A24 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, January 6, 2006 Minor midget Hurricanes reach quai (etfinals of MNalniles tourney Eliminated by eventual champion Markham Waxers live assisîs. Ulis lasi two helpers aîded tbe Hlurricanes 4-I decision over tise Hurons Pertb Lakers in tbe first playoff round. Stover belped set up goals twîî and four, white Woudcroft sank the initial tallv. By STEVE LeBLANC Tbe Hurricanes swepî tlieir division wiîb back-10 hack 3-0 wins The Champion over tbe Cbicago Young Americans and Massacbusetts's Halton's minor midgets may nos bave claimed tbe Torontso Eaglehrook Sebool and a 2- I iail-biter versus Windsor's Sun Marîboros Holiday Classic title lasi week. but it took tbe ieam, tbat County. did tri knock tbem off. Price buried tbe garne winner in tbe round-robin Tbhanks in no small part to tbeir Milton-area contingent finale. wbite Huîy opened tbe scoring, witb belp - whicb includes seven players -tbe Hurrcanes from Clark. Backstopping Balton 10 victory against reacbed tbe toumnament's quarterfinals before bisv Sun Couniy was Ryan Williams, wbo alsus earned ing ouI to tise evenînal cbampion Markham Waxers thIe goose egg river Eaglebrook. 4-1. Prîce and Stover drew an assist eacb in botb Tbree powerplay goals against were tbe differ- sbutouts, wbicb followed an initial 3-1 crossover ence. Brad Hoy was tbe lone marksman for Haltis, wit lriss 10 Brantford in wbicb Stover assisted on tbe lone James Woodcroft setting bim up. goal for Halton. "Markbam's a great team and really takes advantage o veraîl, tbe Hurricanes' Milton-area players figured in 10 of tbeir opportunities," said Hurricanes' bead coacb Mîke tbe 14 goals scored in Toronto. Markbarn wenî on te, clincb tbe Kalapaca. 'Overall I was pleased witb our effort. Tise guys picked tiîle witb a 2-0 wbitewasb of tbe Vaugban Kings. up tbeir garne, svbicb was great because sve badn't been playing Halton's minuîr midgets sai 14-5-3 in league play prior tri kick- well beading mbt the bolidays."* ing off 2006 cornpetition lasi nigbî iii Stoney Creek. Tbey return Halton's skipper offered bîgis praise 10 defenceisen Mati Clark 10 Memnorial Arena iismîrross for a nîron clasb witb tise Brampton and Jeremy Price. as well as Scott Siover - xiso stoo-d out witis Baitalion. THE NAME OF THE GAME US FUN@ At Siots at Mohawk Racetrack the action is hot, the smiles are warmn and the fun neyer stops. You'II find an exciting array of great siots from classic reels to modern new games in a casual, comfortable setting. So for an exciting change of pace and non-stop action any day of the week, go for a spin at Siots at Mohawk Racetrack. Siots ait Mohawk Racetrack 9430 Guelph Line, Canipbellville, ON (905) 854-4053 e 1-800-732-2230 Mon - Wed 9 arn - 3 arn, Thurs - Sun 24 hours h.. e iinow yaur limit pid>' withmn ii wwwOLGcs Fo m ore inforatio ,sit the W,,, sos C, 's o en fanças. ..... ......... 'Mohawic RACETRACK .............SLOTS: Must be 19 years of age or oider. -.G1eed itching to retum to Big Red lineup Corneil senior blueliner out since late Nov. with ankie injury By STEVE LOBLANO he Champion 0 Most people enjoy a littie extra downtiine during the boli- days, but ion Gleed got more than hie would bave preferrvd. Still nursing an ankie injury tbat's kept bim. out since late November the Corneil University sen- ior defenceman ws relegated to spec- tator as bis Big RedI won bast week'a Florida College Classic Toumament. They ecipaed Minnesota-Duluth 3-2 in a cbampionship shoot-out to capture die NesI Harkness Cup for the second tinte in three years. "It waa frustrating to bo out and pretty nerve-wracking too - knowing you can't do anytbing to belp in a big Jon GIoed game like tbat," said the 6'2", 200 Ibs. blueliner, wbo turned 22 Tuesday. "But bottom line is that we won."' A seventh-round Montreal Canadiens draft pick in 2004 and assistant captain witb tbis year's Big Red, Gleed bas become more vocal in the dressing room and had been more dependable in bis owîî end until a bit against Niagara put hlm on the disabled list. He's boping to retumn to the lineup tomorrow night, wben Comeli hoats RIT Said Gleed. "I'm pretty eliger to get back. Obviously t haven't played that many games yet, but 1 feli that before tbe injury l'd been a little more consistent tban last year" îbe local defenceman could ati bave plenty of competi- tion ahead of him, this season. Currently riding a six-gamne winning streak and ranked eightb nationally aI 8-3-t1, tbe Big Red look quise capable of makiîîg anotber strong run to tbe Frozen Four - wbicb Ibey feli juat one goal sbort of reach- ing last spring. "I'd say our cbances are just as good tbis year." suggested Gleed. iTri*o fare well at Under-17 Worlds Butt Teain Ontarjti/s to reach niedail rountd jor se-onid .çtraight year- ht sasn't exacily the finish lceHass;ýks pas! and preseni had hoped l'or s ith Teain Ontario. Hosvever, J'îbn Tavares, Sam Gagner and Cody Goloubef did belp ibeir provincial squad finish strongly at tbe World Under- 17 Chamipionships in Saskatchewan. Thse trio aitted their ieam*s 9-1 pasting ot Atlantic Canada in tbe battle ol round robin tbird-place finisbers Tuesday evening in Weyburn. Ontario's Under- t7s ended tbe tourna- mens on a tbree-game svin streak -havîng soppled Siovakia 7-1 and Western Canada 7-2 h- ut back-io-back trisses te, thse United States (7-5) and eventual gold medalisi Cody Goloubet Quehec (6-5) carlier on crusbed tbeir bopes for a medal. Standouts witb tbe OHL's Osbawa Generals and Sioux City of tbe USHL respectively ihis season. formier Milton call-ups Tavares and Gagner fsnisbed one-îwo in toumrnamenh scoring. Eacb colleci- ed six goals. wbite Tavares -earning alI-siar siatus -edged oui bis former teammate in overaîl points witb 14. Currensly enjoying a successful rookie campaigoi on tise lceHasvks'bluellite. Goloubef played in aIl five games witb Team Ontario - helping neutralize thse opposition down tbe stretcb afier a siesvbat sbaky stars. IVea befieve,,. in helping. Anvone. Anwhere.