A24 - The Canadien Champion, Tueoday, January 10, 2006 & Ageris Agets E & Aentsopporlunlilhes pporbWns = pas-sclonate aLni.tit design? If ao, put your creativity ta work ai work. At Ethan Alten, air pernmondi approacn f0 recorating us nore a designr dstdio fnifan tor e ald gise exr deign conaitlanIngn ethie alvafredom flney rreedtnDgeltle job domn perfecfl.As a preierfhom tuisnings oençont mie aller fine flutteois, tcqr-tunid ales gidance, and strng atrmer service up"et ainicfr nae mortn for ou pleoase. Su, il toes an uapnnced diesign coesitaift kafnig toi an excdaing am wNf n n mùlu copany finals a proni styl leader, me invite pe tD explore cçnçebtifes ait Efan Allen. Join tis ,ot ouri Career Open Hlb at fir Fftaîn Allen (Z-)vt.ancn lnonvioi Tut-cday januar) ici, 200(n throi.g(lotut the day i oam-ipîn Talk one-on-one etitn fine store staff ant finit out more about open positions as a design consutanti or in design project management. ETHAN ALLEN* 'oi\% lii iga unes niicsc iifiîr burtington thornhill 3225 fairvîiw snreet 8f134 y0060 sfreet 905.633.9507 jus0 soatti of hwy. 7 905.089.776f mississauga 2161 dondas street w. an ern mîlis pkvsy. 905.828.2264 toronto 18f19 yonige street soanin of davisif le 4t6 545.0090 For more information contact vaut local store or emaîl Owatsetanallenlinccomn W 02005 Ettian Mes Globail, lac BL OLD CAREER OPPORTUNf ell Worid - 377 Main Street East in Miltoan la aaekng an INSIDE SALES ASSOCIATE for permanent fuiltrime employment wfno os availabte ta stant immedîafely. Candidates must be customer sernice onienfed, wunrý mal in a fast paced enviroineent and enjoy ongoirrg leamîng. Refaif expenience mould be an assef, inowener, training will be provided for fthe nighf candidate Pleaae apply In peraon: 377 Main St. E. Milton ATTN: Paul Crawford FA ST5IQGV5l SIGN &r .* d . MAKER Like woeking wif h your hanis ? The ideal candidate wilt be a gond commorocator, frainable undt have a ffronig deoire fo oucceed wifh a growirng cnmpany. Sîgo makîng espenience an aoset. Joîn oor feam in fthe foot-paceit sign indus- fry. Must be qualtfy-conocious and worIr quicfdy under deadtines. Send reaumne ta 4325 Harveater Road Burllngton, On LX1 5M4 Fax 9054631-7471 (ýDTOYOTA GEORGETOWN Re uirea PART **VS Rapidly growing dealer, very busy shop. Toyota experience an asset. Fax resume in confidence to: Doug Dockstader 9054877-4619 OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTAIVE Elfon Manufactaring in Milton is seeking an OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE for ifs Enfry Ooor Lîne. Experience in fthe window and door indusfry is a mast. fThe appropriate candi- date must have narsîde sales experience, be castomer focused and possess eacellent com- manication skîlis. Pléaae e-mail resume fa: crandloeeitonmanufacturng.com. os a dynarnc, rapidly growing therapiot-owned, molli diociplinary, community baoed health care agency wîth contracto rn the Hamilton undt Halton regions. W. currently have openings for. OTs, PTs & RDs We offer: Flexible hooro Competitive wageo Supportîve work envîronment Must be regiotered Wrt a respectve profeosional College Intereoted candidateo should forward ffneir resome ta: Fax: 905-681-6911 or E-mail: Deborah.abbolfl@th.rapyh.aflhcare.com Inquires: 905-68-7404 or 1400-715-1430 Sonopr¶pher Opporfonity to marn fleoible shiffs week- dayo and/or Set. in Oaivillelfluitingfon. Offer CME funting, training in vurloun modaities, benefifo. Fax reaume la 905-572-86 The Firehali Hiring FitP/t Waitstaff F/T LUne Cooks P/T Dishwasher Min. 2y e am Fax 905-427-2026 flurlingfon Norfth New Ylear.. Newe opporonieil NO W HIRI NO F/T and P/T Linecooks Compeive mages in a for mori atmosphere Apply mithîn. 4511 Dundaa St. at Af pIebý Lin. (W tlaea) Burlington à ame HlP KENNEL ATTENDANT Permanent-PIF After itEM 2-3 even- ings/week+Saturdays. Idea for stadent. Must have own transporta- tion. 9054693-0503 aie ýuurenily beifng sought loi oui burlir glor & Oakville locations. Applicanits must have a diploma or degree in Early Childhood Edocation. Prefer- ence will be given f0 applicunts wlknowledge of the Reggio Emilia approach, programs for chidren with speciol neats . Forneard reoumes by January 1lOth, 2006 f0' Sharon Pie, Executive Director 5451 Lakeshare Rd. Burlingtan, ON L7L 1lEl Fax: 9054634-9850 NOV H I R FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS We are lookiog for Caring lodîvîdualo who want fa feel connecfed to ocher people in our commoniy. Our eotensive training programi will help you jhelp fhooe aiho are diofreosed, tonely nr fhînking of sui- cide. For more information contact: 905-877-0655 Our empioyment section & websites haltonsearch.com and workopolis.com are your best sq u c c E s s CLASSIFIEDS steps to .. AIL PRIVATE 1~ CHAMPIONSHIP 18 HOLE GOLF 10 COURSE Milton/Oakville 905-878-2303 Mississauga à 905-826-6464 j