Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2005, p. 3

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The Canadian Champion, Thursday, December 29, 2005 - A3 Al-candidates meetings scheduled for new year Loat ý(i \ýlb faN a fo he1 Nl1( '11 l5lt, ï)! No" C T hie I irsi one, a debate oit ruiral and agricultiîi al issues ni Haltin. xxili be heid Wednesday at the Lion's Hall ni Caiînpbellville sîartîng ai 7 p.in. The session is being sponsored by the Halion Federation of Agriculture. thîtse ciîncerntîtg youih, January 11 ai 10) arn. The schcîol is located ai 2333 Headon Fotrest Dr.. Burliiigtonî. The il aditiotial ail-candidates debate, spofl soi-cd by the MihtotiiJayces, xviii be held January t. citî mxxIli hxtst il dehatc oissues i iio ak iii senior cil j/ens January 18 ai 12:301 p.in. li addition, Conservaîive candidate Garth Turner will be holdinîg ai leasi one iuîwn hall mneetinîg during the carnpaign. Detaîls wîll bc released soon and will also bc ai xw.garth.cat. Man trapped in machinery suffers serious leg injuries Miltonx c fireg-liiets anid Haltitt Liticr,_ec Mcdical SersN ces, xx trked as a icanil Friday I itIrce a tmai ti appcd ii tiachiicry ai local tnniuiactiuîg plant. Miltont Pure Depatitnctt Chiel Lairr Brassard said lîrefîghîuers responded to the Menitor plaini ai 150 Steeles Asve. jusi befître notit after recets tng a caîl iha t ati xas i apped iii a Coti\x cy ii heli. Uponîî triisaI. f(neticîtîcis ltiîiid hl the sif ycar xtlx citxplotc ced beeti dtîitt nuaintentancxe xx trk tit tîte c et liso~tr beli xx liiu lie bec.atîte ertarig-led anid xx as trapçîed by lairge iee tîllers, Chiel Brassard said. "lt'illteîrs sîabilî,cd the iait, anid iheti hegati \x rkîîîg ii cut the pîîxxer iii the coniîeyor beli: (tie lalitti Lms ai ris ed anîd attend- ccl Io Ilic patiet xxhîlc fitrel icîsicis \\iiiked liii abot ait hîutît oi disas- semtble anid eut tc cittveyo ii eli apail iii lice tlic niait. l'le s ctini xx as traitsptd iii lîtspital xx it sertious leg itnjtries. The Otario Minisîry of Labîtur is îîîvesîîgaîîîîg the incident. x.îuestiî ii litrîiti Jaitîai y 9 ai 7 1).1t. h1,i1 bc liotf cd by the Halion Hilîs agrîcultural communiiy ai Humnes Auciion Farm, 9313 Fourth Line. Questions relaied to agriculture food and rural issues cati be sent to kurtis@ýfarmstart.ca tir dropped otff ai Anîdrews' Scenie Acres. One day lefi for Christmas fund There's still lune to help out, Milton. With just one day lefi to contribute, donations for The Champion's Christmnas Bureau Fund were ait $21,293 yesterday aftemnoon. The fund was originally sette, wrap up ls week, bowever il bas been extended until tomorrow St 5 p.m. in a last ditch effort to reach tie $25,000 goal. The move is possible because the money collected is actually used thse following year. The Salvation Anny fundraiser helpo ensure that aI local faunilies enjoy a nice holiday, complete wîth aIl thse trinmmingu like toys for the kida and Christmuas dinner. To contribute, pleas make cheques payable to thse Cbssm Bureau Fund and drop tbem off at The Chamnpion, 875 Main St. E. v SMOKIN what's Uic offered a cigarette or be templed to smoke. Before you start, lhink about if: every drag you take ucrewn Up your body. Smoking cao cause permanent damage 10 your body. Once a peron nIants, il becomen exlremely tnugh 10 quit. And did we mention aIl thal cash youlIl be blnwing in the proceso? Su, if gou're tempted lu utant, ask yuursell, "What's lte point?" This message brought lu you by. Qaabian Cbtampion We beieve... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. PLEASE GIVE905-875-1022

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