Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2005, p. 5

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P>olice atre iitbestteatitte ai seiicle stiieti i toin i .tsssoit Road cal dleaiet siip. The tss r iciii the car. a 2(113 Tii cta. leh it .t the \1tl Su dealet ship iJeceiîer 12 antd Mi en lie t etuirted Dcce itber I16, il xs as tie. 'nie estinmated vailue iii 16e stiuei car is Driver hits car, flees Police are investigatiic alter aî driver led Ilte scene tif a colisionî Decettîbet 17. The suspect rear-eîided a parked car ai Mili anîd Elizabeth streets and iben tottk titi About $1 11(1X in daîtage1 ivas sssaîtîed by the parked car. Police are lookiîîg (tir a wvhite mile betîveen the ages ofi 31) and 40 drising a cir iih a partial licence plate ofi AHNH. Rock damages car Utîikuticýi suspects ibrew a large rock îbrsîugb the is indsitieid tif a car parked cii Lyotîs Court early Satsirday îîîîrnîîîe Police said the inîcidenit happetîrd betîseen 12:30 anîd 2 ar. j The vehîcie had beeti parked ai the stie EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Part-Time ÉCE Instructor - Recrealion and Parks Posling No. 200601 The Recruaion and Parks Depariment ruquites a part-lime ECE Instrucior for ilis Pru chovi pi gramo in Georgetown. RESPONSIBILITIES *Succusstsî candidate miii proorde a vaneiy oi preschool activfttus for cidren ages 2-112 to05 yuars of age. *Responsutîle for provision vf cruSt. gamui. song. iuaming and spucta nount type aclîvittus. *Rusponsbn for vflering a sirtictured programn that Ai help pruparu participants for unit-p i uiumenarc ochovi. QUALIFICATIONS *The successîsi candidate must be cruatîve, canog aod haove etpevuvnce Ast-bing milS chiitirvn in a prvschoi/norsery settog, Pefieronce wîli be giv iv ihose mirO carient ECE qualifications (or eqoîsalvot) and lirt-s aid training, *Candidates mulst bu mutlin9t ivbtaion rmina ruierenco check pt-lr ot0 commencing employrieni SALARY RANGE The salais range lort- iis part-tint- positivon wii be $17.06 10 $20,30 pe- bou- (Jansary i. 2006 rtaes). commensuraie milS qualifications aod etperîence The successisi candidate MU$T bu able t0 modi Movday, Wudnusday ana Tbursday moîoîogs (6-10 bours/week). Oualîiîed candidates nay submit a detilud resomne in confidence Sy 4:30 p.m., Friday, January 13, qsotîng PostiRg Nu, 200601 10: Ms. Jacie Kerr Manageri ot Human Resources Town of I-aiton His i Haiton His Drnve Halios His. ON, L7G $G2 Fao: (905) 873-1431 humanresources6batonbîlis.ca 199 Personc ,iormtionc is cI/lcterduriner the éniuhis ti lte M'cîcpcAc,2001î OS 0O200 C 25 antuduc/i b îiuistes.iý t candtce Qusin egrdig thiscofle/uuctions,/jd Ou Ouired tetheuvManagci urnan umci esiieuiuus Ouuiy ihosi persos btuuuguotuc-,ottîumiu/ bi-îuîuciv AN EQUAL OPPORTUNTy EMPLOYER Police Blotter ofi fie t-oaci shen thse windshjeld xvas sillashed. About $418) ni damnage was sustained by the vehicle. Intoxication charge laid Police laid al publie itoxicationr charge l-riday afier a itan was lournd passed oui oit Otarioî Street. Police said the mati was discovered ai aborut 4:301 a n. li front ofi CIBC batik Cbarged is a 32-year old mani îl futltoît Street, IW; a£00 The Canadian Champion, Thursday, December 29, 2005 -A5 Crm Stppr