21 - The Canadian Champion, Tuoaday January 10; 2006 For ouao Cars for Sale Birtha flubas Deth Deth M11 cattr .armcnin Mmmmm@L - - -m MILTON. Centrai lava- 2000 Mvrcury Gravd _____________________ M AfO FP 0 11 LI Ii iN, o iiritiîeJ O-tsiol m ~11 [ iottai Hosital ti iviacvbridge on Wednesday,~ili. .I smkn et SJ20 Cai0-83 Ili 8Milton i.anaiain 'ju ol, January 410, 200h us her 601h year. Beiovad I17/ot uiiis 92 cite of Telesphora Simon /Dacky of Braca- i 1 905-693-9074 on 011f Ytll l"ct(ive Il VolIcOer for balge. Dear mother of Doua Simon (Lisai. Kei- 1fltr1,,5n i m,.,- Ai ~ WANTED a lva sn Care givea look atta 2 chdres $8/h Call 905-693-8983. NEEDED ahae school cae for 6 & 9 yea old girls. Wiison/Wood- card ara/Rohert Bald- sus PS. 905-875-1794. goAvable HOME daycare, oniy 2 spots avaîtahie fliparl- lima hot nutrîtîvas meais/snacks'arts/csaI siweakiy thamas/targa indlooroutdoor play an- aas. No charge ton statatory ho iîdays, cai Tracy 905-878-1642 STAY-AT-HOME mom has Pull lime spacas amale. Police check, Hawthorne Vîlaga Ar- a 905-878-8185 SWorale MOVING Sale, sotîd cood esttaiîmant dr.'ashîng ma- chine/dryar/captaînu had wnth 3 dracers/ts- hie & chairs couchý chair & or- tomas jogging strol- tan hank hadsimicro- cava coke ma- chine computer desk,'crîb 4 île cîth dresser & mat- trasschiid's dauk & chairA 8C's star choîca dîsh & 2 racaîvars nec in box. Cali Amy@ 905-876-3941. A dîsîng marrm, cherry- cood, doubla padestai tabla, 8 chairs, baffat. hatch, davatat con- struction. Nec s5h11 un boxss CosI $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905- 567-9459. A King Pilloctop Mat- trese Set. Nec sn plas- tic. Coat $1600. se) for $450. 905-567-9459. BEOROOM Cherry. cood. Bed, cheat, dresser, 2 sîghtstands. Dovetait Conatraction. NaveTr opesed Coat $8.000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 OEOROOM Cherry- cood, Bed. cheut, dresser, 2 nightatansa. Dovataît Conatruction. Neyas opaned Cool $8.000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 LARGE black catI asitlaxcelant condition coat $1800. askîng $900./3 piaca tear drop shapad end tablea biauk/great condition asking $200. 905-875- 1951 or 647-272-4205 POWER Tech Gym, curk banch silO ceîghts & accassories $1000. York Press Bench cîth ieg cuits & caîghts $100. 6 soid oak bar stools $300. Cati 519-856-0810 Wanted- Ait China, Sit- ver, Crystai, Tes Caps. Royal Doulion, Scarou- ski, Glass, Jecaiary, vid Ivys. colactîbias, asIates. Cati John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 2002 Neos. 65,OOOkms, tuiiy ioaded. Nec Iront end. Excellent condition, 1- ocnar. $9.500. Cati 905-873-0864 alter 5:00pm 2002 Pontiac Grand AM, 4-dloor, 4-cyt., auto. A/c, poser touks anmd mach more' Osiy 43,OOOkms. Absoiutaiy parfacti Must seai Osiy $9.950. Andmurr Hold- ings 905-877-3839. 'k o Sale l a9e Chev Pick-up Reg. Cab. 8' box. V6, auto. A/C, cramse con- trot, Back Rack and box tiser. Drnve ciesned and cartifîed. Oniy 120,OOOkms. Absotate- ly perfect. Brand sec transmission, Must oea $7.500. Asdmurr Hold- ings 905-877-3839 1999 Ford F25OXL wîth hydrauic tailtit 125,OOOkms and carti- fîad. Aukînu $9.000 oho. Adams RanI-Ail nc. Cail 905-877-0157 , 334 Gualph Street, Georgetown, Ontario. ~- "- VJ¶Udumîog Eveors ly Spack (Barry), Kathy Simnon and Dann 1y Si~- mon (Jas). Lovisa grasdmother of Christina, Lucas, Jessica, Taylor, Brandi, Kayiis, Candica, Ciarra, Shanteta asd Cheyenne. Daaghtar of Mary Bird asd the tata Mal Bird. Sister ot