous when it is vacation time. The choice is yours! Do you want to spend ail your time checking into hotels standing in long lines, and wondering aimlessly through the world's greatest cities? Or, do you sit back enjoy the sights, sounds and flavours of the world while your tour guide does ail the work for you? There are many coach tours f0 choose from for ail ages. Please join Travel Choice Arnerican Express, for a taste oif European River Cruising and Escorted Tours. Presenting this evening is Globus. Date: Tuesday January 31st 2006 Time: 7:OOpm to 9:OOpm Location : Travel Cholce Milton - 16 Martin Street Please RSVP 905-878-2886 space lis Iimited *uUM&&CC>smc>s -oSHOPPRS XDRUG, MART Open ta midnigt 7 days a weec Carriage Square, 265 Main St. E. O 905-878-4492 THORNTON tAs we welcorne il te New Year many of us are making resolutions o0 mprove our health and well being. Why notfocus your efforts oni. mprov v ng your lifestyle s0 as to mmze your qualty of life and life expectancy. There are a variety of lifestyle factors tirait can improve how well andl houe long you live. These include proper nutrition, regular exercise, flot smoking, ntaintaining a healthy weighx managing stress and keeping your mind active. The next few articles wsll provide information andl tips on how a healthy liestyle con help you age well. The foods you coi can iseip you maintain a heoihy body vveigsî, keep your energy op and offer yoo protective isenefits against a oumiser of age-related conditions. Tisera are many stoadies showing the dssease-ftgsting isenefits of mony différent foodi. For example, many studies on tise Mediterranean diet, which is rich in fruits, vegetobles, whole groins ad isealthy fats and las in meas and dairy. demonstrate tison it contributes toao longer life, protects ogoinst iseori diseose ond certain type of cancer, and eren helps reduce pain fron riseuatoid aathritis. Tise best woy ta manage your nutrition needs is to fotlow Cootada's Food Guid'e and aimn to eoî o rarsety of coloorful fmuits antd vegetables, whole grains and coan proteins. A great websiîe for information on isealtisy eoting is pronîded by tise Dieicians of Canada ai Click on "Eat Weil, Lire Well and get iselp wits menu planning wits 'Let-, Make a Meai" or gel on onolysis of tise food you eat tnao day wius tise *EATracker. RernemInoer. tar, tise rate tisat noîrtionat suppiemenîs con play. If you areuit sure yao are geîtng ait tise natriceis yoa oeed from your diet. ai oiims itaiiiue unuv lue ado isable. For adulis oser tise age uof 50,. a calcium suppcuuneni and Vutamun D may he needed in order to gel tise iSiAinuc, oi caliumn per day ihan iu recomrnended ta ores euut aseiuuis 'iîr Heaiîhwacs Pisarmacisi con isetp you PARTFINANCIALSERVICESILTD.. *Financial Planning *Retirtmetn Planning *Mussai Funds 0.0 O P's "0.10 's R...Fs "Uit Insunance TOi: (905) 878-0120 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lo MOtO8Ut Milon, Ontario L9T lP9 M>CR, RHt, tL, EPC Q: Do 1 need a Lawyer te, make my Wini? A: Many peosple find tise tlsaught of creaiing tiseir twill so siressfui tlsat tisey ocrer hootiser. They die "uniesiate" or "witoout a witI." Wiseo dois isappens, tise provnce sas isolenitatoce rotes which take effect, Tise provnoce s raies Imay he dsffereot from youe wisises. Tise solution ta dois is ta imake yoor twill. If yoo ose a wiil kit" atnd make enrors in its preparatios, your witl hecomes raid aod yaur cOuatics distriisuted according ta, the provncial gaidelioes. Using a iawyer eosares doat tise correct legal process is ued and your wisises are foliawed. Thss is pasticularly oecessary misere docte are oninor cilidreo, wises you anticipate farmity squabbieu an wheo docte is someane wisom you mont tai inclode - sucis as s contnoo taw spesuse - sisa wouid ise excladed by doe provncial iniseritance miles. Tise process af daong a soit inctudes doe appointomnot af goardians fan miroar cisildeo, namiog doe execator of yor estate and giving any speci instructions. Yaur tife's estate is taon important ta yoo. aod toi yoan heseficianies, ta, ceane it ap ta provincial gusdetioes. Seek out tise help of a qatifsed tasyce. Prepaning yaonut oil eed soi hcexpensire, and it wiii be urne sel speot. Pneparing yoar miii is par of doe Estote Plansiog procesu. Wite financia piasiners do est prepane sils. ihey cas assisi yoo sn organszing your dooughts. This may, sheo you mcat wido yunur iowyer, yoe witt be isetter prepated for docîr questions. Do you have questitons about Estate Planning? Let's sit down and laik about your needs. Please eaU 9054876-0120 for an appoinonren. AFrILIAIED wITOI PARTNoEe IN PLANNING INOORANCE SERnICES tsC. litM 2 1 r_-