Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Jan 2006, p. 20

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lTe Canadian Champion,- Tuesctay January 10, 2006 - 20 r 'Â s - * s : :Index: Real Estate 100-135 a Business 140-169 eRentais 170-196 11 Leisure 200-239 11 Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampion.com e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fh. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ai classified ads also appear on www.haltonsah.o * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION call: 905-878-5947 Ad ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~' smsso bymioripesnTeCadaCamin87ManS.EMtsONLT33Daie:Mon. il arn. ,for Tues, publication, Thurs, il arn. ,for Fri publication. Special Featore & Holiday deadlines may oary. PaYment: We accept cash, choque, lnterac, Vina, MasterCard, American Express. Ail ada piaced are non-refundahie and necredit wiii be Iaaued. Business accoonts cas ho opened with an approoed credif application aoailable from yoor Sales Consultant. LCHECK YOUR AD TH-E FIRST DAY IT RUNS ru onsure the information os correct. Contact yoor Salon Consultant within 24-Hours ifan error appears. An error in a Fni. publication mont ho repoOed no lator than Mon. .11 a.m. :16ý - ' P I(e 0UiOM ý *INU ITZ I II(MMNT- \EiidAGEMENT BIRTHDAY GRADUATOnU Wilh nne/nh joy and heappiness Keith & Liz Carlu-righf amnd Helen aend Bob Brycan announce the engaogement oaf their children Rob & Heather Wedding to kake pince in 2007 BIRTHDAY J Houes Fo Sal Business - pppoaiiles SELLERS LEAOER5, ie work<î Fînd Ouf Whal The l fr hce cariir <9<er Home Down The <, 'e r , Vat r Street Sotd For. doe ti ameë H3 i'eter Vieil www. 905 270/ 7,04 haitonhamestnfo.com CHARLESTON homo. New 4-bedroom in Rockwood. Large cor- ner loI, Oea appliancos and upgrades. $429,900. Cuti 519- 856-t1130 ALI brick open co- cept bungalow on .81 à tc acres, backiog osto, roliîng his. Hurdwood, specîl! Add cerumîc, 2-gus lire- places, tînîshed famîly in basement. Country PlUme to yo living atth village con- sentences. Locatod 20 announcement in minutes North of c Georgetown in His- iUC teiA* burgh. Cati 519-855-~ 4lLN1I 6598u ~Oc~ David and Sybil Nowell and Vicky MecGonigie are deiighted 80 annouace the engagement of their ejildren AlN and Andrew. iedding to take place in 2001f7 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branie Street South. Milton We are noa accopting appitions for: -1 bdrm For more information andlor f0 make un uppoînîmont. Please Cati: 905-878-5375 Building Managera Leonard si Penny - 2-BEDROOM apart- ment in Downtown Main St reet. Close f0 shopping and sohoots. Water, Seat and park- ing is tnctuded. Appron. 900 ng.ft. $850/montS + Hydro. 416-486-0465. Ararimeis & * primns à ais Fer Ruai F aisa For Ruai COUNTRY close lv 2-DORM aîlh main awn, Largo 3-bedroom itoor iuundry. prîvato upadimont aîlh hugo ontrunce, parking, quiet ouI-in kîtchen. comptoex lOOOsq.5i $1250.00 per monts in- $850 per mIs + Sydro. ciudisg heal and uppli- Cai Lurry 0 905-943- uncos. Cubie and taon- 9372. dry uvaîlubie. Feb. lot ___________ occupuncy. Roferences 2-BEOROOM anuSt- roquirod. 905-854-2294 meut, main el 1-bodroom upartmont. Large liîoîngrnom Quiet urea. Second floor. Dswntown Milton. Fîrup/Last. Avaîlablo tm- medrulely. Faut 905- 896-8979. ACTON Apurtments. t & 2-bedrooms avait- abie January & Febru- ary t sf, Frîdgo & stove, taundry facilîties. No dogn 519-853-4374. Open 7 dayslwook. Samo day approvai, mwwrealstar.o 14092 Trafalgar Roud, North. 8900/monts in- clusive. Avaîlubie Feb- muary ltf Cai 416-888- 6857 or 905-702-1656 3-DEDROOM apart- monts. Avaîlubto îm- mediately in Erin. Cuti Mary 905-785-2688. ACTON 2-bedroomn apuOtmont, ground lev- el, 8675/monts plus. t- bodroom, $500/month plus utilitien. Cati 519- 853-5080 or 519-853- 5352 ACTON t -bedroom upusImont. Avaîlabto imrnodîutely. Pieuse Cai uSter 6:00 Pm 519- 853-3017 ACTON 2-bedroom uparlmenîs uvaîtablo. 5860/montS utliîties in- cluded. Quiet Building. No-pots. 192 Churchill Road, South. Cui 519- 853-1281. ACTON brîght 2-bed- room upuOtment, upper floo, non-smoking home, neaiy docorul- ed. No dogs. Immodi- aIe possession. Credif check/references. S800tmontb plus eiec- trîcit. Cati 905-873- 1902 FARM hauele, narah oi Acian for rena. Piease cai 519-853-0764. mot H93fJjulsaimnt F kas Fer Reef Fer Ruai DALLINAFAD uarge t1- REOW nn GEORGETOWN 3 bedroorn basernent GEREONdw-bedroorn bungalow, uparlrnent ailS ak ouI tuas 2-bedroon upuot main fluor. 