Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2005, p. 24

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24 - The Canadran Champion, Thursday December 29, 2005 a ro lir i Index: Real Estate 100-135 le Business 140-169 il Rentais 170-196 là Leisure 200-239 le Community 240-299 ~ Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassitied@miItoncanadianchamipion.com le Merchandise 300-385 et Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57 Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ait ciassified ads also appear on wwwhaftonsearch.com: * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION caîl: 905-878-5947 Av sobcrissîun by caril or iv person TSe Casadran Champion, 875 MaryI St. E, Milton, ON L9T 3Z3 Deadlines: Mon. il arn, toi Tues. publicaion, Thurs, il a., cfot Fît, publivaion. Speciol Feature & Holiday deadîrves cay vary. Payment: Wr accepi cash. cheque, oInerav, Visa, MasterCard, Acerîvan Express. AIl ado placed are non-retandabte and ns credit wilt hol insued, Business accoosis vas Se vpeoud criS an appruved crdea appicatios variabn truct yuur Sales Consultant. CHECI YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY Il RUNS iv ensore She inforcation i correct, Cotact your Sales Cosultant cîthîn 2-Hours il do errur appears. An errol in a Fi pubicvation must 11e reporird vu ltler ihas Mvn. .11 a.c a Fiats For Rent Djjj j trhos N . BIRTHDAY Hlappy ZGt Pirthday Lue Mnt Pa 9 Keiniie Aunette Joyce, Batice Jus, tira Jnhr.ma E ramdmoa Mahie sàe M Aaiments& HossFor S al e _ Fiaas For Rent SELLIERS Fîsd Oui What The GLEN EDEN Hume Doun The COURT Street Suta Fut. APARTMENTS Visit viww 122 Brante Street haltonhomesînto.com Suih. Mittos We are suc tgg, acveptîng Ez ~applicatios for: $0.0o DOWNPAY- MENT Reqorrea lot -i bdrm 193% tînancina. Bad For cote information crdea, seit empivyed, and/or lv cake an no provi of invume -uo iv 18t innio apporicent, 100% finacina Pleane Catît Caii Dave 905-864- 905-878-5375 4561. Building Managers A Syr@4.85%/. Aiso eyý Leonard & Penny 0110 cvyyage prvyracs regaraiess of invoce or MILTON 2-bdrm alpt 2 credrit Cvii Nvrm ai baihrovcs/sauva/large 905-844-1245 vr visit lrvrnyrvvm/dînng- us ai ccc srnvlirrock- roocro appîranves/nec bursvc v a r A Job ait Home pets/ 511 75/mth/avai 1 , able Feb lti Conrad S493.97 ceello Mari 905-876-5581 or 905- cvrh or computer curk. 693-0780. G'o lu: ccc ANecHom- eJob com or crute for Fiee cletaris ai 3-il ACTON Apailcents. BELLEROSE DR. Sotte 1& 2-bearocs avait- #122 ST ALBERT, AB able Jasuary & Febru- T8N 5C9 ary lsti Frage & stove. iauvdry tavlirtres No 409v 519_853 4374. Aaimns& Open 7 dooys/ceek. MM FasFor Rent Sace day appval. DOWNTOWN MILTON ccc reaistar.va Milîside Towers 82 Milîside Drive. ACTON 2-bearovc Attractive goret huila- apartment. yrovnd lev- ing. Spacous brryht el, $675icvnth plus. t dlean 1&12 bedrooc bedroc. 