Jarry, Keith, Brias asd Jean Bird. Sistar ot Jarry, Keith, Brian anmd Jean Bird. A service of ra- membrasice wiii take place at a lter date. Me- moriai giha 1t0 the Aopan Wiidita Sanctuary, P0. Boa 183, Rosaaau, Ont. POC tJO woaid ha appraciated by tha tamiy. Arrangements astraoted tv Reynolds Fanerai Home 'Tarnar Chapei» 1 Mary St., Bracahnidga, Ont. 877-806a 2257. ~a ha oi vs bA1 oigEet Baardoît. Comoîlas Peacata ly aI Alaendate un Milton on Fruday, Jasuary 6 2006. Comatus Buardoif un his 84th f#9 V VVV f yea ha)oved husbasd of Johassa. Lovusg tathar of Kim and hih cita Januca. Grvatiy v.P J COU NR II4ANNIC qP rnssed hy hîs grandsons Kyteansid Justin. ouEWRATV rAIeNTNGs 5onVIo Sumuoved hy 2 hrothars un Hvliind, Predeceasad o curr 5Ovrr by huodaughar Sosia /1999/ simd 2 brothars. 26 MAIN orý Lo UNIT . vonN Famil anmd friands ara unvîted ru visit aI the 905-8164-6861 McKERSIE KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Çf "OP'EN HOUEE y Main St. MultIn 905-878-4452 trum 2-4 pm keglot:ratN for: and 7-9 pm on Taesdsy. The tanarai service WINTE 5E51ON O CLA5cui ha heid un the fusera home chapai on FrMNTER SESSION 0F LASE Wednasday Janusry 111h 2006 aI 11:00 am, W Fruda, Jaasiy t5lr nt annent to foitoc at Milton Evergneen Cama- S 11-00 AM -9:00 FM terry. As eapressions of oympathy, mamoruai y Ssiurdsiy. Janluary 14tk donations to the Alzheimer Society couid ha 11:0O AM -5.00 P'M appracuarad. Lasters of condoienca may ha tefS C'Gme coose the oiabbaano uo ton Infamîiy aI wcwwmukersua kochar.ca would lik toetî8niupC for m thnvritof ampts os iepay.I rni a nrr aa esction lM rnr amn n M mram oi-aftinq & painting Eappliso, ncuin i p m S Venidor Spscev Avaitabis- t i lopn n irn of ui w onel wi/c IMargaret MerY, y . y y y .. pae awaic Il neifrir trril 2004 Flsher, George Passed aAay ait Grovas Mamonrai Hospital in Fergus os Thursday, Janiuary 51h 200h George Fishar, heiovad companion oi Edna Pnedacvaoad Oy hîs vilde Wiînnîfrad (1987). Loy- îng thar of Diavid anmd hîs wif e Lynda and Mary and ver husbasd tha tara Gave Ettîvrr Sadiy missad by hîs grandchîidren Jvsny and Slaves Flit Survived Oy vis sîstar Irans Ray. Famîiy and friands vîsilad aI tha McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Mais St, Mitron 905-878- 4452 os Svsday. The fuserai sarvice cas hald in the lonarai home chapai on Monday, Jasaary 91h 2006. Istarment toilocad aI SI. Georga's Camarary in Lowvîile. As expressions of sympalhy. mamonial donations 10 the HaO and Sîroka Foandation or Graves Mamoria Hospia wouid ha appracîalad. Lasters of condolance may ha lait tor the lamîiy at wwc mckersîe- kocharca HARRIS, LiI Ahter a short banlie cîth cancer, os Satarday January 7, 2006 aI Royal Victoria Hospitali n Barria Baiovad cdfe ot Randy. Losing mother of Candica and har haohasd Brad Fife, and Lawrence White, Nanny ot Breanna, tswan and Nathan. Friands cil ha raceived aI the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James Straet, Milton (905-878-28689) on Saturday Jas- aary 14 f romt 2:00 p.m. cdth a Mamonia Servica Io toliow aI 4:00 p.m In lieua of tioers, dosa- tios 0 the Canadias Cancar Sociaty coaIdI ha apprecîatad hy the tamîiy. HOPKIN, Littan - iHappy cas a dadîcatad mambar of the Eoasîsg Star Rahacca Lodge, #79/. Paacataity ait Aitendata Narsing HOMe n Milton on Fridlay Jasaary 6, 2006 in hier 100h year. Baioved cita of tha tata John Hopkîs. Dear mothar of Gwan Danich, daughtar-in-iaw Aima Hopkîn (tha tata Hocail. and son-în-iaw