A16-The Canadian Chamnion Thiiîjii flannPmhor 9CI 9rlhir There was both agony and ecstasy for local teams this past year. At leIt, Marauder Jeft Keane kneels in dejection tollowing the winning touchdown in Milton's NFC titie Ioss to Tri-City. Above, the Senior Red Sox show off the OBA 'B' championship trophy. Below, Jamie Pedra (lefi) and Marcas Gray celebrate a touchdown en route to Bishop Reding's Halton 1-AA titie victory. YEAR'S TOP SPORTS MOMENTS Il %as another setîsational year for athletes in Milton -one of' the bLsi sports tovlns in Ontario. Local teanîs and indis iduals shone ihroughout the re'gion. prov ince. country and esen the svorld. Here are the top 20) spiirting, mooments (in order that thcy occurredî front 2005 ni Militon. svith apologies to those who earrncd distinction but o ere not included. Local horsemen delis crcd a one- ts o punchb at Stindardibredl Catiastas O'Brien A\o ards banstuet. a s Luc Oueliette anîd Jo e Stutzrnan o alkcd ao ai o aift natitonal Limser and liaini tof, the ycar hiiîiîurs. Rc csiablishilI2 herse!! li the- pouul afiril a onme\ bai sub-par streich, Unis ersýity oif' lutiturto',s Jennifer Porenta cariied a (,ld- Gar miedal ssseep ai the OUA chiampi- oiiships. She hitîbliîîicd licr effîos o îîth reciîrd-breaikiiie- so is nr the I(X1) anid 21111m free style iii booîk- enîd a six- ti pro\t îîcîal camipatîtit. A rejuseîîaîcd Gary Ferrier became E.C. Drury's firsi îwo-lime OFSAA wrestlîng champ. capping bis Lotld-medal un o% iti a \vin tiser pres îîusly nnbeaîeîî Kyle Bersb.înîsky tif Sarntia. His îriuîoph led the Spartans iii all-ariid sil- Ev ver f l'ir a recoîrd -break inig eîgbtb li straic'ht teamt medal at the proîvincial shoocase. Cuîîîributîng bîîih facetuf f aitd delîts i ve prîîsess, Nicole Gooding helped tfie Wilfrid Laurier Golîden lHawks beai the seeiigly utistppable Alberta Pandais 4- - svhi'd.svîîî 110) ciinsecntivc g-atues tior the fIS otuoi's hoickey ritle. Seveîîîy-fîtur -year uîld Ed Whillock ontce agaîn became the wvtrld's îînly septuagenarian (70 and up) t lumn a marathon in under three hours - doing so for tbe third in 2:58.403 during a special chiallen-e race againtis Buuttnait iîîip Rîttet li Rîtiierdaii NcilicrIlaid. Niatt O'Nleara o as, di alied ifîiid us c-ill lus tîte Saskatcfueo an Roitebidsens li the C1, I trs 1)natt. Tfic selectîi l iltoc ait iiilnssise utît versitv c.treer t'iri th e tilfitetisis e liîicniati. o ho StoI tit lrec stratuilit Ya ics (lips (Pîro\ iticial shiiiiistp o ilti McNlaster D)an Ruogers anid Roi) Sgarhossa licltîed ice GeC cirecto i Riiidci' kit'osk off st, Milihacîs 3- ~~ trii lc ,\ll- t Icoý ili (ul) ltti.il anid bîîîk pa.ssaige to t yFerrier natioal Rtiyal Batik (UP ii W e y b LI r Il stskttc lieo wait L'Cd by a s-oa.18 assisi playoif f caiiiîaign by Scott Bertoli, the LUI-L Trenîtton Titans visi their fîrst Kelly Cup lîunctuaiig their tîtle mît wiih a six eaîoe decisitin tiser the I li icftverblacles. whob are cii uts td anîd iiiatiaged by ~ Stojko itatît e Milttîiiait Craîg Brush. Lttii.ttiic stfballer Neil 'I-cague bclted hîs 'a ay uîîîî ithe Canacliat aIllstar teaiti ai the pres- ti2itiss Yvoin 'Pif' Depatie lItxitatiiital -ihe largesi stfall tiuritliîeit in Noth Aiterica - ii l'leuritiitii. Qnebec. Be eartted lic selecititit xx ,ih a 7 tii-9 plate performaniiîce ifirtughi ite fis îhree garnies tifthe intiernaitional ,hoiittccase. I-arry Barnes adcfed Ioi his seeîoiigly eîîcless cbaînpioîsbip coîllectioîn wtîh firstplace boit- oîurs in his age grîîup ai the Wîîrld Masters Triathlon Championships in Edmonton. He lopped the 55-59 year old men's division by tisai-I its îîîîî Stucie I\ititu Erick and Erits ()Iazahal ltcllîed 'Icatit 011uaio il tiîci14 ssîuad capture ntationtal îî,olc lii I nus Rus ici-es. Quebess it titis: tIltctiiig tlîc gaitie-tsitiig gotaI li a 2-0f cliaiipititsfîip shL]itiîii anid Lrîck keepint fBritisht ('iilîtItI IIIK er ait bay ni icte\\ isait iu tt fite teni ilakiil t ritie litt Mark Burger titi (i ctcitt il ptiner Mai cis IaLaiî tatticîd - ilie se ci a ( tkîti Ti aisRtiskies Leneu ('faIllengte cîîîîsidfcîed ithe plaIetC '1; uLIi - hlaie tItouitaii biktttg eitdeats tMtr. Nit i ly Ed Wfhif sfid ithe lîrsi- tîniers, coin-iI plete a raIce \th a f aîîly ho sîîccess iraie aiiiotiis i tutkies,. but tfîey iteat y c'racked tirte top fiaIt f i the elitc ceti s Thte Miltumn Narauders' - lîtîtes tir ait N F( schamionîiti teticat anid tettrtn ii tothe naitittals %tere luixe(] tsfîei tley Scott Bt Ioti a 13-9 decisititio tiiile LIpsiart Tri-Ciiy fllatsý S iii tle leagUe finals. Ttîe fteatibt-eakii fi ss sîltuled a perfèeci seasitoii flie loical ,ridiriion warrîiots. Witfi aIl eleiiîs tif' tiîcî ,anîcfiie . tie Senior Red Sox sntavcd tiff eliiîiiiiîiti fisc siraîLt iunies iii capture lie OBA 'B'* chamtpi- tiisliip. Sutîti tsiiigly citttigli, thiicit le clîîîchlîîîî tt ii o\as the notîs sccîsîse tif' tirie is ekcîîs ss it ait h- I tut otiihe Londoniti Iakestîfe Liztards ceîîîeîîîiîî top lîîîîîîurs tir MViltoni. Up-and-coming teeli golfer Ryan Corbin fiii- isîtes anit îpî'essî s sisîfi toi tif 8)4 top ytintu sitiipetitttrs durn intîiert titioal play in Kytoî, lapait. ile sht rtmnîds tif 74, 74 and 76 iii pîlace top- 1l) titi g tlîe crct of t lî crîtp frontt Chita, Jatîati. Ki iea atît [liailaic. I îially îî atted Elvis Slojko letI a Cead Bua filtigArts Centre tiît svt'if si]- sver lt tradititinal kung f'i soit style fîtîtîts ai tîte Wtirld Kickboxiîîe andî Karate Assosciationt chatmrpi tuisliips ii Niagara l'aIls. Tettiniaies Richard de Bor a antd Nltkc MNITnn placecf titî ansI fîlifi l-ieled by iltiîe tucfdiîtti pîerformîanice by Marcas Gray, Bishop Reding's senior football leam upsiaged TA. Blakeltîck 25- lock 7 liii the l-alitit t -AA title ai lvii , Wynîîe Siadîîîîîî. Reaili.'itte bis dreaîî tif qualify- it, ti the prit tour, Danny King defivered a ta/tir-thîin îne-stnîîke s îciîry ai Titleîsi and Ftîity t ('aitaiai PCuA Club Prof essitinal CIhampitinsfîip ii Fîttrica -tiet- rinîg $1t4,000( aiîd ait autoiiiatic berth ioiitest sutirtier's Bell Canadiati Open ai fHtinilîtit Glîf antd Countitry Club. ertoli... Leigh Armsstrong. playiitiî leauf. ltelped John UtptisOntariou riîîk claii ",()Id ai tlie Catiadiati Mised ii un (iri piinsip ii Whitehortse, Yutkoni. 'flie teainti silus firsi tht ee miarches but oi titi tlctexi 1l0 ii reigit supreiie, Riglit lit t iiîsîlsle tif ithe teais besi seuistui iii rccii y cars. IceBuIts ks lieadlctcictea maaer C eurge D)upont st as suspe ticeu for ithe scuisitt (i icluditîg ilie plutyts) ti \vhai fic CFI-A rstled ais ité putyiig tto o plliyers iii con- travsenttiot liiieir stains lis amateurs. A $12,000) fine againtîs Milîton accimpaiiied the suspensiton, svbîch is under appeal.