Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2005, p. 25

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The Ganadîan Champion, Thuraday December 29, 2005 - 25 Articles 1141111 agrIl ni 11CmrTani Generat Hetp Gainerat enofce Ipl 9*& Ofic Heiniie Teacltn FABULOUS vliîdup sale' No GSTî Custonm air sais mn:m $19.05, senior discounts' Fields Furnîture and Fabrîca, Bum O9pm, 905632- 9090 FANTA5TIC Sale! New Year ta break evenli Custom upholoterîso avis ans maichîng chairs No DOT or PST! iWe pap the taxes) O la's irom $788 Accent chairs lrvm $249. D/R seais from $019.9h each. Fields Furnîlure asid Palrin Oam-Opm 900032- 9090 FREE Estiiîainu Gsi obtîip chairs, tired lvokîng wvod iinishes? Fields Custom meed Refinîubîng ssnd Furni- isie Repaira. 9-9.905- 632-Boas Hat Tub (Spa) Covers Boul Price, Bout Osai- upy Ail Ohapes & Col- ours. CuIt i-866-585- 0056 owo thenover- guposa UN rtclsWanted Wunied- Ail China. Sîl- ver, Crpsiai, Tes Csps, Ropal Douiton, Ooarav- ski, Glass, Jeweiierp. oid tops. coliectîbies. estates. CuIt John/ Tracy 95331-2477 JACK Russell Terrier puppies. JRTCC Regîs- iered kennel. Fnîendip, las lovîng, Shois nom- pieied. 7 oeeks oid 905-689-6917 1998 Ounlîre 4-dovr new sno tires. govd condition. $3,850. Cuit Donna 905-873-2440 or 905-877-6757 1 otlRearnt Arnold's Sports Bar NOW HIRING BAR STAFF SERVERS Apply in peixon at 485 Mordes Rd. Oasville or emaîl pour reaume bo arnold@ ainoldaxportabar ca luo Hei Aduls No-Pitc comuni www. thecentre.on. ca '1> he Centre SklsDevelopzneni & Training The MIlion Cavadian Champion Circulation Deparament Requires PART-TIME STAFF Applicanis must. *Be able Io work some evenings Wvrk well with minimal supemvision *Have own vehîcle and valid driver license Be willing iv do iteliveries -Be a quick Learner S e very retiable and responsîble *Be willing lv wvrk closely wih our yvurir carrier force Have a prviessîvna phvne manvor *Be comivriabie wih cvmpurers & vilice eqoîpmeni Please send your resume ami avaitability schedule toi: Cheryl Babmneau e-mail: cbabineau@mittoncanadianchampion.com Fax: (905) 878-4057 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE OAKVILLE Est Distributor RECEl VER / SHIPPER Must be eaperîenced ut onder pîckîng and usîng a foîk lBft Dalles include stock maintenance, packaging, iabeiing and ail anound warehouse fonictions. Lvokîng fon a mature team player that os esergetîc and ambitioua. Saiary commensurate with experience. Heaith benetîts. Fax reSU me to: 905-844-9401 FREE TRAINING Laidlaw is Iookîng for RETIREES and HOMEMAKERS Tv loin sur GREAT TEAM of Schooi Bas Grisera 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 MakeIyougtods Of Fun *N. à part-dm ninoe? We off& freleeop"eh truining and conptlovewae In a posltlvamdsuppolfttve evomen DRIVERS TehialHl OSive new truckas OB throughout the U.S. & J B refurs with fOw trucka AVAILABLE ' CANA[ from U.S. plants Production warh i n the MILTON ares. a currentlp seekîr oeprosided nîg hl $1 2-$13/hi. foîîowinî Ns cs Ail ahifts assîlabie *Genera famuiy medicai HCR * Parts Frequent flyei miles Fax: 905-876-4090 vi ExpeiOi Mast hase AZ licenise Tel: 905-876-4661 1 w/OTR T/T osp 310 Maie St. E. Please cont o ne* o* o Ste. 205, Miltten 905-878-2349 @905- K EaonSpa elp Salon & *Haïr stylists *,Aesthetician eSalon Attendants Cail Shawn 647-286-0541 "J._ JumD start vcUt cinreer, read ûur career sectictif Ct#fliio This fll lime position reqoîros sirorg cvmputer akîlla in Word and Excel, seceptiona arganîzation- ai and communication akilis. The saitable candi- date will also have a minimum af 10 pears ac- caustîng esperienice îniciadîng accoansa payable, puprail, accouais receivabe, bank reconcilîstion and tournal entries. A 4th level CGA or CMA wsaid be an assel. Ptease fax resurne tai: 905-338-1909 or emait toi: kftieger@ngi.ca 7fL »ýHOF" as grvwing again wit an sialcaddt ilhave s11055 campaier skîlla, aminimum of 5-10 peurs bîllîng esperience, ho de- tail oriented, have