of> Halto e olice release phioto lot robber il H alitri Regtîin:l Poi ce aire hîipiiîg suirveillance phoîtos ofi a suspect ivaitec ii cîîîîîecîîîî sviih a reccîri bank rttbbery ini Catîtpbellville wîll belp the pusblic îieîîity hurt. At 4 p.t. Nîîveîîîber 4, a mats entereci the Scitia Bank ai 36r Matît Si. The suispect, wose lce was partially ctîveîed, apprîîacbed bîuîb teliers and detîciîded cash. [he teilers iîimplîed aîîd the sus- pect placed the tstrrey iii a plastic bag andi led the area. lie was seeti le:îvitg t ait tlder mîîdel illîe car with siver racks on the îrunk lid. The suspect is white, iii bis cite i lies lîve-huit- il anid bas grey/wiie bair andi a sîtini build, He sas svearing a basebali cap. sunigiasses, a red îurtleîreck anrd grey Litser- /tlis. ahî id,t iititi cui tîîhur nflo - ic' sui t-itis- te elti,'.bî /cr ci t-th reiiarl Yt iut/ netî't have (toit c'ic' cîctr tnine tir Pett/v iii coiut.ri, i '/ttu"tpj-rs tif Hitnî dutet uit ,tuîî,trih' Ito ici// dittpîos-.. P/ccitt ccp/I I SOi)222- 7/PS <I 800-222-8477> oir /cecku oit Ct tnt' Slti)pt'r.t - We' b cite cil îstsw,/iiutit i -rnetu'tpp'r. i -cni. BOXINO WEEK AND WAREHOUSE SALE STICKLEY CELLARETTE WAS $1367, 56% OFF END TABLE WAS $6 19, 53% OFF STICKLEY CHAIR WAS $2749, 53% OFF NE LEATHER SOFA & LOVESEAT$3 9 WA$ $7688. 48% O/FF NOW$39 PUB CHAIR $ 2 WA$ $4 69, 5 1'1, OFF ïNOW $ 2 OESK CHAIR$1 o W/bS $419, 53%' (OFF NOW $9 SECTIONAL SOFA WITH BEO 3 9 WAS$8319,52% OFF NOW$39 CONSOLE $ 9 WA$ $2177, 77% OFF NOW *119Y SOLIO WOOD OUEEN BED $ 8 WA$ $3107, 55% OFF NOW$1 8 HENREDON SOFA $ W/bS $3259, 45% OFF NOW 1 8 SWIVEL CHAIR WA$ $1365, 44% OFF Now $ 5 HARDEN END TABLE $ 9 W/bS $1247, 52% OFF NOW $ 9 F- _ CHAIR $ 9 WA$ $1039, 33% OFF NOW $ 9 CENTURY CHAIRSIDE CHEST WA$ $1 597, 70% OFF NOW$ 7 HICKORY CHAIR WOOD FRAME SOFA WA$ $5097, 50% OFF NOW $25«I Pl- -i f ASTE T7iN l W 45%I OFF uiecis 10al spr o $18 Sa le a anc 15/06 FLRLIR &CAHALFS WA $053% OFFNO 1 WA$ $12694%OF O $ 4 NO BLE W/bS $957, 48% OFF NOW WAS $3335, 53% OFF NOW ~MtEE~ CAVDCOCKTAIL TABLE$1 WA$ $3539.45% OFF NOW$138 WRITING$9ES WAS $1559, 36% OFF NOW$9 1 SCALLOPEO TOP WOOD END TABLE WAS $131, 53% OFF NOW$3 NEST 0F TABLES $ 9 WAS $897. 44% OFF NOW $ 9 LARGE SECRETARY DESK $3 WAS $8169, 53% OFF NOW$378 BEOROOM SUITE ODEEN BED 2 NIGHT STANDS, DRESSER & MIRROR$3 8 WAS $8724, 55% OFF NOW$3 8 ROUND COMMODE WAS $1087, 36% OFF Now$ 5 TUB CHAIR WAS $1779, 70% OFF NOW $53-8 GLASS TOP END TABLE A f WAS $877, 49% OFF NOW U I DINING SUITE SDLIR BIRCH RECT DINING TABLE CHIý2 A M CHAIRS SIRE CABCHINA CABINET WA$ $8392, 55% OFF NOW $3798 HARDEN CHEST WAS $4017, 50% OFF NOW$19 PLANT STAND $ WAS $669. 72% OFF Now $ 8 SLIGH OESK WITH LEATHER TOP WAS $4477, 70% OFF NOW$188 DIN Il SU~ITE~ ON STAFF INTERIOR CONSULTANTS FOR YOUR DESIGN NEEDS 2003 Toyota is stolen $598 ~ WOOD FRAME CHAIR $3 NOW $598" WAS$11i27, 70% OFF Now $3 EN ISLAR E ' BERGERE CHAIR Now $28 INTERIORS «>WA$ $2407, 53% OFF NOW$13 SOFA &.1 ra1 SHPEARLY FOR BEST SELECTION ENNISCLARE INTERIORS I www.ennisclareinteriors.com 1075 NORTH SERVICE RD. WEST, OAKVILLE. Tel: 905-825-2450 HOURS: Thurs. Dec 29, Fni Dec 30 lODam - 9pm Sat ec31 om 3mCLSE Snday Janh/0 1 Oa /M 9 i, FF

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