Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Jan 2006, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Friday January 06, 2006 - 29 CoigEvns3rtlEens l emoria MO laemrimGarag e rg & I aeaI Crea*Articles SalesYard alesFor!Sale Beach Voleéyball *Baeing Cages *Dodge Bail *Hourly Rentais aTeam parties *Siho Classes * Leagues Sports Bar MAINWYSPORS.Ce -0e.5-52 BALLROOM, LATIN, WALTZ & JIVE DANCING WINTER SESSION Milton St. Paul's Church on Main St. Starting Thurs. Jan. 12, 2006 Beginning ait 8:00 PM 10 weeku $130.OO/per couple Cail Bill (905)318-9381 Marianne (905)878-0602 Death Coalson, Arnold Passed away peacefully at tee doseph Brant Memortal Hospital un Taesday, danuary 3rd 2006 in htu 9Oth yeur. Arnoldi Couîson, beloed hasbanî ut the laie Helen Coulson. Lutina tuther of Wendy Coalsen und her husband Rîck Thurston. Sadly missed by bts granîdaughter dasmin. Sunited by bts sîsters-ni-law Ima Coiîsun und Kathleen und her hasbanrt Ause Laurseni Predeceased by hts ststers and bloth ers Myrna Bryant, Leonard, Kennvth, Menton. Eleanur Coulter, Frances ereckon and Howaurd. Famly aitI trienîds are invatel tu visît uit he MoKERSIE KOCHER FUNERAL HOME t14 Main St. Milton 9o5-878-4452 front 7-9 pm on Thursday, The fanerai service nul le hiela on Frtaay, danaary lt 2006 ut 11t0 am are Loto vtlle Untted Charcfi (Gaelph Lrt South oI Dern Roaal. Interment ta folnow in Lhe Charch Conte toto As expressians of sympat. nîortal aonations ta the Cenaatan Cancer Soctety of the Milton Dtstrict Hospital Foanlcaton woula b0 apprectatel, Leavîrs oI conace may le leSt lorthe tantîly et wcinntreokoulter ,.a VAN SICKLE, Orner Keîth Peacettlly at the age of t9 on jar'aary 3 90Mi -il Altendate Honte, Milton Omiet mas kina, hnnot otinerous ana tSaaghtali A tttolong veacher citE a loteofa nature ana an inclnation to prea, t the wealer, Ornercas an onspration ta ail t tangfSas- bana of Helen La, 52 year0 Beotea tatiter of eil (Rose) Sasan I[an Alexanaer) ana Patricta (Patrick Ptelant Forever retentberna as Capna ni lis 9) granacho rori Criends sîl de rocettea or Monday jarttary 9th Iront 2-4 ana 7- ton aL lhe J. Scott Early Funerat Honte, 21 darnes Sti. Milton 1905-8e8- 20091 Fanerai sentice totîl Se field oni Tesîay January 1t 1 at ttant at St Datia's Prosbttran Clurch. t32 Main Street Noth. CarnObl In nternry of Orner aonaions mue le mnaae ta Mîlton, District Hospital FaundaLtan, AllenIale Faanatton or Hamitlton Heaith Sciences Foonatton (Baro Unit). Th Mlon Oistrc apprecaes any Ind Memiam dontos 30 Cerny Ru.E r k Milon, Onait Fonatn 9T 2X5 InMmra 11*11 nMmra Boxing Day Sale Saturday January 7, 2006 lOam - 5pm 25% off Entire Inventory IerTII îe caerTani Creeiig No, "'d"rimg, ) \X'i thHglt t %ut hl' rd t5, that t,>;llgn tS' thougl,,t abou you And, Lie cht te,tt \W,iîa 1t,,,k,î,,,îrl , No Itse ha- i, Rt i ral, iii And l o lprr ind t itri, L an tn dlaseurt l its ke,ir i,Lnî tefi l Wc h% îu t î ur c rter vi t , Mont andb, tutL dSarah, d.t i L Laure and airy Reni,bLes tdt,,tt \l,îî,t I L teîrt E ,tdtLL tîtit C i t tit ioito ebr of~,i a vdJarîi-tw January76.19 clice mdn yt.ip.i \'l e e ttd, nrgtttie voi Ai e id nîttihat IL.ide oitr î4(li l iul lutvayr anvd ýiIiusn cu Loenot e?, Steeev-yRn anumles. Iit 1igmttr fttrtaditdCand., cer uan lta Plas ttttt fort v t ttttttt tc B t ta tors, Io% cdto hit s JOLEy COLed Jen JSeery , 2004&fmiie li u nl)inciLuv, ot )hrand randa orneiu Vant Bobl aîy 1urritrUnie pasi oqik But, \ ,li i, c o.e v Slnise h/'l/ Bttbla ue i, Lisa Kphr l avnd Mii A/uaoe ife nerhe, re Sont G l, MIcl &famlie e oiern a s arê FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, EXIL 121 www.thecentre.on.ca >~n The Centre leSkiffls Development & Training mmu HAL][TON The Burlington Post, a division of Halton Media Group, iv seeking an experienced, Telemarketing Sales Representative The qualified candidate wiul be a motîvat- ead, Lndependent, aelf-atarter wLth atrong customer aervice akilla. You wuli poaaeaa excellent written and verbal communica- tion ekilla and be famLliar with Microaoft applicationa. Previous telephone sales esperience an aaset. In this role, you wîll be customer focuaed and WLI baud stnong relatLonahips wvith new and eaiating clients via telephone toi ensure that their advantising needs are met. You will be goal oriented and ca- pable of meeting regular weekly budgets and special section targets wtthin a desd- fLne focused envtronment. If you would lîke toi mark for a leader in the medtal industry thLs oppontuntty may le tIhe ntght one for you. If inlerested please forward