Al 0 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 6, 2006 LuAKUÈNb RETIREMENT RESIDENCE HEVRI Our seniors enjoy independence with "Assisted Living" always an option. Respite Care services aise available NOW OPEN Affordable ail inclusive rates Studio suites available (frum $2100.00 per month) Accepiisg reservatisns fsr sse asd tws bedroorn sottes Cati for yoor personai tour i Contact Mariese Wiiîams 905-693-8592 45 Martin St., Miltons, Ont. (acos fromth MllPond) The Vacation that Neyer Ends! Di . ,Ari.suii 1,62 M ON 905-816.9163 EDIEN HOUSIE CARE FACILITY INC. One storey building Iocated on beautiful spaclous grounds situated between Rockwood and Eden Mîlis NURSING HOME e RETIREMENT HOME 519-856-4622 SERVING HALTON ANDOAREA SINCE 19es iliÏlon Seniors" Activity Centre MILION 500 Childs Drive, Milton le 905-875-1681 -JANUARY 2006 ACTIVTIES imappv New Yea!l It's Membership Time! Memberships for 2006 are now being accepted for the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre with a cost of only $20 for the year. Some benefits of membership include reduced fees for ail drop-in and registered programs, facility rentais and trips as weiI as a free subscription f0 the Centre's bi-monthly newsletter. Drop by or cail the Centre for more information. Drop-in passes are aiso available for purchase. Computer Club: Friday, January 20 Join us f0 hear guest speaker Ann Kornuta speak about photography with 35 mm or digital cameras. Meet in the Games room from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Cost: $3 members, $4 non-members. Robbie Burns Day: Wednesday, January 25 Celebrate the 247th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns. A roast beef lunch wilI be served at 12:00 the cafeteria, followed by tributes f0 the famous poet. The "Song Spinners" Chorus will be hosting a sing-a-long in honour osf Robert Burns in the Library f rom il : 15 - 11:45 arn. Tickets are $10 each and are available at the Centre. Space is Iimited 50 get your ticket fast! Wednesday Lunches at the Centre The Centre's lunch counter program resumes The Centre otters ld Euchre every Monday & Thursday at 1:30 pmn Eojoy Euchro every Friday attenmn in the Contre Auditorium at 1:30 pm The Centre heids ils Eveniog Ecire Parties on WednesdsRUdy, Novembler 4£& 18 starting at 7:30 p.m. Cent: $2.50 The Centre offers thîs fun-filled program WEDNESDAY MORNINGS AT g:30 A.M. THURSDAY AFIERNOONS AT 1:30 PRM.« & FRIDAY MORNINGS AT 10:00 A.M. Cost is ony $2 for iembers, or $4 for non-members. Wednesdlay, January 4. Enjoy a delicious hot meal or soup and sandwich. Please sign-up at the Reception Desk or phone in your order to the Centre by noon, the Monday of that week. The cost is $6 and includes a salad, entrée, dessert and beverage. Please note this program is cancelled on Wednesday, January 25 due to the Robbie Burns Celebration Lunch. Video Lending Library - NEW! The Centre now offers a free Video Lending Library. Choose from over 60 fairly recent and classic favourites. We wish f0 thank those who have donated videos and also thank Rogers Video for donating the cases. Here are just some of the drop-in programs otfered at the Centre (Ail programs are held at the Centre unless otherwise stated) Evening Euchre: Tuesday, January 3 & 17 and Wednesday, January il starting at 7:30 p.m. Cost: $2.50 for fun and prizes. Contract Bridge: Wednesdlay mornings at 9:30 arn., Thursday afternoons at 1:30 p.m., and -AISeniors' Cinemas JANUAIRY eAlThursday shows begîn ai 1:ý30 p. m. Ait