accounting experience, have a godaptitude for figures and he able toi moiti iask as pari ai a team rn a hus evîroomen. Josas ex- perienice waoid he an asset, Ptease tortilard your reaumne tei: Fax: 905-338-1909 emait: kflieger@ngi.ca i io:vosorieiy reqoirvo a Grde 6 Teacher ai the Gukoîlle Elemontary Campus. Rathergien ou warm and vibrant leuring commu- siloy praoîdîng s quaity Montessori and Elemeniuary educatian la atudenia frsm Preachool luge 3) 10 Grade 8. TPe fuli-tîme position, atariing Janoarp 2006, wl be lai a aie manth ierm, oîlh the psibiity ofire- newasin1 September. The auccesfoul candidate ouil poaseas relevant ieachng qualifications. Ap- plîcunts shsoid have claaaroom Boperience, dem- onoiruied leadership ahilla, enihsam and excel- sen1 communicaionsaund reiatioshp building akîlia. Pieuse emuil nover IBOoer and resume to0 Launa Cramb, Head et Scineel Rathergton Scheat 2050 Neyagawa Bled. Oakvitte, Ontario L6H 6R2 Emait: lcrarnb@rethergten.com Ne phono calta, pleane. We thank ail candidates, however, enly these - i Sae ep 1Sales Help ~ Salsep Salesile get & Agents I EI.T SAE *OITION eH OMUE Ua ngnee omes aru -1--a osr in caasmon hsmeboîidîng for hameoners throsghsut Sasihoîn Oiarîs. This as pour chance foi an attractive beneftî plan, high-leoe commission incame and the apporiusity iv loin a rapidp and succesafal companp. Gui new location in 1ho Grimsby aiea ha immedîste apeningo for the foliswîng positions, Evenîngo & weekend work re- quîred New Home Sales Consultant If0 youn at Bain esceptiana commission mnce seiiing custom homes, have proven sales reauia, sme cnstrucion knawiedge and are asoeilf- motîvsied ieam pluper posseasîng superior nom- municution akîlla wîih a greai satitde. pieuse ap- pip. Sales Receptionist Applîcanis masi have nomputer akîlla, ho orgu- nîzed, hase excellent attenion t0 delaîl and ho able la work in a fast paced envirosmeni. Eves- ingsaund wsekenda requîred. Please send resume by fax Or emal la: Gnly aelecied candidates ouil bo csntucied. Gaaliiy Ergîneered Homes IIId c/s Humas Resourcea Q Fus: 519-323-3097 Emal: hr@quuiîiphomes.sn c Webs eý wwo.quaiiyhomea.cu BURLINGTON Company roquines: BILINGUAL INSIDE SALES!1 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Faut paoed office. Muat be computer lîterate wih3 yeare inade sales espenience. Promnote prodact fine ta new & exsing ceetomers, quoting, forecaet- îng, aider taking, production & abipping monitorng. 6 month contract - leadu ta fulitime. Ta apply eend reaume in word format to: hr5320d@yaboo.com or Box 2083, c/s The Post 5040 Mainoay Dr, Und 1, Burixgton ON L7L 7G5 GREENLAWN NOW HIRING *BURLINGTON* TELESALES REPRESENTATIVES Full Tîme and Part Tîme Esperience an asset bat nat essentia Paid Training Must hase gasd command af Esgliah Please call aur hiring hotline 905-634-5154 or ernail afmench@greenlawncare.com pcontente@greenlawncare.cern SULTANTSISALES BURLINGTON HAVE YOU CALLED JENNY YET? Jain the Jenny Craîg Teamn Today! Sales or Castomrer Service Exp. & AbiIity ta Wark semae NîghtsNleekends Pad TraininglCeficabon & more great benefits. ,Advancemnent eppertunitîes. For an immiediate interview cali: 1-888-848III-9675 or Apply online www.jennyeraig.greatlob.net If you were a special someone born in 2005 (or Dec. '04) and your birth onnouncement oppeared in The Conadian Champion, GET YOUR PARENTS OR GRANDPARENTS, TO DROP OFF OR EMAIL AN UPDATED PICTURE BY JANUARY 6TH FOR OUR Pleas include cIl namne, bisthday & contact numbes-. For mor infonmtion pase contacL.. ~axaaax C 875 Main Stret East 1~mPIon905-878-2341 c1assffied@miltoncanaianchampion.com IAN TIRE MILTON g9 applicanta for the gpositions: il Manager Manager ce required. ect Jennifer @ ext/f 141 or fax: 878-0180 A PPIR IICENSED MECHANIC masted for busp troch & truiler shop iv Milton. Minimum 5 heurs experience. Competîtve wuges & benefîts. Oieudp dapu. Cak 905-878-0900 or Fao: 9105-878-3520 i

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