Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 2006, p. 26

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A26 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 10, 2006 A: 'Me programt you are referring to is called TLC for Kids (Technology Enhanced Literacy and Communication for Kisis). TLC is currently offered ai tise Tiny Tim Developmental School campuses in Milton and Georgetown. It is a collaborative program of several ,community organizations that aims to enhance thse literacy and social communication skiffs of all childeen aged 2 - to 6. The program is currently offered free of charge go ail families who consent for their children to attend. Tise children attend a session once a week for 30-40 minutes in a small group format. A Speechs-Language Pathologist oversees the program, sets goals and monitors each of the children's progress. A Communicative Disorders Assistant actively runs the program with tise Early Childisoosi Educator. The use of a computer and data projector allow thse children to interact with computer gamres that focus on literacy ansi language skiffs, and a variety of motivating circle activities are also used. Goals in the TLC programn are also incorporated mbt the children's daily routine. Workshops, newsletters and hand-outs are also a part of TLC. The Halton His Speech Centre is very proud to, be a part of this innovative program. B. Sr-, DVU Hawkins Animal Hospital Debbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM Doetor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton (Pizza Hut Plaza) Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 MISSINo PET On a too frequent basis WC recense tetephone catis tromn distraught members of the public asking us what to do as their pet ban gosse mssng. 1 mouid tibe leo offr a tom usefint suggestions when tacesi wisi this diiesosa. Onsce pet owners have gosses oser their anssai initiai shivb and panic. or nattent that the bens thing te, do is ta comb the local area. repeatediy calisng the pes's naure. Ge heip from fais minsbers. frsnnds or ueigbboarn. Thisni based on the tacs ihai pets are ofien found wishsn a few kiometers of home. Is is a gond idea tu cati bonne ta houne and ansk neighhoors to check ihese sheds or garages and tease themt youe phone namber ne you casi ke contacîrd. Wbitstbenearch sgoing on desgnase one pernesoe aemoinabome. This is sery important as the pet mîght decîde to resuso home ansd hase a snooze' Ths denîgnased persan shouid aino contact ait toal Veterinaey Honpssais andi Humane Sociesies. and gise themr full desaîts of the mîssîng pet. sssciuding any îdenit tanneo or mscrochip namber. You mîght consider contactine the Police sicasesbhere may have beenta road accdentsnvoistng apet. If snstial actions fait ou ud i he pet. osher stepu con kc taken mbsch suctude the distribution of brtghty coinued posters oftening a remard. Prns the mord REWARD in large tetteen. You nhouid oit the animai sheier or humaine socetieu enery smo dayn. and callti sbr esery day to, check tbe 'round pet reginter" Adseetising in the locai nemspapern. or in an adjacent area newnpapee. witb or wîshous a photo, may aiso prose naccestal somne omners have aIsoi atitiord u "maiing" inserte i n the toaa paper. As heaethreaktng as aul thîn neaecbing can k.e tey nos ta gise up hope. If pou are iucbp enoagb to ges ihat stephone caii trling pou that pour pet may base heen tonnd - rememker. he os she map look dîtterent. They couid ke dîty. mattesi and map bhave nottered meîgbt ions. Thep may aiso kc in shock or may kc mmmud. If yoar pet ns foand. it is ntrongip adeturd that pou base pour vesennarsan carry oui a qaîck esamînasion. as quickiy an possie. juis to mnake sare Usas all is metil Sometîme ago. t mrose an article for ibis coiumn about MICROCHIPPING. This tiny cbîp is tnnerted. by asveterinarian. inso the nape of the pet's necb. I is painiess and permanent,.and samwonderfuiiy simple way ofmaing sure bhat your pet is sdentifitabte. Each pet bospitai. animai sheiter and humant Socity will check esery pet Usati n broagb in. in Use hope ot tinding a microcbip. and in tara., reuniting pet mînth omnes. If pou hase any questions about micro chîppîng. pirane contact pour Q.,1hae ahntbasebsness. Con!1 wleoff aporto of vn g cuonny A. Hoe ant 9- ,-Yacd 1e.scesces ic- s,o hie, le rl ing olus,,,my abut te cost ad tmeassoiated -ths comuîgtîàîarger entsre Il also pov'de you , ahorne .breks ., you m.y h- the abilit t writc ilportincf o houehsld csn .igassîth incomeysacererale trm you snes. isou ardd epensesiforstheh bsnss0. us fi wok %paein o hsome asilong.c you nietne o. hee .condition% Fli -hc lsplace..ai bonh u, m- sîsl-sstoplrss, i .. ,Sou-c -CH Canda) Il -saiiss.an 'sios.tctîtscon d.s.v lu ilneldvdeern a ooofcpur S,mýco san uing fi the pu-u tîhe borne ard busc s% Iu ibisi i.