5500/montS unris cr15 îaonary plus utîlitres. Cvii 019- lavrirty ana 853-5080 or 519 853- social ruom on site. 5352 Regular resraeni evenss ACTON 2-bedruum Open 7 dayn aparimeni, grouos 1ýev- & eneningn el, $675/mosth pus. Caîl 905-876-1249 Cati 519-853 15080 or wmw.realstar.ca 519-853-5352. CTNencuiosve onxu-' ry building. 1,200 sqg9t 2-bedrvvc surite. Appi onces, iaosdry ana sivraye iocker St 200, monts Cati Mîe 18891614 BRIGHT 2-Sdrm base- ment api . close iv dotocn Milton, 5-appi $800/ miS uil ires. Avaîlable immedi- atelo 905-691-0994 GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1 2 & i Sedrvoms Checkr oui ceS vite tscc haltovhriivrev tais cvm MILTON 7 barm base menti api. gas firepir e vire vlirities incl nov- vrr'ken parking lvi ove, S904 mlii avartabie Feb t 0b 905-076- 3113 MILTON, vear dcln- 10cr, large bacheivi dpi very quiet location. vo perssmoking, unit- rires inctudea. $625 miSh 416-666-1 8758, RENTALS 2 ana 3-bedroc sottes n Acion. prîvate yard. staring ai $850/montS... Ontachea hvuue for rent in Georgetocn, ta- orne ltt great sergh bovîhood. $1.800! monts. Cvii Elizabeth Doeli, Johnson Asso- claies Reaitor 905-877- 5165. MM FurRent~ GEORGETOWN 3- banc upper flvon of bo u se l 1i v i ng rnovomc dlv ni nyg rvoc kîtchen/3pc bath/triage/Siove/cv sbermdryen CA, Avarit aSie iccediaeo. Ai- rer 6pc cati 905- 693-0780 MILTON 3-bdrc bon- gaive avariabte Ja n t/06, ShlSOimiS +~ uii ires. Appt. rvvivded, please cvii Jvdy @ 905-875-4802. MILTON top iloor vi 3- bdrc bongvoc in- cludes appt /2 parking spots/basic cabie/ avariabie Jas lst/$11OOmth + il ites/cati 905-691-1341. fl o'i nhoses" MILTON. 3-bednovc Ivenhouse, rnctudîng applianves. firoshed rev roc, garage. $t25Olmusih notit- lieu. 905-876-4499 MILTON iucshvuse. 2 miný lv 401, 1900 sq. hl. $lSOOlmth n. Cati 905- 854-0888. SOUTH - Glen & Tracey (nee Poloni) are thrilied to announce the early arrivai of rheir dauybier, Jenniter Reagan weiyhrny 5 15v 12 oz ai Milton Drstrict Hospital on iJecember i 9th 2005 Jennifer is weicomed vy grandiparenis, Don & Loreen Southt and Dynamno & Marg Pvoo ni and by 9meai-gianadparenis, lio and Anti- nette Pvloni We cvviii iîke io ete a ibanli you iv the r vain of nurses and docivis ai Milton District Hovsprital wbv dîd an eocellent io oft er- svrîny the healib ofi bvih baby and mvm wiih a specia lh vv yu tvo Di M Ralasinyham for her cvninvoîl care Roum nr a yl Da line h ThuyEv en 2fr Dxn Dy edi s t. Paui'gEv s Crch Eent A0 Nk 10OOprcul Cal Z &i (90)38-38 MANCIN(95)88-60 W -Bai Hockey -Birthdlay Parties *Beach Voiieybail Team parties *BaÈng Cages *Schooi Classes *Dodge Bail *Hourly Rentais * Leagues * Sports Bar MAINWA SPRS. -0 I3582 Ililson, John (Jack) Pasved away ai the Miton District Hospital vn Frîday, Devember 23îd 20115 in bis 8615 year. Jack Hivvn, beioved hushand vi the laie Isabel Hîlvvn. Lovny laiber ni Bdarbara, Joanne, Ca- thy and ber busband Jîm, Anne and her hous band Rvn.