John Haîpai (the tata Mary) anà stap mothar of Pal Carr. Grandmother of Margaret, Anse, Mary. John, David, Donna, John, Douglas, Rob- art and tamîlies. GraI graîdmothar of Pauta, Bradley, Chrîsruphar (deceased), Michael, Camaros, Staoan, Kavis, tlissa and Dario Great great grandmother of Rohyn and Tyler' Lîtian aiso noavas niaces and nephac in Wales, Friands wlt ha racaîoad ut tha J. Scott Earty Fu- serai Home, 21 James St., Miltos, 905-878- 2669 os Mosday Jasuary 91h trom 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Tva FuseraI Service wiii ha haid from Knoxo Prashytasian Church on Taasday aI 2:00 p.m. wîth internat t0 foiiow aI Eoargraen Came- tary. Il dasîrad donations ta the Atiandata Fous- darion or rhe Mifton District Hospital Foandatios coutd ha appracîated. t ii, v v niorcîidi iglii i ne riva lir .4luuys .rmnbei-ed by Habaid Ait SaGl.ennMichael &famili.s SuG mppotGop SpafltGraapS C~~R ARE YOU AGOOD LISTENER? Haoe family and fiendo eoer oaid, «Yov're a good listerier9 If the anoswer iv 'Yes', thes maybe you shouid consder becoming a Diotreso Lina Votuni- teer. Votunteers must be son-îadgmenta and have the atoilty toi betriend cattero wittr compassion and empathy. Our training wiii enhanca your iîatening sius and prepane you to handie ait types of catis. If you are oser 18 yod cas commît toi 12 hoara a montr, piease cati 905-849-4541 or vrart www.distressmVetoalle.com. Our seat training sessions a a-dein a Cor FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, &xt. 121 www. thecentre.on.ca *The 0e01w Skilis Development & Training 1-1Z-1 crZZr HIFALTON Tha Buri ngton Postl a divsion ot Haiton Madia Group, is saekîng an esparîencad; Telemarketing Sales Representative Tva quaifîed candidata miii ba a motivat- ed, indapendant, saIt-starter with strong customer service skîills. You cii poasesa axcallant writtan simd verbal communica- tion skîlla and ba famîtiar wîth Microsoft applications. Pravios tetaphona salas asparienca as assat. In this rota, you wiii ba customar focusad and wiii build ssrong retationahipa with naew and aaîating clients via taiephona 10 ensure that thair advartaîng needo ara met. You viril be goal-orîentad and ca- pable of meeting regular weekiy budgets and apeciai section targets mîthin a desd- lina focused envirosment. If you would like to work for a leader in the media îsduatry sOis opportamity may be the right one for you. il intoroatod ploaao foiward your reaurne (Indicatlng Burlinglon Post In aubject lino), no lator than January 191h, 2006 ta; careera@haftonaearch.com Fax (905) 632-0308 Il appreciate the intereat of ail applicanta howaver only thosa selecfed for an interview wl) be corntacten. No phone caltas or agencias please. FINANCIAL ADVISOR We ara a fait service fînancîia institution ctth avar $60 million in assets. Our Credit Union provides tha ieadîng edge an campetitive, hinancia services, and as cammdtfed ta pravidîsg aar membems cith a fut range of fînanci prodaca, convesient auto- mnaled services and expert one-on-vse assistance. We carrenty reqaira as entrepreneuria, dynamîc, goal oriented indîvidaitfa assiot our membero in achîesisg thaîr Oinancia goals. Your demonstraled knociadge of weath manage- ment and the fînsocîi seroiceo msrkatpiaca as combinad with a creativa and resaita orîanlad ap- proach to basiness deseiopmant. If you enjay laak- mng the lime 10 liotas ta yoar caotomaras needo, pro- vîdîng pro-activa advîce and po5îing mambar's goals hirat, thîs lob is aht for yoaif Qaifad applications raqaîre 3 yaarso0f portfolio management aapanîenca and a Ctîfiad Fioancia Planning dasîgoation, Plaa appy on confidanca lu: Iinda@twinoakcu.com We thaok ail candidates. fiowavar ooly tfrooe lo ba inlerviewad wît) ha coolacad. Ask UYAbot..