The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - Al13 e$89 VLUE~ It's a Lifestyle, Welght 1 owpew- .d PRESENT THIS FOR t A FREE WORKOUT WITH YOUR PERSONAL COACH AND A COPY OF OUR BEST-SELLING BOCK4 Total Health & Welght Loss b The TRUVESTAR Way ý58 Pouflds 1 JOcelyn D. Nutrition &Fitness 'y u fil ci il Cen ters webfle:- Numom EUt heulthleand Ise welght Bum more calories - day and nlght. Accelerate your welght loss. MUds.* Beach yow poft.b MW* boum yow « r *tSe Çoechln in ail s key ~sMMemr to devekop d op1Mnf heamt. ~mm. CustOnÈed exercise rir*e., adwroced). The so eftcv out Welt ,'ts eveIy maties of r Slsp Progan O N UTRITION 1ExERcisE VITAMINS 1 ATT1TUDE 1 SLEFP- Milton - 575 Ontario Street (at Derry & Ontario) Get 7: