Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Dec 2005, p. 12

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Ai 2 - The Canadian Champion, Thursday, December 29, 2005 Traffie and dogs made headlines over past year - from 2005 on page A9 invilitvîn' a hit.bîn trise bcin' Above, Country Monitage Park faced financial uncer- tainty following a decision by the Niagara Escarpment Commission denying tl the right to park cars tram the Toronto Auto Auction during the winter. At lefi, terrier Ringo was credited with saving elderly owner Elizabeth Spinks. Below, traffic congestion on Thompson Road was a major source of frustration for motorists. iliat spaîîned aver 1l0 mîinths. The decision was appealed by local envîronmental groups <'ONE (Cotalition On the Niagara F.scarpinîent) anîd POWER (Prîîtcî Our Water and Envîrîînmeîiî Resources), putting I)ufferin's aîdditioîn out lîîld. TrIaffic congestion on the risc With Miltîîn's îlngîîîlg grîîsth caime related prablents with (rai- fic. due ri nio small pani Io the cliîsitg tof Eterth laine. Ili ,ddt- tti iii caLtSitg svîde-sprcad debate, flhc closure fîurced traffic iltti tearby Thompsiiî Road. caîîsing lengthy mîîmîîîg aîîd evenîng svaits l'or aiea înîtuîrists - vhî iegularty v'iced their fruttsratioins tiser the Towssn ofi M ilion antd Regit ai Flaliti «s failure ta tpfgrttde rottds as fast as des elapers are buildinîg- Nlan's best friend ruakes headlines l)o£,.is madtie tiuir lir sîctre iii its Itis pasi s ear --boiiî rli lt al hiclt sitdpiiiiit anili lio. ILItiate onc. litack Rutssel icriic îsaitî iit î I a i Ille tfile iîîitii it.'LI îIn iia \\ lii ae l se1l ilits tIi f ile ilt tilont týN ill antd Illt.e îtît. ,eeiiig a lii bull bite the hand ai an eîght-year-old hoy -led iii hylaw hearings. NEC ruling met with outrage Sparked by a single complaînt, the Niagara Escarpment Commission (NEC) denied Couuntry H-enitage Park the right lii store vehlicles from the Tarante Auto Auctitîn on ils property dur- îng the winter -samething that had been going on for severat years. The mulîng meant a lîîss of' rîîughly $60,(i0(i of crucial fund- îng for the park and ignited plen- ty ai critîcism against the NEC. CHP is currently appealing the decision. Opposition over development Nîui ail develtîpoctt was sscI t.tînt. iii 2(X)lX. A ctiidîi proiposa] foîr the înrls est coîrner tof Maple As crise and Main Street wss 1 îîîrîed t.lîs î by cîîurîcîl - n the isake oi' mîajoîr oipposition tii Ilte bîd by aiea tesîdeits -sîtile t.tiiceriis is cie ratsed ovs et îiler P itse sbdîs isitils. itclîticiiiuî, t\\i o1 onIlt \\ est endt if il lu il. (ontroNsersy mars schuuul board Il'lie liltîîî lîstiît St.lîîî Btoardt. sîîllcîed iiiitii seiîui sI erîdtess coIlîrilsetI sItis plisi sýeat. \ili tie resîgîîatîîn oii !)î '1 P pLi- il the centre of the lonfger liii the board gîveti icceni policy changes, the former direc- tor of education received a $600,000 severance package that resulted in a flood of criticism. Both new education director Wayne Joudrie and board Chair Paul Tate also came under fire when The Champion's sîster paper, The Burlington Post, ohtained confidential documents related ta legal fees hilled ta the board and an e-mail from Mr. Joudrie ta trustees cautioning them against comment on the matter tai the media. Town Hall design deemed 'too modern' Local residents sent a loud and cîcar message ta the Town that the proposed design for the Town Hall expansion is tooi modemn and doesn't fit intut the neighbour- hatîd. The design teatures a îvo- stiîrey stanie building ss tb many ss tndows. The updated look dis- pleased lîumerîîus resîderîts ai an oîpen bouse. (.oncern raised over tax hike Mîlîîîîîs, 1(9)1 budget pas.sed tit a Iirec per cent tis inctease. IlmllîUlîiîlîe iii ait SX tplii fi fice lis et age uriban litiîeîîss îeî at.l 'i hi lî e tir i-la iiiI eleie ts. l)espite a e,îll Iruîn the Milion llatiepaye s Associaionu ta recati sîcler the budget, tosvi cmLnil i etised to doi so. The New Jetta. Naugmty and Nice., Boxing Week Feature Welt-equipped fo $24,975ý Or leose for $269/monthfý 4.3% APR, $0 irst montbly poyment $0security deposit 48-month lease Best side impact crash performance score lever gîven ta a cor in its class; and more bels and whisties thon we can list. aR IIlph St.iI lAji IDrivers wonted. IVolkswagen a I 203 Guelph Street, Geretw 90.758 gereowv.

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