Frîday nighi movies begîn al 7:00p. m. * Cosi is $2 - încludîng refreshments :Thursday, Jan 5 "Charlie & The Chocolafe Facfory" *Thursday,,Jan 12 "The Polar Express" *Thursday, Jan 19 "March of the Penguins" *Thursday, Jan 26 "Bewitched" *Friday, Jan 6 'Var of the Worlds" Friday, Jan 13 "Batman Degins" * Friday, Jan 20 "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" " Friday, Jan 27 "March of the Penguins" " Thank you to Rogers Video for its generous support of the Centres 'Seniors OCinemas ROBER (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY Bob Lee Kim Mitchell îâ 245 COMMERCIAL ST., MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 905-878-5786 FAX:Qfl%.R79-qRQ9 Other progranis offorod lit the COntr.: Badminton, Bridge, Lest to Pla Bridge, Eumbre, Leste tu Play Eubr, S1d Euchra, Cdbbage Bingo, $noolIwr, Darls, SbuMlboard, Trai chi, Wi-Gog, Yoga, une DancIng, Pilotis, >011111g, PaIintlng Classes, Tmp Dancin, Ijawalian Dancing, Sîgn Language, Stalned OIs, Moules. Wedneïaasy 't.unc Counter', Leniing Ubrery (video & boulet), Bu Tour a, Lunch 8ucb, Dinars Club, Ktche Bond, Comnputer Club, Cyber Café, Folk Ai Club, DriaClub, BM0 Club, The "Doonulzrs" Welgbt Lom Club, Soit Wood Cafflng, Club, "ong soiers" Chousm, "Crestve Fingers' Cran Club, Painting Club, plu spbtial ats and fundraleers. Friday mornings at 10 ar. Cost: is $2 for members; $4 for non-members. Bld Euchre: Every Monday and Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Cost is $2 for members; $4 for non-members. Euchre: Every Friday afternoon in the Centre Auditorium at 1:30 p.m. Cost is $2 for members; $4 for non-members. CyberCafé: HeId every Monday from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m., with experienced volunteers available for assistance. Cost is $2 for members and $4 for non- members. "Downsizers" Weight Loss Club: Held every Tuesday at 10:00 a. m., focusing on healthy eating, exercise habits and losing weight safely in a supportive setting. Cost is $2 for members and $4 for non- members. Shuffleboard: Held every Wednesday from 1:30 - 3:30 in the Games Room. Cost: is $2 for members and $4 for non-members. Foot Care Clinlo (wvith a V.O.N. Nurse):, Held every Thursday from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. Appointments can be booked by calling the Centre. Cost: $24 "1CAMPBELLVILE EVENN EUCNRE PAIES"1 at tihe Lions Hall lIn Cumpbslvllle will Ill IbId Friday, January 6 & 20 The competition bs keen and thse conversation retreshing. "CAMPBELLVILLE EVENING BID-EUCHRE PARTIES" ai the Lions Hall in Campbeilville will be held on Friday, January 13 & 27. Come along ... bring friends! The cortipetition is keen and the conversation refreshing. Prizes awarded. Cost $2.50 Saturday Night Bridge Parties n neirs ACttetY Centre is introefacing Saturdsy Nigbt Bridge Parties, held every other Saturday f rom 7:30 - 10:00 p.m. The cost is $2.50 for great fus and prizes. For more inforation, naît 905-875-1681 THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATION. FOR FURTHER DETAILS ON ACTIVITIES CALL 905-875-1681 ......... - . ........... ZAK' PHAMÂè~ <4HERITAGE HOUSE 1Aipf de, < Comfortable Retirement Living Fm D.ff AJ DMPasAmtLong & Short Term Accommodations CoUl or stop by for tea 10% Sr scouint eWritten D for naSMe.Wje 24llour Nursing Assstance Available and a tour, we'd love to "At Ze' W. Car. About Yoag HIth' aAil Serices and Amenities Provided show gou oround. 70 Main-St. E. 875',2424 [(519) 822-2006 2113 Gordon Street, Guelph