Chil ren ie fom t kingThe Canadian Champion, Friday, January 6, 2006-A7 Chîîdren011 di rmtkil O « i<F4D.FRSý WlR!TF 1-epitî lof-ILfep lu_1ne Capsules 'are geis ai information extracted fr-oi past issues o>1 The Chamipion and other publications in op-der to protide a wiidom' jura Miltons: past. Explamîatorr comment im soînetinies pro- vider! to place the situationt in contexi. December 1906 A Miltonian says that a short urne ago bis liîtle son found a box of pilîs wbicb bad been left on bis doarstep as a free sample. The cbild tbougbt tbey were candy and would bave eaten tbemr if be bad been allowed to do sa. Tbey cantained enougb opium ta, kilt several small boys. Cases of the fatal poisoning of cbildren by free sain pIes of patent medicines distributed as thse above pilla have been reporied at différent places. County Counicil gave peinsission ta, the township of Trafalgar ta open a roadway 40 feet in width across concessions four and five in thse newv survey of the said township and between lots 13 and 14 of both concessions, on thse understanding that the county does not assume any respansibility. (This was the extension of the present Main St. fromnThompson Road ta FiflIs Line.) A number of employees of thse Milton Pressed Brick Ca.. aIl more or less recent arrivais froin Britain. wenî on strike last Saturday on accaunt of a reduciion having been made in their pay. A few bave gone back ta work ai the reduccd raie. TMe test are stl oui and lîkely ta remain so. it s said that alI the places bave been filled by new men. Taking advantage of thse cold snap. the owners of the rink started a man ta make ice somne days ago. He was genting on well. but the waîer supply was shut off. The reservoir is low. notwithstanding the laie rains. Apparently ibere are leaks in the mains or intake pipes or bouh. Milton is nat likely ta have a hockey teain ibis winîer. The- Milton school board met on Monday, received and accepted thse resig- nation of Miss Hockey. teacher of the con- tinuation classes, and gave Misses Bowes and Lawrence an increase of $40 each in salazy, froin $350 ta $400 a year. It bas been intimated that Milton's Model School wifl not be abolished jusi yet. but will be coniinued ai leasi a year. Mwiton '~Let's hope 2006 has more democracy Time and communîty involvement in Milton Brock Cbapman has been promoted to the teller's wicket in the Milton agency of the Bank ofUHamilton. He is only 16 and is the youngest teller in the bank's employ. George Storey bas sold out lus hardware business to John T. Hannani, but retains bis agency for the Deering implements. H.H. Freeman retains his position in the hard- ware store. On Tuesday the town's horse and bi s bar- ness were sold to Murray Crawford, of Canspbellville for $200. TMe animal cost the town $215 and bis outfit, freigbt and other charges brougbt thse total up to $267. The rink opened on Monday evening. A fine sheet of tce bad been prepared by John Trinîble, wbo bas been engaged for thse season as caretaker by the Rtnk Associaion, wbo will ton tbe rin them- selves, instead of lea.stng it. Curling will begin tomorrow. Season tickets for skating and curling are on sale. Dear Editor: How can citizens truly get involved when they're not even allowed the lime ta review a pro- posed budget befare it rapidly gets passed by a well orchestrated coun- cil? Whatever the reasons for ibis urgency, I feel they don't jusîify the kidnapping of democracy by Mfilton counicil. In my opinion, cii- izens bave once again been gagged. A recent article in The Champion refleets the hurried budget process that we've jusi again bad in Milton. In reality, how many counicillors actually talked with iheir electorate about the budget? How many peo- pIe acîually knew what the budget was about and how they could get involved in the discussion? I think there's been too maisy unmes the citizens af Milton bave had democracy removed frain their nghî to be acîively involved. I believe counicil doesn'i adbere to public consultation guidelines when they don't wîsb ta do so. TMis pushed-through budget is a good example of that. There needs ta be -and there wîll be changes in 20)06. Democracy bas to be -and will be - retumned io the cîtizens of Milton. Do Miltonians need the Region of Haltan, the Province of Ontario and our federal gavemmenu to get invalved and help ensure we actu- ally bave a chance ta participate in demnocracy? Many would say we do. I ask Miltonians ta help us in aur struggle ta regain basic democratic rights in Milton, for I think clearly they have been taken away froin us. There will be changes coming nexi election, but we also need ta have a measurable democraîic process in place that will give new counicillars the clear abiliîy to speak on behalf of their electarate and not jusi be forced ta follow the tbinking of a few an council. . Please understand that we do have a few an counicil wha really want to make a difference on behalf of thse citizens of Milton, but in my apinian it appears they're being continuously aver-govemed in their ability to be effective. May the new year bring us: Peace -Heaven knows there's been lîttle enaugb af it on aur plan- et laiely. Prosperity -For everyane, nai jusi a few on council. Health - As it used to be in Ontario, the premier health centre af tIse country. Demoeracy - As defined by thse citizens and not by Use potiticians in power. An editorial passage published lasi January in TMe Champion's sister paper, The Flamborough Review reads: "Democracy la gav- ernnent by Use people. That's Use definition in mosi dictionaries. i doesn'î say governient chosen by elected politicians on behalf of Use people wheiber Use people like it ar nai because politicians know wbat's good for Use masses better Usan the masses do Usemselves. No it docsn't say Usai. And let's hope it neyer docs. " I really hape 2006 can be Use year Usai Usis quote truly becames a tesied reality, and not jusi a dream af Canadians. 1 knaw that many of us in Milton truly hape for it ta happen. Bob Beyette Campbelville sv . are a busne s ull ou ted far-~~ri~ i Jonwanan b asnes ouphil cnuted bar C untry Héitg Park and it aria t tyears by George Siorey. are simnlu, to im otn to let s oeia ...j~&~i slip a way Justices of the Peace appoînîed for Halton included the following for Milton: William S. Chishalm, Alexander C. McNabb, John W. Murray, David Hartley, Samuel Dire, Hugli Campbell. Richard L. Heinsîreet, David Robertson, J.H. Peacock. A couple of days before Chrisimas, CE Galloway circulaîed a subacription liai for Use benefit of Use poor of Milton. Tise resuli was Use distribution of $50 and îwa tans of coal among Usose Usougisi ta need and deserve assistance. Thtis nsaterial is assembled ou behaif of the Milton Historical Socie-e bs' Jim Dilîs, who cati be reached Dear Editor: l'm amazed ai the apaiby shosan by Use Niagara Escarpineni Commission and residents of Halton in regards to the possible closure of Use place housing tens of Usousands of hîstorical items - Country Benitage Park. And Usis on Use basis of one camplaini - oui of 56,000 Milton inhabitants. As for aesUseîics of Use vehicles beîng parked Usere, what about Use trucks acrosa Use road from Countiy Beritage Park? Or whaî about Use remains of Use gravel pit furiher souts on Tremaine Road constanily being used by trait bikes roaring through uts paUss? l'm sure Use Ainerican antique calleciors are rubbing their hands in glee ai Use Usougisi of takiag home our bistorical treasures Usai have been lovingly restared and maintained by valunteers. Tise Town aI Mîilton receives a portion of Use alois revenue from Mohawk. Country Heritage Park would be a gaod invesiment for aur future generatians, ta educate Usem about aur henitage. H. Sha ver Milton Letters welcome Thse Champion welcomes leffets 10 thse editor. We reserve the rîght 10 edtt, revise and reject llters. Letters must include the wniter's name, addreas and telephone number. Lelters cari be e-mailed 10, faxed la (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 875 Main St. E. 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