Tho Canadian Champion, Tuoaday, January 10, 2006 -A25 it y~ou n'ave any questions these "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 D.Ron Strohan D.Optometrist SWakefield Professional Centre 106 Wakefield Rd., Milton DrOu oetrohan 905-878-5882 tu vtsion and health of value? B. Se, D. Ch. This is a psychological and set oniserval principle. Q. My child Evervane lises their lives baveti on salues. One',s hierarchv of values is subieci la change. fret that we What was once ofi high svailue usua l'y reaches a point rehere anatr voîid What is chillj becoanes a higher value, and therefore replaces a persan's desîres or A. Chilblaîn prionuties oi action. For instance: Feople tend nat ta regularlv schedule oir put offi their healih espectally Wt care and examiustons because ai 'hat tey perceive as mare valuable, are only seen suc as lîfe's pleasures. Many appoinments are put an te sheli or has fallen wt can,,dlled. hcaiase tce persan îs ton husv working, or has oters ta Ire with Thev aiso may wîsh ta endeavor an social activîties which involve Chilblains rep te consunotian ai toxicants, or sehut thev fet îs of greaier value Selung apleasurahle item, or action which'brings perceived pleasure, cold. They mu Usaly ends Up an a person changing teîr value tareards a higher value. rapîd dilatatît Later an years, whrn thc persan's health is iailang, sutidenîs' mark and draîning veni social activities becomne af less value, and Healith issues hecome anare euaino impactant. Peuples smoking. lacit ai evercise andi poor nutrition take hertait. Eventuaiiy the persan's heaifi tails, and ten tey spend ail Chilblains oct iheir hune laoking for solutions te hsx thre prabiems which are not repaîrahie. children. The So ibis us very truc about Eye Care. Your eyes are hasîcails' a wandais ta workers may you. The physicai, psychaiagical. andi aptical aspects ai your vision and red levions bodly function can he momîtored ibrougit regular healit evaluations. Takung fimie for your self, ai regular antervais can heip preveni and deteci subcutaneous health and personai cure issues. and fingers. Test it Fand somnetiang tai was valueti once, You aa finti oui laier it waurnted, Chil wasniibtai greai ofan îdea to have ordo aneral, Yeu spend anuch îf1 your time and thinking araund anhai ever tat mas. Laier, pou may have usually subsid tound sout didn't meailv need tuét item, or dotat ting hecause mhai was reaction is mo uttache in ta our value had sorte dram hack tapao along antth it Thes' go hand an hand. Items you purchase for suînsumption ai a lais cast usuaily The best treat costang s'ou somewhere cubher in stress ai repaîr or poor an functuion solution of ta Evers' pleasure has an associateti 'pain' Hom mua.h salue is placeti on breakdown of your health and eyesighti 5 up ta vou. Wihout healbh and clearsîision hfe isoulti fot he tce saine nais would it best. and can So hais important is vaur vision? Hais important is voue heali, and avoiding cold. ssho ns accountahie for it' Inne ey 17 Wilson Avenue PHYSIOTHERAPISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. 1 arn new to the community, and 1 arn Iooking for a registered physiotherapist. What qualitien should 1 look for in a physiotherapy clinic, or registered physiotherapist? A. There are pros and cons ta havtng a nesser graduate as a physîotherapust. On one hand they are assate of the newest research with respect ta physto- therapy. hut a physiotherapisi wha has heen working for a whtle has more cliical knowledge. Once you graduate from physiotherapy, you con choose ta take post gradnate course work ta increase your kitowledge anti sktlls in a particular area. For instance, in tise area of ortltopedics. which is an area commonly treated inl prîsate clinies. the therapist can take a sertes of courses andi then wnite three exuans ta achieve your "Part A" designatton. and then take another senies of courses andi Write another euant ta achteve your "Pari B" desîgnatton. There are many other types of courses that are relevant ta tce fieldi of physioitherapy s0 the more courses itat are taken, the more skills the theraptst has ta offer you. It ts important ta tnqutre whether or nat the therapist you are asktng about takes ongaîng course wor, Jo tce metieal professton, things change so mach. tite theraptsts neeti ta kccp up on new research andi techntques. If yon are înquîning about te clînic. you want ta knass hais many clients tce therapisi sces per hour. Some clinîcs see tisa clients pet hour, others thrcc, anti others four or mare. which means less ttme with your attentiing physiotiterapisi. As iseli. your initial assessment should he forty mtnutes ta an haut mîîh your terapist. This allaws te therapistint gtve you a fuill asscssmeni, and togeter make a plan for yaur curet At tce Halton Cammuntty Rehabtîttatton Centre. we are pleaseti ta say tat me have tree "Part B" tcrapists. one "Part A" terapîst, and ailier tcrapists hctng mentoreti trough tce systcm. se, yoa are guarantecd ta recctve top quality cure ai aur cltntc. As wcli. aur tari assessanents; are ail anc hout long, a ttmc whtch allows you ta pet ta, kuow your neis terapisi. Came anti sec how ise can pet ni of ail your achcs anti pains!!! Gtvc us a try. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. so., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9T 1 P6 (905) 878-6479 1A Princess Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 (905) 702-1611 Momber of the Ontario Society af Chiropodists and The Ontario Collage of Chlropodists I as painful red swollen spots on his re recently diagnosed as Chilblains. lains? s commonly occur in young adults. h a history of cold limbs. The symptoms in cold damp climules and the incidence t the advent of central heating. iresent an abnormal vascular reaction to .y be produced on rewarming by the more an of the constricted at'teriols than the ules. This iv thought to lead to, the luid in the tissues. cur ut any age but are most common in y start in early winter, but outdoor develop them in the spring. Itching and are followed by swelling of the tissues on the top of the tocs, on the heels especially when cold extremities are bluins may be single or multiple and [e in two to three weeks. Sometimes the re intense with ulceration. ment for chilblains is applying a weak dine to the skin. This will aide in the metobolites in the tissue. Prevention iv )e achieved by wearing warm clothes and damp areas. % Elayrte Tanner & Associalea 1lnc. Elayne M. Tanner [AB.A. B.SW.. M.S.W., R.SW., DIP. SOC. ADM. Counselling & Psychotherapy Milton (905) 854-0801 Elayrî. M. Tanner Q: My relafionuhipn tt out well but they neyer neem Io gel clone enough to be anything more titan superficial. Why con 1 flot gel reolly clone ta anyone? A: The cioseness that you are seektng iv referret 1 as intimacy. Intimacy tuvoives gtving anti receiving. trusttng anti being trustworthy. Sînce botit individuals in an itiatmte rclationship have ta be able ta be open anti honest, yau are either not able to provtdc these qualîties or tce people that you tieveiap rclationsbips with arc not able ta provîde tem. lu cîther case, the relationshtps neyer pet past the casual stage. Intimacy means that me can be ourseives in a relattonship anti allais tce other persan ta do the same. We con have intcrests, isonts anti fears tat arc différent front the other persan and be open about themn. The other persan in te rclationship can also have different views anti not fear rejectian. lu order ta dcvelop intimnacy bot people necti ta be able ta be tcmsclvcs roter ton isba the other persan monts thent 10 be. One of te first stcps ta developing more intimate relatîonsbips is gaining a cîcorer anderstondtng of isho yau really are, Ilis bard lobhe yoursclf ishen you don't knosv ihat or isho tat is. Without a clear sense of isba me arc, mc become ovcrly reactive to ishat the other persan iv dotng ta us or not doing for as anti me feel helplcss anti powcrless in the relattonship. We ten tend ta react anti sec anly anc side of tce issue. The first sîep then, ta tieveloptng intimate rclationships is ta begin ta kaow yourself. Once you know isho you are, yau