îh dc bhss.v.ssad iirssd,..,g tais htaqarts,..c, noae ,n.,.borne S,,cSu.,c .,21XX) qu.netoutssho m ni>l se.i ivdr mearn loi) ýquare fe. ssssilSb able tu -tse off 514 ,5iht Ùil,soi -pens, f,5 home h-sd dj.,s AllamabkLaaaanaa Note tr,iai Is,,rS, ssom e îSd aîîr.S the ,dri aloa lcdî,,s lst s longer, and Se. caita . ,[ ,,a, psa o l. ' s u , S e h ,, .i,., l p. l1 esu. o rne 155 s, lu -I h- il, pais -piaed a ins,, on the ,prin(l orbue a oo h pia to As, (a -ss, paSaior hsoldbcabl t isard,id,,>u insî,ur,, 4tsS.' vS.ot drs F 1 Marilyn J. Samuels, LL.B. Lawyer 11084 Fîfth Line, Milton i Ph. 905-854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Samuela Q. 1 aim ini the procens of separoangfrom my wife sand 1 haave heard a tnt of cnaUi utorien about divorces iand dont lnnow what ta expect. A: Thanks toi tetesîsion ansd "i isappenesi to me' stonies. tlere s mitre MiS-informnation about disorce poing arons tban you ntnght reatize. Many people tiik ihey know the law hecause they '*heard tt from a fneund or rend t sun the trternet. Here are somne et thse more common misconceptions people base. t: Tht court faveurs the spouse initiating divorce proceedings. Tise spouse inîîîaong divorce proceediugs hasnso spectai nigbts above tise ottuer spouse, other thon to deterssine tise location of tise court case. If you base cisilsiren tise court cane mass tue siartesi ohere tisey lise. 2: A legal neparation precedes a divorce. tn Ontario, tisere in no sucis tiig as a "legat" separation. People wbo no longer wont to, be marrird separate. Wisat's "legat" is tise agreement enteres inmta witb your spoase after tise fact. 3: Legal fées for a divorce ar generaliy pi-oportionate te the asuets iavolved. Division of property. whiile on essential part of Use divorce procens. is sot uormatly Use major issue between Use parties. Castody ond acces. cild support onsi spousal support are often major issues that esisaunt Use parties' finoncial resoarces min Usey conusot agree. Tise more Use parties con't agree Use more tise tegal tees wili bue. 4: Sonneone 'wins' a divorce. Divorce is not about winniug, it'n about severing taes. distrtbuting property auns protecting Use bent interents ot your ciadren. If Usere are ony reol wmers in divorce, it's Use people miso are able to maîntain posittve relaionnbîps wtth on ex-spounelco-parent. Enjoytng future tife events (sncb os meddings ansi coltege graduations). without Use bitter tante ot onimosity is Use victory for Uhse witis Use foresigist to controt negative feelings in order to nnimuze disruption lot Use cisilsiren. Cucumber is 95 percent water, so eating tl helps hydrate the body and maintain fluid balance. The cucumber is low in calories and high in both water and liber, which promotes regularity and satisties hunger. A cup osf tea or cottee with cream and at least two sugar cubes is as nich in calories as a big piece osf chocolate cake. lnstead, dInk herba teas without sweetener or cream. They are soothing and rich in antioxidants, and will benefit digestion, hydrate the body, and curb the appetite. Parsley lis excellent to munch on between meals because tl! 's high in vitamins, will give you tresh breathe, and ls a natural diuretic, which may alleviate water retention. The key to healthy eating is balance, variety, portion control, and moderation. The amount osf food you need every day depends on your age. sex, body size, activity level, and personal health history. Herba Magic teaches people how to lose weight naturally by eating balanced, healthy meals that incorporate ail the food groups. Clients eat real toods from the grocery store in combination with natural supplement support. HerbaI Magic counselors provide guidance, education, and motivation so that clients learn how to lose the weight and keep tl off. Cai today for your free consultation. 1 egsed Masg Therapy7 1 uu /.,I, 1 hd,,, -d linfit', - M,,iýinýý,

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