- John and bis wîte Joan, Robert and bis wmie Marilyn, Douy and bis crie Brenda, Jîm and bis rife Teresa and Janîce and her huis band John. Sadly mîssed by hîs many yrand- cbililrev and yreai yrandvhildren. Sorvived by bis bîviber and viviers Beatiîe, Elva, Doris, Lloyd. Gloria and Jvne. Predeceased by a son David, vîvîber Marshali and vivier Anîrie. Famîly ana fienas vîvîied ai rire McKersîe-Kocber Fu- veral Home 114 Main Si Milton 905-878-4452 on Mvvday and Tvesday The virerai service was bvld in the uneral Home Cbapel on Wedvesday Deveober 28t5 2005 Inferment iolioced ai Dmayh Prevbyieriar Chvrch Corne iery Inlie eof vilocers, memoria donations iv Omnaqi Presbyleri vo Cbvrib Milton Divtinci Hospyital Foundation or tire Dakille Trafalgar Mernoriat Hieprita F .vndatIi.n wituld Se appre cîaied. Leiters oi Condolenve may be leh for the lamly ai cwc mclrervin kocher.va "Togethei Again" Wood, Margaret Pavsed acay ai ber borne in Milton on Satur- day, Deceinher 241b 2005 cir ber iamîly by ber vide. Maryare Wovd, helovea wîie vi the tle James Wood. Lovy mother oi Peler Wood, Douglas Wood, Steven and bis wîie Dranne Wood and David ana hSm cite Sosan Wood, Sadiy mîssea by her granachrîdren Pvtnck and Meayan, Rachel, Aaron, Margaret, Mary, Thym- as. Robert Kathleen. Sarah, Karîssa and Ni- vole. Sumîived by ber brother in lac Ray Olan. stece Rose Mary Ryan and nephec Don Olas. Predeveasnd by hnr Sîit Blanche Scan, nîecn Helen Swan ana nephews Alan Scan and James Otan. A pîroate tamîlo interment cii taIre place ai Miltn Evergrees Cemeiery. As ea- pressions oi sympathy, memorral dnnations iv the Milton Dirict Hospital Foundatin cvuld 11e apprecratea, Arrangements entrusted iv the McKersîe-Kocher Funeral Home 114 Main Si. Milton 905-878-4452. Letters oi Condolence may 11e iilttftr1the tamîly ai ccc mvkersîe- rocher va Frank William Thomson Wîth deep sadnesv the iamîiy announves the passngofv Frank William Thomson on Toesday Devember 27th, 2005 ai Dakoîlle Trafalgar Me- morral Hospital, aye 70 years. Belove bais- bava vi Marilyn Thomson, lvny taiher vi Ross, Todd and Craîy. ana parners Jennîter, Tammy ana Suzanne, prova granapa oi Keith. brothler of Rachel ole Sacîuel Hamilton). David (Mary), aria Bob (Barbara) Thomson. He cii 11e sadly mîssea by bis vieces. vepbecs, cousins ana many dear tiîns. We love yvu deary, "te- memberîny the yood limes ana lavyhier ioyeth- et". Fot visitations ana lovera arrangements please cali Mvbersie-Kvvber Funeral Home Mîlton .. 905-878-4452. Flocers cecome, il ce- srred. donations can be made iv Lion's Camp Dorset (Dîiysrs). Knox Preshyteran ChoieS, HevOt ana Siroke Fovndcatîon or Canadran Can- ver Society. Borsatto, Elda Passea acay peaveioliy ai ber home svrrovnded by ber iamrly on Wednesday, December 2815 2005. Elda Borsatto belovea crie vi Romen. Looîny motS- et vi Mary. Sadly mîssea by ber viviers Orna Broya, ima, Lîndla and ber brother Piero. Famly ana fienas are învied Io vîsît ai the McKERSIE- KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main SI. Milton 905-878-4452 trom 2-4 pin ana 7-9 pin on Frîday. Vigil Prayers ciii be ptoyea ai the lysera home on