Al18 - The Canadian Champion, Thursday, December 29, 2005 CH- to take part in energy use reduction program By STEPHANIE THIESSEN jîtitît forces 10 help hiver cniergy consoimption dîtrite peak periods. At a recent tuieetiiîn, of Conservation Halins (CI-) Conservation Areas/Commnuty Relations Adi isory Comnîjuc. an ittonmai ion report w as filecl that outlined a niew pio *(cCI beiitg initiateci ai CH facilînies witb fice betp of Milioti Hydro Disîtribution lic. "It's a tîtodel for corporations and citizens to emibranice." said comntittee rnernibe aitd Miltoni couticillor Brian Peini %w bits also oiifthc hydro commuission. The projeci is double pronged. The tinst ititia- tive. called the Energy Drill Program. ivill be 111 '11 ý,ý0 j1,ý h ý C 1 d ,', , 1 clm itlttoi i[à [c, l's \iatxi Mr. Keitb sait tie caîls a wtt -iît pro tirant fi encourages stftoh redîice eîtergy -hy actions sucli as shutting, oit air condîttonîîîg antd tLirting oui lighîs -dnrittg pi'ak cotîsurrpioît periîtds, or "tintes of' higbi w bolesale electicîty moarket prices." says the report. In returi, CH ili receive irtîni the indepetd- eni electricity systitî operaitîr ait amout eqLial tii the wholesale coi tif electrîciîy for each bîtur of patcipatitîn inti le prograti., the repot staies. The prityratu ivill lp reduce Cils cost of' uîperatiotis as w et as miodel iii the cottîiuity igOOd siew ardship ofit te eitviriîiimeiîi, il says. A Partnership Letter ot Intent bas been signed li ittti-Ii 111(klop.,îîi Ciiil , a d al u l'y iirsîal' ill bc appîîinîed ai ecdi tacility. "Oti days w heîe tbere are reliabiliîy issues tor tbe powr systern atîd eivironmnent issues. we îîtîplenîeîîî tbe prograni antd cii ordittate itî tber deitxtnd-respîutîse prograins acruîss the proivince,"I said Donî l'borîne, presîdetît atîd chief executive otticer of Milton Hydro. "Tbey (CH) are a leader iii coînservatioîn in tbe cuurnmnty, so it's a tiatural partnership witb us." Report cards ivill be îssued to mneasure the effectiveies ot the programn. In the secontd part out tbe partnersbip. a Strategic Energy Assessment wýill be develuîped iii belp CH counserve etîergy over tbe long-ierm, tiu tor Il aîndl Milton t-ydit. "Suuncutimc's flic tiing is jîîsi pertect,«' Mr. Keiîh said. "And wîtlî tbe future challenges in energy, ive sbould be leadîîîg tbe way. That's wbat we're tt'ying tri dio." 'The Energy Drill Priugramn ias ortginally împlemented as a piloît project at tbe Miltuon Leisure Centre and Robert Baldwitn Public Scbiîol, Mr. 'Morne said. Souin the Milton Public Ltbrary will also par- ticipate. Sîepltiîtî' T!tteu î' caiti be i eached (if sthiu'soe'iî@niiltonr-eîncdieîiîehrtmpion.'on. YOURIR6ION&L REAL E$TAIE MÀ'-E I 's worth a look. lotk up atd seeth1e plaster work 001the ce iiogs, It's worth a lotk tver the finished basement with ils Rtc Rtom atd Sewitg Rotm/Office, Il's worlh givitg me a cati 10 Itok this one tver. Modestly priced aI only $289,200. For more information, please ask for me, Stewart Haddon. MLS #1069877 ) withflusoo'to'ceiîn har th Bck wîtb woodeduring w M 1stove, 4 Pc washroom & extra bedroom. Gas CENTRE furnace less than 5 years nid. This 4 bedroom home stili has the original owner It has 2 slidîng glass doors leading out to pristine back fenced backyard. Eat-in kitchen interlocking brick patio, main floor family room. This is a must to see. This home is your Chance to live free. It could have suifficient rent to pay the mortgage. This 1913 home sits on 1/2 acre with tons of space. For further information contact Jack McCrudden 905-878-7777. $274,900. Tipaeapasith M itnCa po i rclto 1 ,0)Th ne n t& Free Pres (crulto 25,65 and Ok il a (cruaio 27,00) Fo bi ng infrain calDan ostno a 90-7-31et 1*re aldae @ itnaainhm incm STEWART HADD ý_ý 7 - _'J 05-8 8810 ROYAL LEPAR Mud-- Reùty, B.L, -1-1 - - _-1 Stunning corner unit just steps from com- munity centre and future park. This Cape Cod style home wîîh wrap around porcb is over 2000 sq. bt. 4-+1 bedroom wtth bardwood un main level. Master bedroomn bas ensuite witb noaker tub and double sinku. Caîl Amy & Darry for more information. $332,900. ý ROYAL LiPAGE