yoar resurne lindicating Surtinglan Post ia sabject lina), ns lter than Janaary t9th, 2006 ta; careers@hallonaearch.com Fax (905) 632-0308 We apprecLate the intereat of ail appltcants however omly those seLecfed for an intervtew wtll le confacted. No phone catis or agencies please, FINANCIAL ADVISOR We are a Luil serutce ltnacta institution wit over S60 miltion in assts Out Çred ' Union pLottOOt Ire oeaa rg odgo on competvo, ftranciai tervices and is corm Ced 10 providing Car momoors mrrh a fui! tango of fItanctat pradaci). convenient auto- matvo services and exert Cme-on-onte assistance. v Çurrently rocuire an entreprenleurtal dynamîc, goal ortonted indtttdual Lc OSOsit our memniers tn achieving trotr itrancial goals Your demnonstrated knowledge oI waltr maniage- mient ana the finoncial services marketpiace is comoîned mîtIr a creatite ana resaîts orîented ap- proacr to business develoloment, If y0 errlay tak- ng the Lime to lîsten to your costamer's needs. pro- atding pro-actite advîce and ponîing member's goals fîrat, thîs job s a ftt for youit QualifiaI appiLcations regoîre 3 years of portfolio management axperience and a CertifiaI Fînancial Planning deotgnattan. Pieuse apply in confidence ta: Iinda@twinoakcu.com We thank ail candidate, hawever oly fhoe tai le înfervîewed wlL be contactaI. You hate a valid dtîoetns license and are able ta clîmb heîghts. Previous Communtcations or ldtltt vaperience Il an sset. Wîllîng to train the rîght indîvîdoal. Pl as a resames te: 705-876-8245 er Pea aI dblair@alentraa.ca DRIVERS Denver new ra sq thtoughouf the U S. & retaîn ifi new trucks front U.S. plants o r ro î fl ty No cost famtly medîcal Frequent flyer miles Must have AZ lîoenoe wiOTR TirV ex aIle *a* . TOWTRUCK Operator Ff tequirel for busy Towing Co. CAA exp an assaI. Eocellant ages & banrits Drivers abstract rap. Apply at 24 Dundas St. E. Waterdown 905-689-2386 Milton Company hîring FULI-TIME PERMANENT positions. Local work, Minimum 2 years experience. Cai 905-864-936 1 -at ý;J î j W4., t Humas Service agency requires counsellor with knowledge of Criminal Justice System and the Social Service Network. Training in the ares ot Social Learnîng Theory/Cognitive-Behavioural Interventions s prerequisite. Send resume toi: John Howard Society of Peel- Halton-Dufferin 193 Main Street East, Milton Ontario, 19T 1N7 Fax # (905) 864-1307 E-mail: ImitcheIIIajohnhowardnhd.ca Only those selected tor an interview veilI be contacled. KetehArnold r darruary 9th, 2004 tf - y-L., - ti to r letr ana tleev e toe forgottert Lote Gloria and fanriiy 11pil Supprt rups 1ill upor Gil *ISTREuSS CrENTRE ARE YOU A GOOD .. I. LISTENER? Have faily und friands ever saiI, "YsU'te a goal litfner? If the answaî is "esl then maybe yau shoul consîlet lecomîng a Dîslress Lina Volon- feet. Volunfeers must ba non-judgmenlul and have the abtlity fa bafrianî callers wîlh compassion unI empufhy. Out training miii enhance your lîslenîng skîlls unI ptepare yau ta hanrde ail types af callo. If you are et f8 und car commît ta 12 hauts a month. pieuse cali 905-849-4541 or vosit www.diasscentmwokville.com. Our nex training sessions Ryder as partneong withn Kim Richardson Transportation Specialiats foc. (KRTS) -a leading educator in the transportation industty to hire several TEAM DRIVERS. We otter competitive cages plus company-paid benefîts and pension. Wie provide cour drivera wvith dedicated routes and great corking conditions. Requirements: " Valîl Glass AZ driveras licence * 2 years af AZ commercial drîving esperience * Cleun CVOR and abstract * Criminal record search * FAST/CDRP Ta book your spot ut our dob Pair, or for more information, pIeuse contact KRTS ut 1-800-771-8171. We theîî0 ail ho eppty. tameter tttîi those seltefoa loan t rviewv r R ySEk ieiltebettttaev RyerCnoaaes OOmm ogistc &Tasoaton ait oteat aopoî rnpitepoer Sonutios Woridotde li Are you a stayat-home parent? ' To. Young to really retire? -Nee a part-time income? We offer free top-notct raining and competitive wages in a positive and supportive environment $1t00. York Cross Bench wîth les caris & woîgîts $100. 6 solîl oak bar stools $300. Cal 519-856-0810 ~ls Artceantil Wanteî- Ail China, Sil ver, Crystul, Tva Ctps, Rota Coulton. Swarot- ski, Glass, denellery, oiI toys, collectîlles, voLutes. CLil John/ Tracy 905-331-2477 Ryder La a Fortune 500 companry provLding ieading-edge logistics oupply chain and transportation management solutions woridwide. . ' We have the folowîng opportunities in Cambridge.

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