The Canadtan Champion, Frîday, January 6, 2006 - AS -Region gets top credit rating - 7 Milton District High Schooi student Jsica Lyons wau recentIy pressent- ed wlth a new eWetrlc scoot- er purchased through fundraising efforts at the achool. She's sean here wlth Iongtime friand and fundraising voiunteer CaMIn Robidoux. The scoter wlH shlow Jessica to be more Independent ln her post- seciondary endeavours. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE 1 las ~gîi.tIitonl RsegR)l 1, (op', linitialt ly speaking. that is. Standard and Poor's Rating Services recently reaffirmed Halton Region's AAA credit rating based on the agency's 2005 annual review. Halton Region has maintained an AAA credit for 16 consecutive years. In 2004, it was one of only seven Canadian municipalities 10 receive the rating from the agency. "Standard and Poor's rating reflects Halton's sound financial position and it also rellects the stability and strong financtal management of our local municipalittes,' said Joyce Savoline. regional chainnan. -Halton residents can have confidence in our strong fiscal management, svhich is based on responsîble poliries and reatis- tic practices.- The AAA rating is the htghest credit rattng avatiable to any issuer of long-term debt in North America. The rating allows the borrowing of fonds at the lowest possible interest rates. "With two recogntzed credit agencies affirming OU 1M11 aîca p1aCt1CeS. [ilitoni s il to coutinue investing responsibly in our infrastructure to ensure the safety osf our water, manage our roads network and prepare for technologies t0 effec- tively manage our waste," said CAO Brent Marshall. Recognizing the Region's plans to increase ils deht load in the next few years 10 fond large cap- ital infrastructure projects, the agency noted since the majority of the funding will come from inter- nal cash reserves, the Region is expected to remain a strong net creditor. It noted, "The Regton's economic advantages and performance are solid, and prospects for the future look very good." Jane MacCaskill. commissioner of corporate servtces satd the credit rating is a result of "the long-terru perspective Halton takes in its financial planning." Standard and Poor is the second independent agency this year 10 review Halton's credit rating. lmS CHEV ASMN lmI EXT 2M4> CIavom MAUM * 7 pfassnger * 8 Pass. * Ioaded *Loadeci iMOM six * V6 -*2dr. " 4Dr. - auto -air MTII1NI 8115m 11Y88 1990790$150 -i i ~2 - - 2002 PONTIAC SUNIRE HAMILTON PLACE THEATRE Janucary 20 @ &W0 pm, January 21 @ 2.0 pm & &W0 pm ON SALE NOW ut Copps Coliseumn Box Office, or cali to charge by phone: 905 527-7666 For Event Listings Visit: opfimum! USED VEHICLES U NDER $12grOOO