Frîaay ai 8:30 pm. The Mass vi Chrisian Boiai ciii 11e celebîated ai Hviy Rvsary Cathviv Chvrch 129 Martin St. Mton on Satarday December 3tst 2005 ai 10:00am. Inierment toivolloc at Milton Everyreen Cemeiery In lies vi ilocers memorral donations lv th1e Canadaa Canver Society or Breasi Canver Research conta Se apprecratea. Letters vi Condolenve cay 11e leh toi the lamîly ai mmc mckersie-livcher.va KEILTY: Paul Soavienlo ait Milton Distri Hospital von Tvesay, Devember 27, 2005 ai the age of 56. Beloved son vi Jean and the laie Andrec Keilty vi Milt ton. Sumîivea by bis brother John and bis crie Noni of Kingston, viviers Anne ana ber bonhana Jîm Isaav of Milton ana Deannie ana ber bus- bava Bob Sargent vi Milton. Frienas cii 11e te- vervea ai the J. Scott Earlo Fusera Home, 21 James St., Milton, 905-878-2669 vrt Thursaay, Devember 291h1 irom 2-4 & 7-9 PMý Vigil Prayers cr11 11e prayed ai 8 30 PM, A Mass vi Chrisian Botta cr11 ne velebratea on Frîiay, Devember 301h ai 10 AM troc Holy Rvsary Carhviv Churvb. 139 Martin Street., Milton. In lieu oi ilocers, donaions iv the Hearl & Stroke Foondaton coold 11e apprevratea by the lamly. mm neMmoam 0j 3I ~~Memoam JI) dadA ]01IIV IRNIL "i luitLi, itititîttil Mi.. teir Iali, iii1hi as tînt n [crni h% Nr oi ' iiich ui la tviiian ivind c, 1 mirs tOr laugorer asd the tiyrihaîrvî ot e l'r.itithe beaunof ni arure. 1is ttthit goiifpinrtln ofi'irr Soiritmc't1 idrmars if tihe thinst thai mighr havn bers. rike ceddisg belir and babrer. brrr i knvc rivai ciii neyer bre. No tino miii oser knoc chat rt measi for meto trie Yeu. in ksocrng that one day c viii bcrîîgerver agaîs. Lirreyau alwayn Sadly miseal dry brnrhers 5/rawn ri &Sott MILTON 3-BEDROOM tueshouse lvi test, nec carpet & paint. appt . close Io ait amen- rires. Si25Olcvsthv utrirtres. 416-578-5030 OAKVILLE- 3-hea- room tocnhouses avait- able iccedatelo through Javvary 1. 4 appiances Hupedale Mai aiea. Lakesbore Management 905-876- 3336 HOME dayvane regîs- tered. 2 E.C.E carego- ens. beaithy tuvcbes snacks/so- vrailoioong/clean/non- smoking enoîroncent. 6ctho-4yns. Reter- evvesoupovreoest, 15 yrs exp Colt Sarah 905-864-1263. A King Piivciop Mat- iress Sel. Nec in plas- lic. Cosi $1600. oel lui $450. 905-567-9459. A drnrsg rocm cherry- cod double pedtesta table. 8 chairs, buffet, hintvh, dovetivl con- struction. Nec stîlli n boxes. Cosi $11000. Sacrifice $2600, 905- 567-9459. BED, Amaorsy bargan, 90ev vnthopedrc pîl- ioctvp se. nec in plvs- tic, carrvntp $250 905- 567-4042 wrii deiven. BEDROOM Cherry- coud, Bed. chesi. dresser, ihstanas. Dov-v- Cosstructov. Neoer opesea Cosi $8.000ý Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 CARPET i have sever- a 1,000 yards. vi nec Staîncaster & 100%ý vyloncarpet Wri do liv- rngrooc & bail ion $389ý Inviodes carpet, padi & installation 130 yards) Steve, 905-633- 8192 GRAVELY combo trac- tvr/ssoc biucerîgîvss coller $850.OS Asr toi Nicr 905-878-6227. "dock

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