can treat yourself respcctfutty anti nat lave yourself in the ncxt retationship. Ail of us develop tbrough emotional connectetincss ta others anti mc continue ta neeti close relationships throughout aur lives. This i tce only may mc con really knom anti enhonce aur "ýself', IlHELPING YOU HELP YOURS ELF" 64àMFI INTERIORS "Wo e ao a foot ai homo" Curpel - Vînyl - Ceamtcs -Hnrdwood Showroom RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Goraldîne Heskoth 845 Mai. St. E. Mutes 878-4280 So What Is The Forecast For 2006? Rumour bas it that carpet iv back again, and in a big way! Certainly bedroomv and more vo basements, as comfort and warmth iv a priority. The heavy textured twists to namne one, also light and bright iv the vogue. Still wood primarily in main areas, with the introduction of exotics. But beware, junt because it sounds exoîic, iv it in nature. Another dilemmu iv availability on the world market. There are other woody which have character and colour nuch au hickory. heech, walnut, etc. Pluv distresned iv definitely in for 2006! What iv really interenting is the demand for decorative items such as area rugs which you can throw one down anywhere. A great solution for that final touch. Mission, retro, asian and european, are selling well. As wallpaper loses ground, il iv another way of adding patterni and texture or junt lift up and swap around into, different areas too. We are expecîing a new shipment of rugs scion, with colours to enhance your room. Then maybe take a tone Comfi. and add it to your walls, alI down at BARROW FAMILY f CHIROPRACTIC r'i 180 Ontario St. S. Milton (905) 878-4994 DrAng.Ua Ba- Fax:(905) 875-4485 Email: drabarrow@& ~ CAN EXERCISE FIGHT DEPRESSION? Enicnngitithe New Yarhasiteaught alan wititîmaay New Yar's resalutians...titemosi ppulariteine"-stat ruercising". Witatmanyof us dono huais titat acooic ruercise may he doing more thon just iteling us tran away those extra pnuucs frontChnistmas. A recen sudy indicates thaiaroicruercise anaybe just as effctîiveas medication ut milievîne fepression..." Thisi stdy "atits ta grammeg evidence fiat euercse can sîcniticanly imprve menalheath aimodesîuor ncs" lite îstidy camparei 3 gmoups: antîidepressants onîy; antidepressanis plus ernup aerobics; exeecise only. "Ahrr 16 ismits, patients in ail] titree r euts were equaity lîkely ta hast recosereti"' But ishat isas surpnisinf wecm the tindîngs in ah 6montit folîow up stutiy that "esercîsers held a surpnising etige. 0f those usha had recasered after f6 iveehs, îîny 8'% relapsed ta depression campared iih 38% mit oak pis only anti 31* %n the cîumhînatîon araup". Healthits definei iy tie Woeîd Heaitt Orgonizaîion as "optimal, pitysîcal, mental anti spinssual i lheing.nat merelytiteabtsence of disease rinirnity," Titis tiefinition recognizes fie intrinsîs init itween physîcai. ematînnal anti spiritual health. Enercîse produces itraîn chermîcaîs sach as scantonîn anti entinephins titat can contnitute to tho feeling of iseil beingI te is sstidy t mas fisin thaîseily 50 minutes 'f esercîse amweek halcd a peeson'sctances of eing tiepresseti Pityssal acîîsîty iv key ao ail] aspects of îîue meil heine. Atidressing symptoans mt only medication is of limited salue anti ceeiainiy camtes mîith fie isk of side-effects present in ailmeiications. Lîfestylr factor-, are paramun o guant physical. emotiona anti spiritual iseIl heine. As a family citiropeaclor une of my goals is ta heîp people auie heaithier lifestyle choices, Regnîar chieiipraclic atijusimnenis arc important ta heîp youe itoty adapi t.u 1,fr stresses as effectively as piossible. Suitluxation patterns develop overitheyears asiso pac ctemicalpysial ademtional dmands upon oue sysrns. Iterfcernce in nerve fowsand conrol resait in compromîses inaoverall heait.Minimizing unnecessary meicaiunsond exercising regularly iof gre-al henehit ta your systeans especiall youe nervons sysem. Lifeslyle citanges taite tîme itut fie benefits are mdll isiief the resuits. Youe heaith is your greatesi assai va investi n yaurseif anti auie a commitanent in heutr ieah __ M I 7