îi 1 -Il 905-8 78-2 DRIVERS eý rver sec IracK throughout the U.S. &i retors cdlh nec trucks from U.S. pants ote pînv fe ig t y Ns cuat tamiy medical Frequent fiyer milas Must hava AZ ticansa c /OTR T/T aup -- MitnCompany hiring FULL-TIMEI PERMANENT positions. Minimum 2 years experience. Cali 905-864-6936 1 GnIH l ep CANADA'S Largest Speciaty Frozeni Food Chain Retail Product Consultants Required P/T Days, Evenînga & Weekends Ideal candidate wili be a mature, oatgaing person w/previoaa retail eaperience. Apply in person 635 Fourth Lino, Oakville Fax/Emati Reaume 905-842-4233 store0l @MMMS.ca JOBS AVAILABLE Production work in the MILTON area. $12-$13lr. Ail shifto available HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Milton We are continaing ta deveiop oas intarnet praperties and are isskîng Io maka significant stridax in atiiizing the medium as a maanisgai information and pro- motiona piafonm. Wa are saekîsg a buainess leader to champion lOis initiative for our Haitan and Niagara Ragions. Thnoagh interaction ctih our divisiana management teama, ynai hetp estabiah iong-Ierm internet-basiness goals in keaping cith aur oserat business strtegy. Yaa'Ii parfner cdih aar corporale interactive media groupa t0 baud e-business madeis that facilitafe ravenue grocth thraagh meaningful infarmalianal and pro- motions) pialforma, To ha succeoofuliun thia rota, you'Ii need b hae action oriented and poosesa otrang business deveaiapmenî skilla cuth the marketing oavvy to identfy and im- plamant cuosisg cab-busineao solutions. You'Ii ha a proficient commasicatar that cas effectovely praoeni business udeas lv management groups. Youn un- dapth carkung-knaciadga of cab-baaed prodacîs, programts, technologies and emargung trends ii ha/p pou maka quaity decisios in a daadiina drivas ami- roimant. ru shoutd hava a wurking knucladga af Microsoft Word/Eocal, Adobe Photoshop, HTML, anmd It/ustralor as caii as Web technologies, protacols and sools unciuding; Visua Surce Sale, MS Praiect, Vîsuu, Draamcaor and If yuu cauid tîka bo cork for a leader un the media înduotry thus opportunity may ha rîghi for yau. Wa ahaer as excel/ent compensaion and bantefit package as cati as apportunitias for future career gructh, H intereiîed please torward yaar reaurne, and aalary expectations, by Jansary 20, 2005 ta: Info@701.cote Inctude 'Interactive Media Manager' in the aubjoct Une of yosr email. We appreciata the untareat of ait applicanîs hocaner oniy those seiacîed for as interviec cuit bu costactad. No phone cal/s or agancuex pieaoe. LOGISITICS COORDINATOR Lakasîda Logiotico i0 un industry iaadîng Third Par- ty Logîstico Provîder and is saakîng an aggsesoîva, taka-charga individu>lu oîon ils leam au a Logis- tics Coordîsatar. The succasoful candidate cil) intaract siO both Cusomars & Transportation Car- riers on a daîly haaîa S cil) îdaaliy have reiated ex- periance in the Transportation !Trucking indualry coupiad eîth excellent iniarparsonul skîlls and computer lîtaracy. Lakasîde Logialica affaru pramîom compensation basahtos and paya attention to "Ouaiity of Life' for our ampiWees Ploaae fax reaumos ta: 905-338-4044 or ornfait ta Lew@takesideLsgistics.con