Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2005, p. 8

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A8 - The Canadian Champion, Thursday, December 29, 2005 (~ A New You for the New Year! The month oI January is namied aller tlic Roman ood. Jamus. who was usualfy depicted as a mai sitli two faces, Onc lace looked back int the year that had passed and that lace bore traces otf sor- r-ow.' dismnay. perplexity; the other. for- sar-oin.person il ed hope and con- fidence. At this fimie of' year one cannot hefp looking back; many of us traditionalfy take stock at the opening of a new year. Has the past year been one of fear and anxîety? Then the svords written by the apostle Paul in Philippians 13-,14 are for you: "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has-called me heav- enward in Christ Jesus. AIl of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on somne point you think differently, that too, God will make clear to yOu." Ah fo o iln-t, Ntînd& spisfý- SUNDAY, JAN. 1 11:00 a.m. "The Gambrel Barn" GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main St. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hi/I McDermott 905-878-2411 Res. (Carnie Iangliitz Father Mark Curtis Sunday Services 8:00) arn - Holy Communion 10:00 arn- Sung Eucharist, followed by coffre heur. Service includès "Kids' Spirit" CaI the church nffice nr omsit www.gracechurchmillncnm /Whecarccsshrnugh Parkin, n ww.gracechurchmiltn.cnm Eor-et the things that are hehind: forge injuries, shlt, unkinid svords: be too hig- tii bc fini t. h too great to be unkind: be toO huIsy 10 quarrel: too wise to engage in unseemnly gossip:; to strong tii permit lit- tde annoyances tO turn youI front le's big road: too dlean to stain your character wîth any kind of impurity. Those inventive people, the Italians. have a custoni. As midnight on New Year's Eve approaches. the streets are clear. There ks no traflic; there are no pedestrians: even the policemen take cover. Then, at the stroke of' midnight. the windows of' the houses lly open. To the sound of laughter. music and fire- works, each member of the family pitch- es out old crockery. detested omnaments, hated furniture and a whole catalogue of personaf possessions which remind themi of something in the past year they are determined to wipe out of their minds. As the new year approaches, let me invite you to fOrget what is hehind, fore- sc xvhat ks helore you, and fulf'ill svhat is beyond you, enahfed hy the powver and passion of' a living Christ. Whatever your lfie bas heen in the past. rejoice in tîme knoxvledge that you can start alresh! f)on 't gel stock looking hack! Consider visiting a chorclh near you this sseek. Se rvice times and locations are en411111911111 MILTON ADVE~If (mîtw 4é I n 5, i,î, lo o îw ~ it5î,sîi Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton j i ) .i i f i n, ,,, FRE BIBLE SCHOOL i ý .. S, N11 qiî n i il ,î, P) 1m ,iin, l i'biii blii ti , 11 ,,,i h-I ii,,n 'i' ni.mi 1,, i l , i i,, iI , ,ga i Il I .8. _________________________ -t m ln 3iti(ecl u rcf) o?.Lvî0people. 200 Main Street Sunday, January lst at 10:00 arn A New Vear & a New Begînnîngl Senior Pastor - Jim DeMarsh -Youth Pastor - Mark Stnickland A Fellowship Baptist Church 905-876-3586 KNOX PRESBYTERiAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU f71/ Main Sm. F.. Miflton 9(/5-878-60)66 /iiiusriiii Nortin/r - Re%. Harry K/asýsn Dirr,îiir of Muîic Miîiirie.'s Siiîija % ani de 141in Sunday Worship 10>:30 a.m. Youth Small (roup (Grades 7-12) 9:15 ami Children's Worship (Age 3 -Grade 6)1(0:301 ton Nursery "('ll-lg Ioehri té,grilce<flCrist ýjII corn iiid \ý iýhj Acc ý, li M kii Sire, i MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. -878-3873 10:00 arn. -The Lord's Supper il1:45 a.m. - Sunday Schoo 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study AndeII' Wored ircas moe flesh amnd sireit anionrg lis and ce beheId lus glorýy, as eîf the emnly <if thge I1etier J. h ii1 ' 14 ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURCH www.southsidemiIton .org 103 Martin Street 905-878-5664 S 905-878-1629 ii J1 3 t~ Ln'ated on Derry Rd .be/ween the Sports Centre and the Hospital Pastor Walter Hi. Isaak o t s d 10:00 arn. - Sunday Schoof l ~, atrJr îan 11:00 arn. Morning Worship Connections Café (in the foyer) 10:OOam 6:00 po.r. - Evening Service 7:0pr.Thursday Sunday Celebration Jan isi, 1O:3Oam 70 ..Bible Study & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children 4-12 Living With Renewed Hope. "Yau'll always <mnd a friend ai Graceway" Plus, 2005 The Year In Review www.gracewaybapiist.org ___________________________________________ puhfished in the directory hclow. As a New Year hegins. estabfish a pattern of including (.od as part of your life's pri- orities and reap the benefits afforded lrorn a relationship with Huai! Decide to he aIl that you can be! Submitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Milton, Ist. Gecorge's Ont Ninisin has bvnn sring tlis îîinnninîi fori 150 Years Join us ibia year in a ceiebraion of. The preaching of God's word in this cburcb on the escarpintent since 1856. Cornte and meet4 us, wr wW be very pleased to micci you. ItECFOP, Rev Canon Charles Masters Ianuary tst 2006. Servies 9:00 arn Morning Prayer Nursery and junior Sunday School 7051 GIuelph LUne at Derry Road (Tel) 905-878-1363 Visit our web site A lime 0f RE FLECTION& WIth Oinst Artist KEVIN PAULSI (Sang at 2005 Toronto Gaither Homecomîing) Bring a plate ot your favourite fînger foods to share with ailiers & enjay an oppartunily Io mix & mingle! Jan#ary lis i 10:00 s. M. For more info: www.newlife-mnilton.org or cali (905) 878-3358 ONE CONGREGATION, 2 GREAT SUNOAY WORSHIP STYLES Sun. January 1, 10:30 arn NEW YEAR'S DAY SERVICE One Service ai Worship in the Sanctuary nnppnrted by mnsic frnm the Wornhip Band There wl be no Chnrch School today. 7- Meeting at Country Heritage Park 8560 Trernaine Rd. qust south of Hwy. 401) Mellition 1 ý770 0

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