4-appli- in quiet country sesing. mont. Nealy renovated, ancos, cabie inctuded. Smoking and aeii ho- close lu, ail amonilios. St200monlh plus utt- haved pets aeîcomo' $1, 050/month inclusive iio First/iast/rofer- Nol suilabie tor chil Avaîtabto imrnedîatoiy. ene o mk dren. 8608/monts plus Cai4657-92 ngipots. Cai 905-877- 114 hydro. Dapo 905- __________ 1305 or 905-873-3931 405-2235 ovontngs uSter 6:OOprn 905-702-9590. GEORGETOWN nico, _____________ clous 1-hedrsomn ails OOWNTOWN Milton don, garage. Quiet loio second Iloor otrnait couple/single. Appî- GEORGETOWN faîrly buchetor spi. in a nu- unces. 5900/mvnth in nea 4-bedroorn houso, pet. horîtugo butdîsg clusive. Avaîtabto FeS- close f0 GO Sta- 8590/mIs. Cui 9g ruumy îso15hý Cai lion/garage. Ait appi- 854-5742. 905-873-2980 Oiices inciiîded. OOWNTOWN, lmmac- ulule 2-bedroom, 4-appliances. Close f0 ail amenîties. St .000/month plus util- tien. Febmuary ltf 416- 553-2785 GEORGETOWN i- bedroorn apuOtmeot. $535/month plus heartihydro. No pets. Aoaîiabo Junuary 1thh Cai 905-873-3355. GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1. 2 & 3 bedroorno Check out aob site www.haltonhlinren- taiscom -hbnp://w.haltonhills- rentuis.como GEORGETOWN 1 - bdrm/bright/iaege bsmt. upî.separufe en- trance/separate parti i gi la un d r y no0 pets 'smoking/close to mailPS700,'mlh utittes iociuded. 416-428- 3079 GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom aparlmool. clean and quiet Preter single or couple. No smoking/pots. Februury lot. Roferences. 905, 077-f 1209 GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom main iloor $950/month plns hyctro. Aoîiuabte Junuary lot. 1t b ed r oom , S7SOlmonlh, ail uppli- uncos. Cui 905-873- 1068. GEORGETOWN 3- bedroom apurtment, purking. Fîrst and uest, rot fe roen ce s $1 .200/montS inclusive No smoking. Avuilubie Match lot. 519-853- 9694. GEORGETOWN Beu- lîful clous 3-bedroomn main fluor of bouse, laundry t -t 0/1month plus utîlîtios 2-bed- room busomont upurl- mont. beaulifut brîght clean, spacious. tan dry, 850/monlh plus utilîios. Aoaîiubie Feb- ruary tnt. No smok- ing/pots 905-877-0759 MILTON. t-bodroom apurtmont February toi, $870/month. Cui Jas 41 6-723-4801 utîlîties. Avaîluble Feb- GEORETON, 5th ruar lot. Fîrst/las, Sidemoad Lage t5he referencen requîred. 1 .agbce Cai 905-877-4967. $700/month avaîlabie Junuary lut. Cuti 905- 873-4413 GEORGETOWN. 2- bedroom basement.' short waik lu, Mail, taon- dry, utlltios încluded, $895/month. Cai Su- zan Potiludu, Johinson Associates 905-877- 5165. MILTON 4-bdrm/ap- psox 2200 sq. 8t/LR/DR/FR/F/P, 2 fuit balhs/parking for 2 cars/iaundry/$l 800/in- clusive/no smoking 416-832-3072. THIS 3-bedroom nemi- delached beauly bousIn ose of fhe fînool interiors for a renta unit MILTON t-bdrm upt.. sn ail of Hilton. Ideutiy vitablo Marcs 1. Utîl- suîled for v profession- dies inctuded wilh bai- ut couple or a young cony $800., cuit frorn furnîly but ait prospec- 4-9pm 900-864-7338. tive tenants are aot- corne to uppl. Noni- ornokers and atil-bo- huoed polo proforrod. RENTAIS Avaîtublo îrnmodîutoty 2 and 3-bodroom suites St,375/monts + util- in Aclon. pnîvule yard, lies, staoîsng ut SOSO month See pîcturos @ Detached h05 fo r wwa.hiton4rent.ca en eorgta rus Cui 905-702-9211 vine lt, great nergO- bourhood. st 8001, Twhue monts. Cui Elizabethl m Faor ses Dovill Johnson Asso FrRa ouates Reailor 905-877- 5165 MILTON 3-bdrm town- houso 81300/mIs, lot & tant, plus utîlîties. Fureîshed Anaîtubte Fo. lot. Cui Reniais Ltuoe 905-678-5444. MAt T HO MP SON - own buthroomn, dlean & quiet, oas park- ing/shurod kîtch- en/ashordryer, No 8500/mIs, 416-659- 3366. 3-DRM house/Opos Sonne Sut. Jan. 14 12- 3pm/Sun. Jan. 15 9- t2pm, 104B Robert SI. Milton EXECUTIVE homo for ront Main St. Viltuge, upprox 2700 sq.fS aîth FF & 5 app. Non smokers/no pets/roter- ences/$2300/mth + ait utîlities tsftlant by cor- tîfied cheque/îmmediate possession. Joyce Hagevtk Royal LePuge Meadoaloane 905- 878-8101. 56 SOMERVILLE Roua, Aclon New 2,700 sq.fO 4-bedroomn homo on 50 foot lot. Emui: kmucmiuln @coge- co.cu for complote de- laits GEORGETOWN, 3- bedroomn loanhouso ailS garage. 5-uppli- uncos, contra air. Wuliîg distance 10, ooorythiog. No pets/smoking. Avaîtubie i m me dIialtel1 y . 81,250/montS plus ulîl- iion First/las roquîrod, Cai 519-833-0086. MILTON. 41h Lino/Main. 3-bedroom, 2 1/2-bathrooms. Free- hold toanhouse. 1700 sq.ft., 5-uppliances, îm- mediale. 81400/monts +utliîttes. 905-785- 1575.

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