A4 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, January 4, 2006 -Sally-Ann takes in $121G :) ý 0ýi , 1 c "ý f ci'ý oi Miltonians lias helped the Salvation Anny bring in over $20.001) more in donations this Christmas than last. Commiunity Outreach Co-ordinator Rachel Sheils reported yesterday that the * local Salvation Army has received about * $121.000 t date through its Christmas campaign. which includes the rnoney brought in by The Champion's Christmnas Bureau Fund. This is up from the 2004 total of $98.000. -Overall. il svas a greal response," she said. This holiday season's local ketîle cam- paign proved lu be rnuch more successful than last as weli. with $64,000 being col- Salvation Army received 25,M8) pounids of food throughout the holidiay seasoti. which helped the organizatios help 150 lamnilies at Christmas atsd svîll continue to beneltt local residenîs throughout 2006. Each family received three boxes of food, a îurkey and fresh produce. and fam- ilies wiîh children svere also able to pick up donaîed loys at the local office lu put under the tree. Ms Sheils added that while there isn'l a caîl out for more food donations right now. she asked that local residenîs keep the Salvalion Anny in mmnd tbroughout the year. 905878887 1800-33-325 1?8 i BIl"e lm FRE gern ai coslain 0gytil Yvnn M. Olver Aboya, Surah Gribeauval performu with the must of the Junior Chamber Orchestra ut the Mayor and Councl New Year'u Day Laves ut Town Hall Sunday. At laft, Spencer Thomuon-Chiwell and mother Andrea check out the photographe and Inoraton on dluplay. The avent waa once again organlzed by the Milton Hiatorical Society and the Town of Milton. Photos by DEREK WOOLL4M We Want to Hear Your Views! Proposed Provincial Growth Plan In late Novemnber, the Ministry of Pulic Infrastructure Renewal released a Proposeci Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe under the Places ta Grow Act, 2005. The Prapolsed Plan speacs ta the Province's vision for managing growth ta 2031 including how and where munkipalities wlI graw. It also cantairis broaci-level palicie that wil guide planning for the infrastructure needeci ta support growth as wel as for the protectioin of aur heritage and natural remouces. Last spring, Halton hosted a Growth Forumi on this topic and as a resuft providied the Province with the vwpokt of Halton's publi as wel as Regianal and Local Councils' collective position on the Draft Plan. Now that the Prposed Plan bas been reeased, we'd lie ta hear from yau again. The Province bas set ianuay 27, 2006 as the due date for public comments. Given this shor ine fram and the intervening hlolays, we wouid lie to provide you with as many opportwiities as possi lto hear your vie. Halton's webst bas been set up ta receive input and provides a bnkto the Wmlisrys Prposed Growth Plan. CUlc on Provincial Growth Plan" atw w.regaion.on.ca ta view or download a copy of the Plan. Region staff wl prepare a Umnay of Pulic Conntsand poeent a Jint Reg"oa and Local Muniipal Response ouiinin osw collective position for consideration by Counicil in early Februay Thistrnline bas been establsed ta ensure we meet~ as dlosely as possile, the Provinces deadline for input ffyu wouid lke yoswr feiaclk t be consideredi in Halton's reponse, please ensmeyou send your commen ttthe Region by Jm...ily 13,20M& For more information on the Prposed Growth Plan and Halton's respons, pleae contact Mary Krn Clcd-Beaiày, Senior Planner, Lon Range Planining at 905-825-6000 ext 7206, toi fre at 1-866-442-5866. You can also send usyour comments by mai or by e-mail at dchdo@regionIMato.on.ca. 111 .5t S.ad Oavle Otro1EM3 Tel I 90-2560 ..S* TolFe'I.6-HLO T: 0-2-83- \vat