A34 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday, January 6, 2006 Unique photographs feature of upcomning fundraiser The Conservation Halion (CH) Foundationii s planiniig a one-of-a-kiîîd fundraîsîng eveni invotviiîg îwo unique photographs wiîh an S Italian therne. The event, called ait Italian Celebration of * Life. will take place ai the DiMario's Trattoria Restaurant in Burlingioti February 5. Participants will enjoy a taste of fine Italian svine and food whiile experiencing the story oh iwo unique photographs taken decades and worlds apart. The Orsi photograph, taken by famnous photog- rapher Ruîth Oikiti, is culled American Girl iii lîaly, t95 1. The other photo, taken this year on the sîreets of Burlingion, sinsulates the scene oîf the firsi. svhich is now recognized international- ly as a classic. The simulaîed photo has heen cailed Canadian Girl in Burlington. 2005. Both photos include a heautiful woînan walk- ing down the street while heing looked ai hy sev- eral men. The models je hoth photos svill he ut the event to sîgn the limited-edition photo prînts that each ticket holder wiIl receive. Participants will aiso receive a photo gallery book entitled Aiîneî is 1 iilal\ j Niks Classîc'. Proceeds from the event will support CH Foundation's R. Ross Craig Discovery Centre ai the Mountsberg Conservation Area and Princess Margaret Hospital's Ce.vical Cancer Early Detection Research Program je honour otf Concerta Guglietti. The model i the original phoîograph. Ninalee Craig, a former resident of Burlington and life director of the conservation foundation. said the question she's heen asked for the past 55 years since the photo was taken is if she posed for the photo and if the picture was staged. .\h'î,. le. oý NI, i ai saud. -kuil oa striding alîead iîîward the Piazza. She turned. and sav nme walkîng ihrough a gaiînîlet of mec. t was a situation she hat long imagîned. She shot a picture and shouted, 'Go back and step off thai curb again.' 1 did. She shot, and on the sec- ond take photographed the American Girl ie ltaly.- Tickets to the event cost $150 each and are availahie hy calling Marino ai DiMariîî's Trattoria Restaurant ai (905) 333-8889. Tax receipts will be provided for $50 each from the CH Foundation and the Princeus Margaret Hospital Foundation. Th Re**na *uiiplt of HatIIon¶i~Iri Halton Waste Management Site User Fees are Changing at the Halton Waste Management Site (HWMS). Halton Region will be changing the current user fees at the HWMS to keep up with increasing operating costs and to continue providing quatity customer service as the Region grows. Effective Monday, February 6, 2006, the new fee schedule wii be: New Fee Schedule j 0-50 kg I same <approximatelly 8 bags of household garbage) $5.0OIload 51-150 kg S10.00Iload New 9.8 cents/kg from 0 kg Greater than 150 kg (lrppieg fe. of Nuw S98001tonue do.s notchange) Did you know? 50 kg is about eight garbage bags of household gabage or a small caretrunk load of miatenial. The new fees should flot impact smal lokads comîing to the HWMS, only those bringing larger loads into thse HWVMS This wttl hopefully encourage our customrrers ta oo at how the can reduce, reuse or recycle. Tha"kso the effrts of Halton rsdents, Hafton Region has one of - the highest diiversion ratesin he GTA, with airmast 42 per cent of aIl residential waste being diverted away from ou M. The qpated user fe artthe HWMS continues to support e a lthe diversion of gaebaefromthse ladIill, increasing thse lifespan of the ladfill for thse use of Haltors resents. *HM>'S 5400 Regional Rd. 25, Milton Open: Ma.sday - Saturday 8:00 arn. - 4:30 p.m. 905-825-600 Christmas Tree Collection for Urban Areas of Milton A change to, the Christmas tree collection. Due to the high volumes of waste after New Year's Day, collection of Christmas trees will flot take place the week of January 2-6. Before you place your tree at the curb, make sure it is ready to be recydled. Please remove decoratlons, bags and wires, and place your tree at the curb before 7:00 arn. of your collection day (same day as your Blue Box collection). Pieuse ensure Christmas trees are flot frozen or buried jn snow banks on your scheduled collection day. 23 44 5 6____ 7__ 29 30 31 Look for your 2006 Waste Management Calendar to b. delivered to your niajibox mid-January 2006 Winter Tips for Setting Out Your Waste " Place ALL items at the curb by 7:00 arn. on your collection day, but flot before 5:00 p.m. the evening before. " ln one Blue Box, place loose glass bottles and jars, metal food and beverage containers, aluminum fou, Styrofoamn, plastic bottles and polycoat. " in a second Blue Box fiatten and place corrugated cardboard, fine paper, boxboard and newspapers. " ie cardboard in bundies nio larger than 30«x30"x8" (76cmn x 76cm x 20am). " To save space, crush pop cans, large plastic botties and beverage cartons, and I boxboard boxes with other boxboard items. " On windy days, place your Blue Boxes out for collection on the morning of collection day by 7:00 arn., instead of the night before. " Stack your Blue Boxes on top of one another and place heavier items on top to prevent papers fromn blowing away. " Place garbage bagslcontainers on one side of the driveway and Blue Boxes on the other side of the dniveway. * Keep waste items dear of snow and visible to collect. Do not place items on top of snowbanks. 1151Brtit- O kvleOrt,11 LW LI-Te'95-25600 I l Fre 1864 AsO - , TTe9587-83. w w.atn 111/(11 t/11(>1 encli .%C/lc(i1i/d/orit .cruv5